Sunday 29 December 2013


Well, thank God that's over for another year and we've got the house back. Even though my daughter did the Christmas dinner (and she made an excellent job) it still seemed as if we were running about like blue-arsed flies! And there's the usual stuff: 'It's your dad so you should be looking after him,' after you've run after her relatives for years! There's always at least one argument. So back to normality; even the rabbit looks relieved! I'm obviously maturing into a miserable old bastard.

Sooperally wasn't exactly full of the joys either after his team's display on Boxing Day. Bisto FC got their usual bit of help from the man in the middle. The referee, Andrew Dallas, son of the infamous Hugh, followed in father's footsteps by favouring the Ibrox team. A penalty for an incident that nobody else saw; sounds like his old man's performance in that game in 1999! Even with this penalty and Stranraer down to ten men, as is the norm in Bisto games, Bisto still could not manage a win. Stranraer equalised and the only surprise is that Baby Dallas allowed the goal to stand!

Of course, the whole scheduling of the match was grossly unfair. Normally Bisto's opponents are either coming straight off a shift, playing the day after doing a full shift or taking to the field after a day being dragged to the supermarket, gettting the garden tidied and trying to catch up on those jobs around the house that the wife has been moaning about for months. This time, however, they had a whole day to just sit and relax before the match. Well, maybe they had the stress of in-laws turning up but that's not as physically tiring as doing a day's work. Besides, the Bisto players, for all their riches, would have been in the same boat. So whose bright idea was it to reintroduce Christmas as a holiday in Scotland? After the Reformation Christmas just didn't happen in Scotland; it was a Catholic holiday. So who is responsible for bringing it back? Sooperaly demands transparency!

As the boos reverberated in his ears, Sooperally's answer was to demand money to build up his team in Janurary. What the hell was this clown doing when he was at the AGM? He obviously just heard all the cheers and applause he got and then sat daydreaming. Didn't he hear that the money is running out? Didn't he hear that there's going to have to be cutbacks? The only way he can sign somebody is if he uses his own money. I'm sure just a fraction of Sooper's fat pay packet would pay for a decent striker!

The New Year is going to bring more misery for the Bisto Kids, not to mention the Bisto Board, who are on a hiding to nothing. All the Bisto Kids have been moaning about the waste of money, with top dollar being paid for professional players to beat teams full of teachers and social workers. They've blasted the prodigality of the directors, while, for some strange reason, letting Sooper off the hook. Now, however, they're having a go at him as well, seeing him for what he is: a chequebook manager just like his mentor. The Bisto Kids realise that there are going to have to be swingeing cuts made and they're all in favour of it - for the moment.

Just think what it's going to be like in a few months' time. If Bisto FC unload some of their 'stars' in January, that's if they can find anyone to take them off their hands, then they're going to find it hard to cope, even with dodgy penalties and playing against ten men. How are the Bisto Kids going to react when their team starts to struggle to get over the finishing line? Winning Division 1 might not be the walkover they thought it was going to be. And even if they do win, how are they going to cope in the Championship? The Bisto Kids have been banging on about how they are soon going to be 'back where they belong' challenging Celtic. What happens when they come to the realisation that it's not going to happen? Death threats and dodgy parcels on standby!

It seems like their only hope is that all the shit they think they have on Celtic turns out to be true. They can't get a knight on a white charger to come in and rescue them so they're relying on a bigot riding in on a dinosaur to fling mud at Celtic. More laughs on the way in 2014 I reckon!

Meanwhile they're still blaming Craig Whyte for all their woes. Some idiot had a go at him in a Tesco and got himself thrown out of the supermarket. I still can't understand exactly what it is that they think Whyte did to them. His deal with Ticketus wasn't actually illegal, although his lying to them about his past was. And the PAYE money didn't go into his pocket; it went to hold onto the likes of Jelavic for a little while longer. He reminds me of John DeLorean, resorting to anything to keep his factory in Belfast going. (For those of you too young to remember this guy, Google it; it makes interesting reading!) Whyte was also defrauded by Green and Duff and Phelps; so he was more sinned against than sinner.

The courts have decided that Whyte lied in his dealings with Ticketus and so he owes them £17m. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but if somebody owed me money and paid me with the proceeds of a crime, then that money would be taken back to give to the victim. Why isn't this the case here? Surely the cash should be taken back from Lloyds? And what would happen then? Since the whole deal was fraudulent doesn't the club revert back to David Murray? Then, as part of MIH, a sizable chunk belongs to the tax payer, since Lloyds is state-owned and nearly a third of MIH belongs to Lloyds. Of course, this being Scotland, such a thing would never be allowed to happen. We've all just to go along with the 'same club' nonsense while Craig Whyte is hung out to dry as a convenient scapegoat.

There still seems to be an agenda afoot to make Celtic supporters out to be thugs and hooligans. The debacle over the banners on Boxing Day is a case in point. It gave our media,  the Daily Record especially, an excuse to bang on about Celtic fans letting off fireworks and breaking seats. It seems that no other team's support has ever been involved in anything unsavoury. Even Tam Cowan, while having a go at Celtic and Bisto, has been ordered to mention it. This is particularly ironic, given the behaviour of Motherwell fans at New Douglas Park. This, of course, has been completely forgotten and it's as if it never happened!

Anyway, have a great New Year. All the best to you and yours and here's hoping for a happy and prosperous 2014, with the obvious exception of Bisto FC! And watch out for those dinosaur jockeys!

The Provvy man turns up with the cheque for Ally's signing budget.

Tuesday 24 December 2013


Sorry I've disappeared for a few days. I've got roped into getting things ready for Christmas. Fortunately the threat of relatives turning up has been whittled down to just my dad and my daughter's entertaining us all to Christmas dinner. This'll be the first Christmas ever when I can just sit on my arse and wait for the grub to turn up!

So the AGM, as expected, was 'full of sound and fury signifying nothing.' The Bisto Board was all returned by an overwhelming majority in the face of screaming Bisto Kids, thinking that their couple of shares and cheap, juvenile season books entitle them to have a say in the running of the club. They were sadly disabused of this notion as the suits with the real power voted everybody back in, including Stockbridge and his mobile phone.

The weird thing is that McMurdo, and others, somehow seem to think this was democracy at work! So has Bisto FC now become a Soviet Workers' Collective? Democracy is one-man-one-vote, which you'd be hard-pushed to find in any business. Business, like the armed forces, is one of those places where democracy doesn't work. Can you imagine needing a show of hands every time a decision needed to be made? In reality it's money that holds sway when it comes to business and McMurdo's use of the word democracy is just a desperate attempt to try to equate what happened at Bisto FC with the vote on Scottish independence.

Speaking of desperate attempts, the guy from Belfast, with the Old-Testament-inspired nickname, has got the hordes into a frenzy with his promise that Celtic will be under scrutiny in the new year. Pish! Do they honestly think that anyone is going to take dinosaur jockey Gregory Campbell seriously? The guy is well-known as a bigot and a card-carrying fundamentalist, on a par with Ayatollah Khomeni. He is also known for trying to stir up sectarian hatred.

In 2008, just before an Old Firm derby, this clown tabled a parliamentary motion for a tribute to ex-Rangers player Sam English. English, as you may be aware, was the poor sod whose knee Johnny Thompson dived head-first into and died. My dad worked in the shipyard with Sam English's father and, apparently, English never recovered from what happened that day. No disrespect to the man, however, but he was hardly one of the Rangers' Greats. Why, then, was this idiot looking for tributes? He knew full well what he was doing, hoping that some Celtic fans, ignorant of the truth about Thompson's death, might take umbrage. He really is a vile individual and this is who the Bisto Kids are relying on to close Celtic down!

Not one reputable source has reported on this matter, which speaks volumes about how seriously it's being taken. Bisto websites are full of claims about MPs demanding answers etc. Strangely, there is not one mention of it in Hansard, so exactly who these MPs are demanding answers from is a mystery.

