The sheer inability of The Peeppul to comprehend how things work in the real world was summed up for me by this e-mail to the Daily Record's Hotline:
“I can’t believe Imran Ahmad has succeeded in getting the money frozen at the third attempt.
“He has failed on two previous occasions and just happens to get his way now when Rangers are facing another cash crisis.
“Am I the only one who reckons there’s something a bit fishy here?”
He doesn't seem to realise that it's precisely because Bisto FC is facing another cash crisis that Ahmad's request was granted. If everything was hunky-dory then there'd be no need for any amount to be ring-fenced. Normal service has, however, been resumed and the ring-fencing has been lifted while Bisto FC has been granted the right of appeal. Exactly what basis they're going to appeal on is unclear since everybody and his dog knows that they're skint.
The ridiculous excuse given for the granting of their right to appeal is that two previous judges found that there was no need to ring-fence cash. This has to rank as one of the most stupid decisions I've ever heard. A company's ability to pay can change over time and you can't possibly base a decision in the present on circumstances that existed months ago. No doubt the judge that found in favour of Ahmad has had his knuckles rapped doon the local ludge!
McMurdo's disciples, meanwhile, are still all doom and gloom. Apparently Scottish football is finished if Rangers (sic) disappears. "No star players and no youth policy other than scouts finding talent for the premiership in England." So no more Tore Andre Flos, then. And they think this is a bad thing! As for youth policy I'm sure we all remember the conveyor belt of talent coming through from Murray Park, eh? Like I said, they don't do reality. Oh, and seemingly the Scotland team would suffer as well:. "the national team needs a strong RFC ,, for doubters please see the past". See the past? A time when better players were left out of the squad because Rangers players had to be picked first. And half the time they wouldn't turn up anyway if Rangers had an important game in the offing!
And the conspiracies involving Celtic are still there. It seems that the SFA blocked Ashley's plans as part of a long-term strategy for Celtic to get into the EPL! Once Rangers (sic) are out of the picture the way will be clear for Celtic to plead with UEFA that they don't belong in the poverty-stricken Scottish league. Although accepting the veracity of this nonsense, a couple of the disciples have the view that it won't work. After all, they "cant see the folks in Carlise or Barnet or Preston being open to
republican supporting yobs destroying their towns in drug and booze
filled hate fights with people such as the EDL or the BNP." I suppose the English would prefer that the yobs destroy their towns while waving Union Flags, as happened in Manchester!
Somebody else suggests that Rangers (sic) takes the SFA to UEFA, as "there (sic) rules surely supersede the SFA s." That might prove difficult as the blocking of Ashley's supposed master plan by the SFA never actually happened! As to the ridiculous conspiracy for Celtic to get into the EPL, that'll be why most Celtic supporters are voting YES in the referendum, eh?
Strangely, McMurdo seems to be ignoring the referendum these days, even though he's previously said that his country means more to him than his team. Obviously that was glib shite, just like Walter Smith telling us how he always answered when Scotland called! The majority of the posts are about the Ibrox team, which is a pointer to where their true loyalties lie. Scotland can go to hell in a handcart; so long as there's a team at Ibrox for them to support!
One of them tries to redress the balance by saying how the SNP are "turning Sco into a Republic". What is it that they've got against that word? They start foaming at the mouth, screaming and waving their hands about frantically at the very thought of the concept. There are successful republics all over the world: France, the USA, etc. To their fevered minds, however, republic only means one thing; Ireland. They're so consumed by hatred that they can't think properly.
And as the polls show that independence might be on the cards, the desperation of the Bettertogetherers is a sight to behold. Torky the Twat in the Daily Record tries to twist it so that Cameron rushing to Scotland shows how important the Union is, rather than how desperate things are. And, in an even more desperate move, Torky decides to move into X-Factor territory. This, apparently, is one of the few times that Cameron has missed Prime Minister's Question Time; one of the few other times being when his child died. I've never seen the X-Factor but the impression I get from the constant coverage in the papers is that the winner tends to the one with the best sob story. It just shows how the Bettertogetherers are scraping the bottom of the barrel!
They're frantically looking for ways to bribe us into voting NO. Of course, this is illegal, since they shouldn't be introducing any new measures at this point. To get around this they've wheeled out Gordon Brown to do the dirty work. If we vote NO everybody in Scotland is going to get a £10 voucher for Marks and Spencers, a free Lottery scratchcard with a chance to win a million quid, a tin of Baxter's soup of your choice, a box of Tunnock's teacakes and a signed photo of Kate Middleton's bare arse. Now, how is the YES campaign possibly going to compete against that?
And they're trying to drag old Frau Windsor into it as well; wanting her to come out on the side of the Bettertogetherers. I'm pretty sure that's illegal as well! Still, here's hoping that she does as they want; it would be as big a boost to the YES campaign as the upcoming