Glasgow City Council, meanwhile, are not taking all this lying down. The instigator of all this tripe has apparently been asked to use the postal service instead of e-mail for future correspondence. He doesn't want to do this, though, more content to work away sleekitly in the background. The fact that he says that he might use the Rangers Supporters Club on the Shankill Rd as a forwarding address is rather telling. All his acolytes, meanwhile, are promising him money from their Giros to retain the services of a solicitor. It'll all end in tears. Blue and orange ones!

Back to the aftermath of the AGM and Auld Pishy has been posted missing. I can't imagine there being a lot of preparations for Christmas chez Leggat. His auld Presbyterian granny would turn in her grave at the mere mention of this Catholic feast day, so he won't have the same excuse as me. So either he's retired to bed with a gallon of Scotsmac or he's committed Hari-Kari with the bread knife. Maybe we'll hear in a few years' time about his mummified remains being discovered.

Meanwhile, as well as hailing the Board's victory, McMurdo castigates the 'Rebels' for not tugging their forelocks and going along with whatever missives emanate from Ibrox. Rebelling, apparently, is not the 'Rangers way.' Unfortunately, many of said 'rebels' decided to do things the 'Rangers way' and send death threats to members of the Bisto Board. The police have become involved and the whole Gravy War looks set to continue well into the new year.

It's a strange situation all this. Anyone with half a brain (you'd probably need the combined efforts of the whole Bisto support for that) can see that from Green's and Duff and Phelps's initial fraud to the shady money men and hedge funds involved now the whole fiasco is all about squeezing as much money as possible from the gullible. Like the Celtic fans that stood up against the Kellys etc, some Bisto supporters are not for taking this lying down. McMurdo and his followers seem to think there is something wrong with this. There isn't. The big problem is their methods. Death threats waving their wet-dream-stained bedsheets about will get them nowhere. It certainly won't encourage any rich investor to come riding to the rescue!

Anyway, here's hoping you all have a very happy Christmas and that Santa's good to you all! And to those poor souls about to suffer Christmas Day with their relatives; don't worry, it'll soon be over!



Thursday 19 December 2013


Stand by for fun and games today as it's D Day: the long-awaited AGM at Ibrox. From reports it appears that the Krays and their cronies have already won. Of course, The Requisitioners are claiming that this is just a pack of lies to put people off voting and are urging everyone to get along to vote. Surely the AGM should take place in the evening, when everyone has finished work? Oh, sorry, it's the Bisto Kids we're talking about here; the only problem will be if they can get out of their beds in time for the meeting!

Anybody with any sense, however, knows that the Board are going to win this outright. The main point is, how are the Sons of Struth, armed with blood-stained oars, going to take this? Will there be violence or the threatened boycott? Somehow, I doubt it. They'll turn up just as usual, with their juvenile season books, waving their smeggy bedsheets about. That'll be it!

McMurdo took the opportunity the other day to pose three 'vital' questions for Bisto FC supporters:

1) Do you think the Daily Record is virulently anti-Rangers?

2) Do you think the Record has Rangers’ best interests at heart or interested in pushing anything that would benefit Rangers?

3) In the light of your answers to questions 1 and 2 and given that the Record has transformed itself into a propaganda vehicle for the rebels, do you think that the Reqord is pushing the requisitioners because they think the reqs will benefit Rangers?

Do they honestly believe this crap? Well, obviously they do as all the responses to his questions show. Of course, what they see as 'virulently anti-Rangers' is actually an absence of the sycophancy in evidence when Jabba was in charge. They long for the halcyon days when every utterance of David Murray was reported as if it was an addendum to the Beatitudes in the Gospels. Can they actually point to anything that is negative about their new team in the Daily Record? This paper, like all the others, has gone along with the Big Lie that it's the 'same club'; what the hell more do they want?

As to question number two the answer has to be yes. The very fact that they accepted the Big Lie is testament to that. There is also the constant harping on about the return of the 'Old Firm' derby, which shows the depth of feeling there still is at the Daily Record for whoever is playing at Ibrox.

The main reason why the Daily Record is supporting The Requisitioners is because of who is on their side. Whoever Auld Dignity, the Son of God, the Greatest Manager that Ever Lived etc etc claimed to support, the Daily Record would follow follow. It's as simple as that. If Walter Smith doesn't like the board then that's good enough for the arse-lickers at the DR. With David Murray gone then Smith is the only tin god that they have left.

What is interesting in the DR at present is the apparent witch-hunt against the Green Brigade. It's not only the DR, however, it seems that the police are going all out to get the perpetrators that wrecked seats at Fir Park, apparently the worst episode in the history of world football! Are they putting as much effort into arresting those that did the same thing at New Douglas Park? It's also rather a pity that they did not put as much work into finding and arresting those responsible for the mayhem in Manchester a few years back!

Recently there was a story in the Daily Record about some guy that put jokes on his Facebook page about two Manchester police women being murdered. It is made plain in the article that the man has Irish Republican sympathies and it details exactly what sick, offensive comments were on the Facebook page.

Contrast this with the reporting on a couple of other stories. After the Clutha disaster, there were disgusting, sectarian comments written about some of the victims. These comments were of an anti-Catholic and anti-Irish flavour. Of course, you could not tell that from the DR report, which merely said there were 'sectarian and racist' comments. No details.

Again, when the police started investigating the revoltingVanguard Bears for their 'Dead Pool' twitter page, the DR did its best to disguise the full story. If you read the article you'd be none the wiser concerning what the twitter page was actually about.

Then we have the vile David Limond, brother of Limmy, of Limmy's Show fame. This guy ran a podcast where he had a 'Taig of the Day' spot and carried out a virtual crusade against journalist Angela Haggerty, encouraging others to do the same. You can read the whole story here:
The strange thing is that none of our media thought this was worth reporting on. Strange, eh?

Meanwhile, back on McMurdo's blog, the guy with the Biblical name that is obessed with trying to bring down Celtic was full of cheer the other day. A written question has been tabled to the Chancellor of the Exchequer about Celtic. He didn't mention who had tabled the question but a quick search on the Parliament website gives the answer. It's our old friend and dinosaur jockey, Gregory Campbell of the DUP. Quite what this situation has to do with his constituency is beyond me, but he handed over his question anway:

Mr Gregory Campbell(East Londonderry):To ask Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, if he will investigate reports that the Co-operative Bank provided exceptionally low interest rate loans and overdraft facilities to Celtic Football Club.

He also tabled this question at the same time:
Mr Gregory Campbell(East Londonderry):To ask Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, when the UK's loan to the Irish Republic will be repaid in full.

Quite an open-minded, disinterested man, then. It just shows the desperation of these characters that they have to rely on this type to bring their obsessions into Parliament. The DUP is notorious for championing Creationism in schools and even trying to get it into museums, wanting to make it almost impossible for women to get an abortion and for rabidly homophobic statements. Do the Bisto Kids really expect to be taken seriously when this is the best they can get on their side?

Gregory Campbell makes his point regarding Celtic.


Tuesday 17 December 2013


Sooperally has got everybody riled on the run-up to the Big Day. He has given his proxy vote at the AGM to the Calderwood Loyal in East Kilbride. (Why do all these supporters clubs have names like that, making them sound like some kind of paramilitaries?) This effectively means that his vote is going to go against the current Bisto Board. Of course, Auld Pishy hails him as a hero, while to the other side he is anything but. So what the hell is he up to?

McMurdo is scathing, "proxying them in this manner makes it look like a sneaky, cowardly move – not the Ally McCoist way and not the Rangers way." Sorry, what was that? Not the McCoist way? What about his wee, sleekit whispers into the ear of Neil Lennon? Not the Rangers way? Aye, right! Rangers were renowned for sneakiness on and off the pitch, from players pretending to be injured to get opponents sent off to the club keeping players from international duty due to injury, only for them to miraculously recover in time for Rangers' next game! Even now, Bisto FC supporters are sneaking about, desperately trying to undermine Celtic financially. Everything about them screams 'sneaky'!

In my opinion, Sooperally wants out. His first year as a manager was a failure, while his tactical knowledge has repeatedly been called into question. Like his mentor, the only way he knows how to win is to throw money about. There's not that much money nowadays to throw at the team, and Sooperally knows it. He also knows that he will be seriously found out when his team is playing against other professionals in the Championship. That's why he wants out. He has backed himself into a corner, however, with all his 'don't do walking away' posturing, so he has to find a way to get sacked. What better way than this? He claims that he made a promise to the Calderwood Loyal many moons ago regarding the shares, a promise that he has only just remembered. So if the Krays win the day, as seems the likely outcome on Thursday, Ally will no doubt be shown the door at the end of the season, giving him the opportunity to play the martyr. He was only doing the 'right thing' he will claim and is being punished for it. Meanwhile he can avoid making an arse of himself in the Championship. Clever stuff, eh? But sleekit as hell!

Auld Pishy sees Sooper's stunt as a clarion call for everybody to make sure they vote against the board on Thursday. He then starts banging on about 'Blue Chip investors' and the like all waiting to see what the outcome will be. They're all as deluded as each other. What Blue Chip investors? All we see is publicity-shy money-launderers, gangsters, tax dodgers from South Africa and dodgy hedge funds. Just because somebody's got a blue chip on his shoulder that doesn't make him a Blue Chip investor! Anyway, the whole AGM is a waste of time. As I keep saying, it doesn't matter who wins, The Laxative will be squeezing every last bit of gravy out of this particular train.

Keith Jackson, meanwhile, has managed to work his name onto ZE LIST with his piece in the Daily Record about how the calling-off of the game at Ochilview was caused by a burger van crashing into the temporary stands. He uses this as an illustration of how far the 'mighty' have fallen and issues a veiled call for the board to be ousted. It's his dismissive manner, however, that has got up the noses of the Bisto Kids, as he laughs at how "they have reduced themselves to the kind of semi-irrelevance that can have a fixture knocked out by a cheeseburger and chips." Oh dear. If there's one thing that both sides in the Gravy War can agree on it's that none of the trouble is of their own making - it's 'outsiders,' mainly Peter Lawell, to blame.

Jackson did get one major point right, though; the Krays are not their own men in this contest. All the votes that they have are proxies, including Hughie Green's shares, which they have not bought yet. So their power base relies entirely on other people, who are no doubt calling the shots. Maybe The Requisitioners are right and Hughie's still running the show! Everybody's looking forward to Thursday but I doubt we'll be any the wiser after it. A ton of proxy votes will be banged on the table and the Krays will carry on as normal, with The Requisitioners still sniping in the background. It'll be next season when they start losing matches that the shit will really hit the fan!

Meanwhile the Bisto Kids, desperately looking for trouble at Celtic Park, have decided to infer that Neil Lennon's desire to overhaul the team to make a better showing in Europe next year is a sign of 'cutting back.' Quite how they make that out is beyond me. Samarass and Ledley look like they're not signing new contracts, seemingly looking for a move to England. Virgil van Dijk says that everyone is now playing for their place in the team. When did competition for places mean financial trouble? The Bisto Kids are going to have to do a lot better than that. We'll have to wait until January to see what the Belfast dinosaur jockeys are going to come up with in Parliament to entertain us!


When I was a lad and Old Gers was a club
Through Scotland and Europe we strayed
Just a boy and his club we were so full of fun
That we trashed every place where we played.

I remember the time down in Manchester town
When we smashed the whole place into bits.
We terrorised toddlers and fought with the cops
And they said it was worse than The Blitz.

Now the years fast did roll and Old Gers it grew old
The money was fast growing thin.
Then one day the tax man looked at it and said,
It's time for administration.

With sphincters a-trembling, we watched our club die,
Though to help none of us moved our ass
Then with liquidation Billionaire Craig Whyte
Gave Old Gers its last coup de grace.

Now Old Gers it has gone where the dead teams all go,
And no more for Old Gers will I yell.
But if teams have a heaven, there's one thing I know,
Old Gers will be burning in Hell!


Sunday 15 December 2013


It looks like Sooperally is trying to hedge his bets by saying that he hasn't decided who to vote for yet in the upcoming AGM. That's a strange one! Maybe he doesn't realise but sitting on the fence like that is just going to get up the noses of both sides. Why should the Krays hang onto him if he isn't giving them his full support? Equally, The Requisitioners would see him as part of the problem, not part of the solution. Either way, playing at Humpty-Dumpty is a dangerous path to tread at this late stage. He'd better make sure he's still got Sue Barker's phone number!

The Bisto websites still persist in the fantasy that there is a 'witch-hunt' against them in the Scottish media. They provide no evidence of this, of course, mainly because there is none. If anything, the media seems to support, implicitly, the agenda the Bisto Kids have been pushing for ages. The anti-Green Brigade rhetoric, for example, in evidence over the past week or so, seems to be part of a campaign to vilify the Celtic support. Even Tam Cowan gets in on the act, implying that Celtic fans are well-known for wrecking stadiums etc. This is all grist to the Bisto mill. There is also the idea that Celtic's gubbing by Barcelona shows a fatal flaw in Scottish football. Our Fourth Estate seems to go along with the idea that this is down to 'lack of competitiveness' in the SPL, a favourite theme of the Bisto Kids. Where, then, is the 'witch-hunt' against Bisto FC?

Our media have fallen over themselves to swallow the 'same team' lie, Bisto FC trouncing teams of part-timers is hailed as 'record-breaking' and they all keep banging on about the return of the 'Old Firm' derby. Where is the negativity the Bisto Kids keep moaning about? Certainly, there are constant reports about the Bisto War for control of the gravy train, but would they rather go back to the Jabba days of 'All is well, all is well, all is well' being repeated over and over? Then again, reading some of their blinkered comments, maybe they would!

An example of this blinkered approach appeared on McMurdo's blog a couple of days ago. A regular poster pointed out that the Co-Op bank, to whom they all think Celtic is in hock, is now mostly owned by hedge funds. Apparently, 'hedge funds' are scary things, not interested in football, only payouts for shareholders. So what they hell does he think Laxey Partners is? What's more scary: a hedge fund on the board of a football team's bank or on the board of the actual football team? I know which one I would prefer!

Speaking of The Laxative and his hedge fund, Auld Pishy makes them the subject of his latest blog. He cannot seem to get his head round the fact that The Laxative has changed his mind and is now voting for the current Bisto Board. 'What's in it for him?' whines Pishy. Like the rest of them, he needs it spelled out: HEDGE FUNDS DO NOT CARE WHO IS RUNNING THE COMPANY; ALL THEY WANT TO DO IS BLEED IT DRY! For God's sake, how hard is that to understand? Hedge-fund managers don't want trouble in a boardroom; they want to be the ones causing it. When it looked like the Requisitioners were the ones to back, The Laxative was all for them. Now that they don't have a hope in hell he's deserting them. He wants a settled boardroom that he can take for a ride. And they think Celtic has problems!

These perceived problems at Celtic Park are gettting them more and more excited. They keep mentioning them on phone-ins and on newspaper websites, not to mention the Bisto sites themselves. Glasgow City Council has given them short shrift, while their frequent letters and e-mails to MPs and MEPs seem to be getting them nowhere. Now they have decided to preach to the converted and have taken their complaints to Stormont, where a certain section has greeted them with open arms. Granted, the guy that is the ringmaster in all this lives in Northern Ireland but, even so, it's a sign of desperation. Apparently one of the Stormont bigots will be bringing the case to Westminster in January. Of course, the Bisto Kids expect all Celtic supporters to be quaking in their boots; but should they be?

The band of bigots, like the one that recently stood up in the House of Commons to complain about the Bobby Sands banner, that will be presenting the case are seen as nothing more than a joke by most serious politicians. This group constantly promote the teaching of Creationism in schools (Jesus on a dinosaur and the like), while one of their number said that Hurricane Katrina was a punishment from God for the USA tolerating homosexuals in its midst! It shows how desperate the Bisto Kids are when these are the only people they can get to take their accusations seriously. Expect one of the dinosaur rustlers to be speaking to a near-empty chamber in January, while those that are present laugh themselves silly.

Meanwhile, the Daily Record has the story of the Sectarianism in Scotland investigation, which has handed its report over to the Scottish Government. The report reaches the staggering conclusion that Catholic schools are not to blame for sectarian hatred. My God! Who'd-a-thunk-it? Surprisingly, the DR allows comments on this story, which brings all the bigots crawling out from under their stones. Of course, these bigots blame everything on Catholic schools, while extolling the virtues of the Orange Order, who march every year to commemorate 'Religious Freedom' for all. Talk about re-writing history!

James II wasn't infringing anybody's religious freedom; in fact, it was sheer bigotry that drove him from the throne. His wife gave birth to a son and, rather than have a Catholic dynasty, William of Orange was invited to invade and seize the throne. That was all there was to it. The fact that the Pope backed Orange was to do with the Vatican's neverending feud with the kings of France, who backed the Jacobite cause. The ensuing war, which is laughably called the 'Bloodless Revolution,' had nothing whatsoever to do with religious freedom.

Far from ensuring religious freedoms, the triumph of William of Orange led to Catholics being banned from voting in elections. Once the Presbyterians had done their bit in guarding 'Old Derry's Walls,' moreover, they were subjected to so much persecution from the established church that many of them fled to America. Catholics were unable to vote until the Catholic Emancipation Act of 1829 was passed, under the auspices of the Duke of Wellington and Robert Peel. It is worth noting that the Orange Order actively opposed this Act, as they boast themselves on their official website. They also boast of opposing the 1832 Reform Act, which extended the vote to the urban middle classes. So exactly what 'freedoms' are they marching to celebrate? Perhaps if one of them reads this they might elucidate for us all!

The report to the Scottish Government speaks of sectarian hatred between Catholics and Protestants. This is a lie. There is no sectarian hatred at all between Catholics and Protestants. Many Protestants send their children to Catholic schools, with no qualms whatsoever, while Catholic clergy officiate at Church of Scotland services, and vice-versa, in a spirit of ecumenicalism. The only sectarian hatred evident today is fostered by the Orange Order, which seems to have no other raison d'etre than the hatred of Catholics, especially those of Irish descent. Of course, if anyone hates the Orange Order and its brood of bigots then it is portrayed as hatred of Protestants. This is akin to saying that any black person in America that hates the KKK is a hater of white people!

A funny example of this appeared on McMurdo's blog. One poster said he was an Orangeman, who had marched throughout Scotland. He said he encountered bigotry and sectarian hatred in Greenock and Port Glasgow; not from him and his cronies, you understand, but from those Kaffliks. The utter brainlessness of this kind of thinking makes you wonder whether to laugh or cry. I suppose they've got to come up with some kind of excuse, no matter how pathetic, for their hatred!

Leggat is led in to answer to the board.

Thursday 12 December 2013


The Bisto Kids finally have something to smile about after Celtic were taken apart by Barcelona last night. The way they go on you'd think their team had something to do with it. Their main sneering point, however, is that Celtic is just a big fish in a small pond, the Premier League is a one-horse race etc etc. So what do they want to do to change this? They're desperately sending e-mails and letters to all and sundry, and trying to get MPs involved, to destroy Celtic, as David Murray promised to do. What then? It seems that their gripe is not so much that they object to a 'one-horse race,' more that they want their horse to be the one winning it!

The real reason for Celtic not doing so well in Europe is obvious. Many people praise the current business plan of buy small sell big. The problem is that this doesn't make for a settled team. If Celtic want to be serious contenders in Europe then they have to build a team and hold onto it. It's time to decide what's more important: playing football or making money.

I see the police have finally decided to look into the Vanguard Bears' disgusting Death List. The Daily Record reported on this but made sure it was hidden away on their website; I only bumped into the story by accident. As is usual with this kind of story comments were not allowed. It seems that the DR are sticking by their usual code of 'least said soonest mended' when it comes to the Ibrox hordes.

Speaking of comments, the DR comments sections are all over the place at present. Post something at three in the afternoon and it magically appears as having been posted at five in the morning! The posts are also all out of sequence, so that you often read somebody's reply to a post before reaching the original post! The deleting of comments makes no sense either. Posts full of bigoted bile remain while pretty anodyne comments vanish. Either they are trying to put people off commenting or the moderator is Dr Who!

And so onto the witch hunt against the Green Brigade. Don't get me wrong, I can't be bothered with all the stuff about Northern Ireland and 'Bloo-Stained Poppies' but I can't get rid of the feeling that there's something that smells not quite right about all this. It seems like there has been a concerted campaign to get rid of this group by our media and they are at last succeeding.

Now, I don't want to come across as paranoid as a Bisto Kid but there is definitely something fishy going on. The banners at a European game, even though everyone knows that Celtic would be fined? The choice of a Motherwell game for a spot of vandalism, when Motherwell fans had indulged in the same at another ground the week before? The throwing of flares onto the pitch when the Bisto Kids had only just recently been castigated for this? The coincidental lack of stewards and inadequate policing at Fir Park that night? The fact that the police that were at Fir Park just stood and watched the mayhem and made no effort whatsoever to stop it? I'll say nothing more and just let you draw your own conclusions.

The Gravy War is fast reaching its climax with only a week to go until the Big Day. The Daily Record continues its support for The Requisitioners with a focus on the leader of the Sons of Struth, Craig Houston, a name familiar to readers of Auld Pishy's ramblings. They provide a picture, which shows a rare example of a Bisto Kid that would get lost in an XXXXXL top. He's got the right face though. Decades of hatred are etched on a coupon that would turn milk sour and frighten the bravest of men. He also adds to his dramatic appearance by dressing in his dad's old demob suit. He fails to tell us the real reason why he chose the name 'Sons of Struth,' preferring instead to trot out the old pish about Struth being all about integrity, honour etc etc. The truth is, of course, that if you're thinking about sticking your oar in and getting rid of somebody that's in the way then the first name that springs to mind is Bill Struth!

Apparently this guy Houston owns a cleaning firm, hence the DR's dreadful pun about 'cleansing' the Board Room. In the unlikely event that The Requisitioners triumph on the 19th this guy's company is onto a winner. Have you seen the size of the fat bastards squeezing into that boardroom? The leather seats will be swimming with sweat, while the table and carpet will be thick with various food stains. And it's probably best not to even think of the state the lavvies must be in!

The Laxative, meanwhile, has told the supporters of The Requisitioners where to go; he's voting for the Krays and the current board. He let slip the information that he would not be supporting the re-election of Brian Stockbridge unless he hands back the bonus he got for Bisto's triumphant league win last year. The Bisto Board then released a statement saying that Stockbridge was, indeed, handing back the cash. Houston and his Sons of Struth have demanded to see proof of this. Stockbridge has already been in touch, asking if a mobile phone video would do!

Finally, a hilarious glimpse into the minds of the Bisto Kids. The Daily Record ran a stupid story, interviewing Stevie Smith (did she not sing with Fleetwood Mac?) about a future match between Celtic and Bisto, which they have dubbed, with a tear in their eye, and a fork in their tongue, an 'Old Firm' fixture. Of course Smith, playing as he does for Bisto, says that they are ready for the challenge, not afraid of anyone, will take on all comers etc etc etc. As you might expect, the DR does not allow comments on this article. They probably realise how risible the article is and are afraid to expose it to any more ridicule that it's already getting. The Bisto Kids on McMurdo's website, however, have taken umbrage at the article, quoting the following sentence:

"The last clash was April, 2012 before Rangers’ were reborn in the bottom tier of Scottish football."

The bit they don't like is 'reborn,' which goes against the Big Lie involving same club, different companies, take away the number you first thought of and say what your favourite colour is. Such pettiness is indicative of the fact that they know fine well that they follow a new club. Why else would they be so desperate to wipe out even an innocuous remark like this that might, however vaguely, suggest otherwise?


Deer Sannta

Plees kan yoo bring mee a nys, nyoo sash, a XXXXXXXL ranejurz topp and a ranejurz penso caise. And plees kin yoo make it sos seltik go inty adminininistrayshun or likwidashun.

fank yoo

Billy McBilly
35 yeers oald.


a kanny leev a biskit for yoo or a karit for the ranedeer it wiz ma daddy yoost to doo that but hees away. ma mammys goat nyoo kumpiny now and she sais its the oald kumpiny that owse yoo the biskit and karit.

Tuesday 10 December 2013


Did you read all about the flares and smoke bombs, smashed seats and structural damage? No, I'm not talking about Fir Park, I'm talking about New Douglas Park. Nobody else is, though! Motherwell fans ran riot, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage. Not a lot was said about it; just a quick tut-tut and a waggling of the finger. Boys will be boys and all that! Compare that with the reaction to the idiots in the Celtic support doing the same thing. Granted, it deserves condemnation and the perpetrators deserve to be banned for life; but does anyone remember the same calls for such punishments when it was about Motherwell fans? Now it's all about SFA and even government inquiries. Strange, eh?

Of course, the Bisto Kids are having a field day. According to them, the Green Brigade is responsible for everything bad that's ever happened in football, probably including Barcelona and Manchester! And they're claiming that the 'wee lassie' that threw the flare that burned Falkirk's artificial pitch was 'coerced' into it. No doubt the Green Brigade was behind that as well. Now they're talking about sending e-mails about the trouble at Fir Park to the judiciary in Amsterdam, hoping that they can help quash the appeals of the Celtic fans. Have you ever heard of anything more sleekit?

At the weekend the whole world mourned the passing of Nelson Mandela; with the possible exception of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa. Oh, and with the definite exception of the Bisto Kids. When the minute's applause was held at Ibrox on Sunday, many of them sat on their hands while others booed. The commentator on Bisto TV said that Bisto FC had 'complied with what they were asked to do.' Such enthusiasm! No doubt they will claim that they couldn't clap because they had to hold onto their red sheets of paper. Those listening on the radio would probably have heard full-scale applause. This was due to somebody with a bit of foresight giving the chairman, Mr Blobby, a toffee to eat. The sounds of his lips smacking and his jowls slapping together resembled a full stadium applauding enthusiastically! Of course, what the radio listeners would also have heard was music being blared out at the start of the minute; by mistake, of course!

Of course, not a word about this appears in any of our media; the media that the Bisto Kids constantly claim are out to get them. And yet, remember the furore when the Green Brigade demonstrated against the poppy? Complete double standards.

Speaking of not reporting things, the Daily Record had a story about the police investigating sectarian and racist abuse directed at the victims of the Clutha disaster. Of course, they don't explicitly state what kind of sectarian and racist abuse this was but this very omission tells its own story. Again, it's the disgusting Bisto Kids at work but, as usual, they can only ever be condemned implicitly, especially as part of the 'Old Firm' if at all possible.

The Bisto Kids are out in force, commenting on the story, complaining about the right to free speech etc. So mocking dead people, making sectarian and racist hate-speeches, and booing a world-renowned figure are okay but demonstrating against poppies or displaying a banner with a picture of Bobby Sands are not? In reality, what they are saying is that it's not free speech they want per se, but the freedom for them to say whatever they like while denying others the same privilege. It makes you wonder why they wave all those poppies about!

The 'free speech' they want is exemplified by this disgusting example:

And, yet again, you'll hear not a word about this from our Fourth Estate.

Auld Pishy, meanwhile, is vocal in his condemnation of the Vanguard Bears. Not, however, for the above filth, which he and his Presbyterian granny no doubt support to the hilt, but for being on the side of the current Bisto Board. Pishy does have a point about Mr Blobby's open letter, in which he claimed never to have heard of Hughie Green or Barney Google. You've really got to laugh, though, when Pishy points triumphantly at the Bisto share price's dramatic fall. I suppose it doesn't even occur to him that it is his Requisitioners that are causing folk to sell up and get the hell out, while having to hawk their shares at giveaway prices because nobody wants involved in the mess!

There is a deputation going to grovel at the feet of The Laxative to try to get him to change his mind and back the Murrays, like he said he was going to do in the first place. I can't see it happening, though, since The Laxative will be desperate to get the share price back up and to secure a decent dividend for his backers. Who is a Bisto Kid supposed to trust? They've got gangsters and sleekit backstabbers already in situ and a bunch of chancers, who were in at the kill of the old club, trying to force their way in. To be honest, they'd be better not losing any sleep over it; The Laxative is going to bleed the place dry no matter who is in charge!

Finally, Sooperally is moaning that his wage reduction hasn't gone through yet. So, on the one hand he's telling us all what a great relationship he has with the Krays, Mr Blobby, Norman Wisdom, Steven Spielberg etc; and then, on the other, he can't get near them to discuss his pay cut. If that was anyone else they would just wait until they could get things sorted and ask for the pay cut to be back-dated, not run greeting to the papers. It looks like Sooperally wants to hold onto his obscene pay packet while blaming everybody else for it!

The reason for Ally needing to hold onto his big pay packet is finally discovered.

Saturday 7 December 2013


The laughs are coming thick and fast down Govan way. One of The Requisitioners, Scott Murdoch (who?) has claimed that he would never sit on the Bisto Board with Brian Stockbridge aka Steven Spielberg. Somehow I don't think he's got anything to worry about on that score. Then the Bisto chairman, Mr Blobby, wrote an open reply on the Bisto website. He makes the ridiculous claim that he had never heard of Barney Google or Hughie Green before he came to Ibrox. Doesn't he read the papers, then? I think there might be a few folk changing their minds about Mr Blobby's appointment now. That's just what a company needs; a chairman that doesn't keep up with business news! What a plonker! as Del Boy would say.

Auld Pishy, of course, has his own take on everything. Not only is he seeing double but he is seeing 'tens of thousands' supporting The Requisitioners! He really is in a wee world all of his own. Now he's dragging Mike Ashley, the Sports Direct magnate, into his fantasies. Apparently, Ashley made some kind of deal with Hughie Green and Imran Ahmad whereby he rakes in a fortune from every item sold in the Bisto shops, including, of course, the Celtic ducks. Pishy is calling for a boycott of Bisto shops, since you can get all the products easily from other outlets. (Do other outlets sell XXXXXL tops?) One thing Pishy has neglected to do, however, is to withdraw those bigoted scribbles he calls books from the Bisto shops. Don't do as I do, do as I say, as my old Satan-worshipping granny used to say.

Uber-ned, Barry Ferguson, dictates the usual pile of crap for his Daily Record column. Whoever transcribes it must have a hell of a job deleting, and working round, the various "n' at know" at the end of every sentence and the word "pyoor" cropping up time and again. Anyway, his column this time round is all about support for Scottish referees. Of course, Ferguson hasn't a bad word to say about them, especially since they let him away with murder for years. Remember the numerous times he manhandled referees, including the occasion where he put his hands on a referee's chest and pushed him away. He didn't even get a yellow card for these offences, when anyone else would have received a hefty ban. The real reason for the proposed industrial action, however, is all too plain: they're missing the old brown envelopes.

McMurdo's blog, as expected, hails Mr Blobby's statement as up there with the Gettysburg Address and Martin Luther King's 'I have a dream' speech. Dissenting voices are soon shot down with a few glib remarks. One of the contributors posts a link to the Vanguard Bears website, claiming it as 'proof' of wrongdoing. A quick look at said website shows the usual tripe about Jock Stein, Torbett, Glasgow City Council etc etc etc with no proof whatsoever, except for an excerpt from Lou Macari's autobiography.

One of the problems with autobiographies, though, is that everyone wants to make their life more interesting than it actually is. When the headteacher of a school I used to work at was arrested for having images of child abuse on his computer it was amazing how many people said that they always thought there was something not right about him. Strangely, none of them said anything before this and they all worked happily with him with never a bad word said against him. I would imagine that Lou Macari's autobiography possibly falls into the same category.

Speaking of the Vanguard Bears, I'm always interested in their claims to be fighting to defend their 'traditions' and 'way of life'. I've never, however, seen any explanation of what these traditions and way of life actually entail. A read of the same page that McMurdo's contributor linked to provides an answer. They moan about not being allowed to sing 'The Billy Boys'. Apparently, the meaning of 'fenian' has been changed to accomodate all the 'Rainjurz-Haters' out there. So what does it mean, then, in the context of their charming little ditty? A Nineteenth-Century Irish Republican? How many of those were around in Glasgow in the 1930s for Billy Fullerton to be up to his knees in their blood? It seems that the 'traditions' and 'way of life' they bang on about are just being bigots and singing bigoted songs with impunity. Oh, and if they want to use the old 'Sticks and Stones...' bit, why do they all get so upset over the word 'Hun'?

On the same theme, there is another site that McMurdo's blog has a direct link to, called, 'The People Together'. This site has the following paranoid and laughable agenda:

"WE are no longer the disenfranchised, spat-upon, put-upon, vilified and demonised rabble they want us to be. We, the Protestant, Loyalist and Unionist people of the UK demand our human rights be respected and protected."

To show that they're not joking, they have an online petition for all these poor, downtrodden souls to sign. Unfortunately, they don't say who they're going to send the petition to. Rather pathetically, they also demand an enquiry into the SFA and the SPL in regards to the 'Rangers crisis.' They threaten to withdraw their votes from any political party that 'fails to satisfy these demands'.

This petition has been running for a while, now, so you would expect that huge multitudes have been signing it; after all, they are The Peeppil. The grand total reached so far is... 2,837. That's a fraction of the folk that vote for 'I'm a Celebrity' and 'The X Factor'. The politicians must be quaking in their boots! It just shows that when it comes to the crunch these bigots don't want to be named, prefering to stay in the background, sending death threats, bullets and bombs.

Finally, the news of the death of Nelson Mandela has brought out the Bisto bigots to condemn him as a 'murdering terrorist'. If anyone is a reader of the novels of Wilbur Smith they will notice a theme running through many of his stories: people that are excluded socially, economically, politically and educationally will, through desperation, turn to extremism. This has been apparent the world over, not least in Northern Ireland. When peaceful demonstrations and media campaigns are brutally suppressed, it's hardly surprising that the oppressed will turn to more violent forms of expression. One point worth noting is that the state religion of the Apartheid regime was a Calvinist Presbyterian church; the same lot that ruled the roost for all those years in Northern Ireland!

'We ayr The Peepl!'

Wednesday 4 December 2013


You can just imagine the scenario. A teacher comes home from work after a hard day, dealing with wee neds that don't want to learn anything, fights, folk disappearing out of class, marking the work of those that do want to learn, planning the next's day's lessons and fending off the head teacher, who wants to discuss targets. The teacher slumps into a chair for a half-hour's rest and a quick snack before he has to reluctantly drag himself back out and into the car. He's playing football tonight; something he could see far enough. He's not looking forward to the game. Normally the team he and his team-mates are playing against are in exactly the same boat; they've all done a day's work too. Tonight, though, they're playing against a team of pampered professionals, whose only hard work involves turning up to training. They'll be lucky if they manage to keep the score down to single figures.

Of course, he and his team are pretty knackered and, although they try their best, they end up being trounced 6-1. And then, to add insult to injury, the team of pros starts bragging about beating records and what a fantastic team of players they are. And so, it's back home for something to eat and straight to bed for another day's graft tomorrow.

If Bisto FC really wanted bragging rights then they should insist that they only play league games on a Saturday, or, preferably, a Sunday. Yes, the other players will have done a week's work but at least they won't be running onto the field straight from a day's graft. If you have a look at the games that Bisto FC have played, then you will see that they don't do as well at the weekend than they do on weekday evenings. It doesn't take a genius to work out why. How about some fairness here? But, then, one thing they've never liked at Ibrox is a level playing field!

McMurdo hypocritically bangs on about sporting-mindedness in his blog, pointing out that Celtic has no competition whatsoever in Scotland. We get the usual tripe about 'tainted titles'. He says:

"It is no crime to be so much better than your opponents. However, if that superiority comes about because of misfortune befalling your competition, that is a whole other ball game."

So the misfortunes of Bisto FC are somehow down to Celtic? This is a really stupid argument. What was supposed to happen? Was Celtic supposed to hand over half their money to Ibrox to make sure there was 'effective competition'?

He talks about David Murray giving Rangers a 'financial advantage' and argues that there was nothing wrong with it. So leaving a trail of debts, cheating the tax man and relying on the tax payer to bail out his company, MIH, which had taken on many of Rangers' debts to the tune of £100m, is completely above board? There is also the little matter of Celtic nearly going out of business and having to rebuild under Fergus McCann. Didn't Rangers take advantage of Celtic's misfortunes then?

Meanwhile the sleekit campaign to get Celtic investigated continues. McMurdo says that things are going to come to a head, now that the story has reached the 'mainstream media'. The 'mainstream media' he's talking about happens to be the the Daily Mail! I'd hardly call that Nazi rag 'mainstream'! And one of the folk that posts on McMurdo's blog claims that "the most hated m.p. in britain inside the corridors of celtic park" is working hard on this case. Would that be the DUP MP that complained about banners at Celtic Park in the House of Commons? Obviously they couldn't find anyone respectable or with a bit of credibility to fight their corner, so they have to rely on some old bigot from Northern Ireland!

Auld Pishy is still beating the drum for the bedsheet wavers. He's going on now about Jim McColl receiving death threats at the Beechgrove Garden. Shock! Horror! He makes it sound like this is not a common occurrence among the Ibrox hordes. He seems to forget about the death threats received by Brian Stockbridge. And then we've got Neil Lennon, Kris Commons, Paul McBride, Trish Godman etc etc etc. It's the way they do things there. That's if they're not rioting in the streets and attacking policemen. No, I'm not talking about Belfast, I'm on about the Bisto stamping grounds in Lanarkshire, where an average of two police officers are attacked every day! I would blame the schools but I used to work in them!

I noticed in yesterday's Record somebody bragging about Sooperally winning the Golden Boot twice, whereas Henrik Larsson could only manage the once. Perhaps the one bragging should remember that Sooper won his awards, or, rather, would have won if they had been giving them out then, before they brought in the points system. This means that Larsson won his award on a level playing field, while Sooper got his at the expense of players in much tougher leagues. Some things never change, eh?

'Ah hope Ah've stull goat a joab efter this season! Diz embdy know if they've soarted oot 'I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here' fur next year yit? Ah'll need tae gie thum a ring.'

Monday 2 December 2013


Hugh Keevins bangs on in the Daily Record about the 'Good Old Days' forty years ago, when Rangers won the European Cup Winners' Cup while Celtic got knocked out in the semi-final of the European Cup. He compares this with the doom and gloom of football in Scotland today. Surely he's old enough to remember all the doom and gloom being peddled in the papers back then? Scottish footbal was dead on its feet and changes had to be made. The changes came and the Premier League was born.

Really, what has riled Keevins is the general malaise felt by everyone involved in our esteemed Fourth Estate; they still haven't got over the death of their favourite team. Bisto FC just doesn't seem to be able to fill that hole in their lives. Keevins, therefore, resorts to Plan B: blame Celtic for everything. Sure, he has the tiniest of tiny digs at Bisto. Well, not really; it's more of a lament over the boardroom battles. Meanwhile, Celtic were 'humiliated' by AC Milan and embarrassed by the Celtic support. Oh my God! The whole game is in meltdown!

He makes a big deal over saying that Celtic should 'clean up the club's image'. He conveniently forgets that in those 'Good Old Days' Rangers were still following an openly sectarian signing policy, which not one reporter condemned, Rangers fans continually sang about being 'up to wur knees' in certain people's blood, again without condemnation and that the great European Cup Winners' Cup final was marred by the violence of the Rangers supporters. It puts a silly banner into perspective, eh?

Meanwhile, Celtic's demolition of Hearts is being touted as showing how bad Scottish football is. For Celtic to be beaten 3-0 by Milan and then beat Hearts 7-0 shows the gulf between our top team, who couldn't hack it in Europe, and the rest of Scotland. What a load of pish! Celtic's showing in Europe prior to the Milan game has been pretty good and this one game was an aberration. Any team can have a 'bad day at the office,' as they say whenever Bisto FC gets beaten by a team of amateurs.

Speaking of Bisto, they managed to get through to the next round of the Scottish Cup with a wee bit of help from the referee. What a shock! Some Bisto Kid threw a flare onto the pitch, causing Nicky Clark to throw himself to the ground. Of course, the referee immediately pointed to the spot and sent off a Falkirk player for good measure. Lee McCulloch missed the penalty due, no doubt, to the smoke from the burning artificial pitch getting into his eyes. Sooperally trots out the old story about ten men being hard to break down, but nobody's fooled. Bisto FC did their usual tactic of waiting for the other team to get tired and then scoring twice. Sooper says that they're not scared of anyone they might face in the next round. That's hardly surprising. If the referee doesn't do it for them then the Bisto Kids will burn the place down!

I had to laugh at a Bisto Kid on McMurdo's website calling Celtic and Hearts 'Scotland's 2nd and 3rd teams'. They think because they get huge crowds, all clutching their juvenile season books, turning up at their games that makes them the number 1 team in Scotland. Throughout Britain there are probably more Muslims turn up at Mosque on a Friday than there are Christians, of all denominations, going to church on a Sunday. Surely, then, using Bisto logic, that makes Islam the main religion and our kids should be learning about that at school instead of Christianity?

The Bisto Kids' habit of airing their dirty linen in public, literally, with 'Sack the Board' slogans written on it, has prompted McMurdo to denounce the whole idea of fans having any kind of say in the running of a football club. He posts a picture of the Bolsheviks to underline his point - Reds under the bed and all that. Good news for the rest of Scotland, then, as the Gravy Train hurtles toward its doom.

They're still banging on about how it's Celtic that are about to go to the wall. Of course, they have the excuses ready for when it doesn't happen. They compare the current 'investigation' into Celtic to the investigation into Derek Hatton's administration in Liverpool. Nothing was found in that investigation but the Bisto Kids can't accept that; it must have been a cover up! They are already preparing the same argument for when their prayers fall on deaf ears and Celtic continues to go from strength to strength.

The shocking disaster in Glasgow at the Clutha bar has touched nearly everyone and the thoughts of all decent people are with the families of the dead and injured. The Bisto Kids, however, true to form, have to turn it into a game of oneupmanship:

"A great hard won fight for Rangers today and the respect of both teams and their Supporters observing the Minutes silence for all involved in the Helicopter crash was as it should be,total SILENCE and I never even heard a cough during it.Certain other Teams could learn from that as that’s what you call respect for others."

No doubt they all had their ears pressed against the TV speakers or radios today, desperately hoping for somebody to shout something or even cough or sneeze. They really are pathetic!

I see the McMurdo Mob have been going on about the 'Gallant Pioneers'. Those august individuals were rowing enthusiasts and maritime crafts have played an important role at Ibrox ever since. There was, of course, the Struth incident involving a boat. Then there were the players, diving like submarines every chance they got. Next, we had David Murray and others deserting the place like rats from a sinking ship. Now we've got the Bisto Board trying desperately to keep a leaking gravy boat afloat, while sailing too close to the wind and Sooperally bobs about like a marker buoy. Meanwhile all their troubles don't stop the Bisto Kids sticking their oar in where it's not wanted. As to their allegations about Celtic - Rowlocks!

Rare footage of the very first meeting of the 'Gallant Pioneers.' Their motto was, 'Start as you mean to go on'!

Saturday 30 November 2013


The mind of a Bisto Kid is a strange thing. They've got so used to the doublethink about club and company that they make statements that contradict each other completely but don't see anything wrong whatsoever. A prime example is McMurdo's, admittedly deserved, ridiculing of the Requisitioners. The latter claimed in the newspapers that Brian Stockbridge, the budding Steven Spielberg, was being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office. As it turned out, however, somebody had reported Stockbridge to the SFO. As McMurdo pointed out:

"There is a world of difference between reported and being investigated, of course."

Quite right; which makes the statements on McMurdo's site, and elsewhere, about the EU investigating supposed 'financial doping' of Celtic by Glasgow City Council, quite laughable. There is no record of any such investigation taking place either on the EU website or with any other reputable source. Oh, one 'newspaper' has picked it up: an online rag called 'This Is Money.' This organ is owned by what used to be called Associated Press Ltd, which owns the Daily Mail. True to form, this website is concerned with throwing dirt at any and every left-wing cause or organisation it can find. This includes the Co-operative Bank and the Labour Party and Celtic has been dragged into the firing line. Even this scandal sheet, however, stops short of claiming there is an EU investigation.

The truth is that the Bisto Kids are desperate to find something, anything, that they can point a finger about. Knowing, in their heart of hearts, that their old club was involved in cheating and swindling and that their new club is full of gravy-train riders, they are obsessed to the point of psychosis about dragging Celtic down to their own level. Af first only one or two of them peddled this crap but now they are all at it. It's being repeated over and over, which convinces them that it is true. Consequently, they have all been sending e-mails and letters to the EU, saying, 'It's no' fair!' The fact that all these bams are reporting their delusions to the EU, however, does not mean that the EU is taking any notice of them!

"There is a world of difference between reported and being investigated, of course." Remember that!

The Requisitioners had their rally on Thursday night as promised. From the sound of the applause on the Youtube video it seems that there were not too many there. It was basically just a 'greetin' meetin' and achieved nothing at all. They wheeled Nacho Novo out at the end to say, 'Nacho, he support the Requeeseeeetioners!' Couldn't he just have said, 'No'?

Amid all the moaning about Charles Green and Jack Irvine, they found time to have a joke. Some faceless ned stood up and made a pathetic quip about Celtic 'being behind their boys.' Cue the laughter from the bigots, including the ones at the table. At first I thought Gordon Smith was going to abstain on the grounds of good taste but, of course, he allowed himself a little snigger as well. After all the ridiculous furore about Peter Lawell's joke I hope our media are going to make as big a fuss about this. I'm not going to hold my breath, though!

A bigot that regularly posts on McMurdo's website was on yesterday with his usual anti-Catholic, anti-Irish, anti-Celtic slabbers. In among all this he compares the media treatment of Ian Black with that of James Forrest. I think the Bisto Kids would be better not to make too much noise about Black. Have you seen all the stuff about match fixing in England? Apparently it's been going on in Scotland as well. Anyone investigating such matters would be bound to go straight to somebody that is known for betting against his own team. I think that's a bit more serious than forgetting to zip up your flies after a pee!

Auld Pishy, meanwhile, is going on about warchests. He bangs on about Hughie Green's promise of £25 million being available to Sooperally when Bisto FC get to play in the big boys' playground. "Where is it?" he cries. Of course, we all know where it went. Chateaux in the South of France don't pay for themselves, you know! And have you seen the size of the fat bastards making the chairs in the boardroom groan in protest? The upkeep of those stomachs must cost a fortune. And we haven't even started on Sooperally's £800,000-odd annual Greggs bill.

Still, Pishy should console himself with the news that Bisto is not going to need this warchest. Hasn't he heard about the EU investigation? Apparently, Celtic won't even be there when Bisto get up to the top tier!

Barry Ferguson EBT, spouts his usual pish in the Daily Record. "Rainjurz urnae deid...blah blah...Ah pyoor luvd the Auld Firm gemmes, so Ah did...blah blah...Scottish fitba needs Rainjurz...blah blah..." He also claims that Celtic are scared of 'Rainjurz'. Scared of what? A new team that looks as if it might not be around this time next year? Aye, that's right, Barry, everybody's shittin' themselves just thinking about them! I think he must be drinking the same stuff as Pishy!

Finally, I see that Max Clifford's trial takes place in March. He pleaded not guilty at the beginning of October, protesting his innocence outside the court. Isn't that what Stuart Hall and Ian Watkins said as well? Still, innocent until proven guilty and all that. I'll be paying close attention to this case since Clifford's friend seems to think it is okay to accuse all and sundry at Celtic Park for covering up the crimes Clifford is accused of.


"Nacho no like Meeesta Coistee no more. He not geeve Nacho job. Nacho wanted hees share of the graveee! Nacho blame the board. They bastardos! Nacho pay them back beeeeeg time!"

Thursday 28 November 2013


Usually I try to keep my blog light-hearted and only occasionally bring up serious topics. I am heartily sickened, however, by the sheer hypocrisy shown by many Bisto Kids. Now, I've made my views known about the situation in Northern Ireland clear quite often on here but I'll say it again. Like many in mainland Britain I see it as something to be well out of and I look forward to the day when an indpendent Scotland can breathe easily and say that it has nothing to do with us. I don't like the Green Brigade's hijacking of Celtic matches to put forward political ideas to do with NI and agree with the majority that Celtic is going to have to do something about them.

I find absolutely breathtaking, however, that the supporters of Bisto FC have the gall to complain about the Green Brigade. Many of them were on the Daily Record forum yesterday, spouting off about how this kind of thing has no place in football and that the SFA should do something about it. This from a support that never tires of singing about guarding Derry's Walls. That, equally, has no place in football and yet not one word is ever raised against it in our media.

The thing that really annoys me, though, is the constant harping on about child abuse. It reared its ugly head again yesterday on McMurdo's blog, when somebody said that it was disgusting to use this subject for point scoring. McMurdo's reply?

"Is using the raping of children to point score as bad as covering it up?"

The implication, of course, being that Celtic knew about the abuse Torbett was inflicting and looked the other way. They all keep screaming about this and one Facebook page even calls for 'justice for the victims.' It seems, however, that these particular victims are the only ones they care about.

They constantly call for an investigation into Celtic (all for the sake of the victims, you understand) but I've heard no calls for any such investigation into the Elm Guest House scandal or the possible crimes of Michael Souter. The revelations about Jimmy Savile were discussed fully on McMurdo's blog;  the emphasis, of course, being on the fact that he was a Catholic and had received a Papal knighthood. No mention at all of his close friendship with members of royalty and the Establishment or the huge cover up of his crimes by politicians and police. And has there been any word of condemnation regarding Ian Watkins's disgusting crimes? No doubt they were all searching the internet to see what kind of school he went to before deciding whether or not to comment!

Every single Bisto blog or post about child abuse always claims that they find it a vile crime and that they are only concerned for the victims. A fine sentiment and I would certainly condemn anyone involved in this crime, whether priest, minister, politician or youth worker. These blogs, on the other hand, are very selective about who they condemn. They are not interested in, and in no way concerned for, the victims of child abuse. All they are interested in is following a bigoted agenda of trying to contend that such crimes are perpetrated only by Catholics, or those involved with Celtic FC. Perhaps they could explain how their ditty, 'Who shagged all the boys' is standing up for the victims?

When it comes to anyone else involved in these crimes they either ignore it or try to defend the accused. For example, when it transpired that Max Clifford was being investigated as part of Operation Yewtree, Bill McMurdo was quick to jump to the guy's defence, saying how he had known him for years and what a good bloke he was etc etc. If it turns out that Clifford is actually guilty of such crimes should we all then wave banners saying, 'McMurdo Knew'?

If the Bisto Kids are so convinced of a cover up at Celtic Park and that there is ample evidence of this, then why do they not go to the police? I would. If I even suspected that somebody was covering up such crimes then I would not hesitate to contact the police, no matter who that somebody might be.

I used to believe that paedophiles were folk that had been abused themselves and they then grew up thinking this was normal. I'm sure there are people like that but the revelations about organised gangs have changed my mind. There certainly needs to be an in-depth investigation of these atrocities and of those that covered up the crimes. That, however, does not mean just an investigation of one particular organisation, but all of them. I would welcome prosecutions of Catholic clergy involved in this crime, as well as an investigation into any cover ups. Unlike the Bisto Kids, however, I also want similar investigations into the Government, the police and the media.

Rant over.

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Well, I certainly got the wrong end of the stick when Auld Pishy was going on about 'Neutrals'. I thought he was talking about McMurdo and his followers but it turns out he was talking about the Vanguard Bears. He blames them for convincing The Laxative to change his mind about which side he was going to support at the AGM. I think maybe he overerestimates the power of this group; then again, maybe not. The Vanguard Bears are known to have been forging links with Loyalist terrorists in Belfast. Perhaps they've been learning persuasion techniques!

The Vanguard Bears are a secretive bunch, whose society you can't join unless a current member nominates you. This makes sure that the 'wrong sort' don't get a (left) foot in the door. They claim to be fighting to uphold their 'traditions'. Exactly what those traditions are they don't say but they seem to involve marching about banging drums and blowing flutes and keeping 'The Fenians' in their place. What other 'traditions' do they have?

Anyway, back to Auld Pishy. If truth be told, the 'Sons of Struth,' as the ones moaning about the Bisto Board call themselves, don't number a lot more than the Vanguard Bears. A few wee neds waving their mammy's best bedsheet about with writing on it does not make a mass protest. Pishy, however, talks of 'big battalions' protesting. I think, in his drunken haze, he's heard the hordes singing 'The Sash My Father Wore' and thought they were singing something about 'Sack the Board'.

Meanwhile the Bisto Kids are still wanking themselves silly over their belief that Celtic are in financial trouble. The Footballtaxhavens website keeps feeding this fantasy, which nobody seems to give any credit except fot the Bisto Kids. Oh, I tell a lie; the story has been picked up by one newspaper, if you can call it that. UK Column is a conspiracy-filled rag, edited and mostly written by a guy that was kicked out of UKIP. He hangs about on the fringes of the Tory Party and, if the stuff he writes is anything to go by, on the fringes of sanity. He believes that the whole of Europe is involved in a big conspiracy to destroy Britain. He is also a firm believer in British Israelism. That sounds familiar, eh? He's hardly what you'd call a reliable source!

Speaking of British Israelism, Mystery History McMurdo has a deserved go at Pishy on his blog, as well as relating the story that one of the Requisitioners approached the Krays offering to call off the campaign, such as it is, if he was allowed onto the board. Apparently the Krays told him where to go. The regulars on McMurdo's blog all join in having a go at 'The Rebels,' some of them wanting them banned from Ibrox.  

Incredibly, one of them quotes a Paul Weller song, which was sung by The Jam, called 'Standards.'

"We make the standards, We make the rules, if you don’t abide by them, you Must be a Fool. We have the Power to control this whole land, you never must ? our motives or plans."

Paul Weller was lampooning the Establishment and how they'll do anything to hold onto their privileged positions. Amazingly, this particular Bisto Kid doesn't seem to understand this and is quoting Weller to justify 'The Peeppil' in their insane sense of superiority!

They're also celebrating Celtic crashing out of Europe, which is understandable given they have nothing much to cheer about in their own back yard. The way they celebrate, however, is risible. 'We are The Peeppil' and 'Mon the Gers' make it sound as if their team actually knocked Celtic out and not Milan! I think their 'resounding victory' over the mighty Arbroath has gone to their heads!

And they're all beside themselves with glee over the James Forrest story. This story has grown and grown since it first surfaced. At first Forrest had forgotten to zip up his flies when he came out of the toilet. Then the story was that he had gone for a pee in an alley and was caught by the police. Now, all of a sudden, it's indecent exposure and sexual assault. It'll be interesting to see where this one goes! The main concern of the Bisto Kids is that the Daily Record didn't allow comments on the story so they were unable to post their usual bigotry and bile. It's a wee shame, so it is!

Finally, the most hilarious comments from the Bisto Kids are that their troubles are now behind them. The Requisitioners have failed, the Sons of Struth have fallen overboard and the Krays are getting themselves quite comfortably ensconced. The truth is, however, that the big troubles are yet to come. The money is running out and what money there is will soon be fought over when The Laxative unveils his usual scheme of demanding dividends for shareholders. Remember, The Laxative runs a hedge fund and all his investors will be looking for a return sooner rather than later. Trust me, The Laxative will soon get to work and the shit will hit the fan big time!

"Geeza job! Go on! Geezit! I can do that! Go on, Geeza job!"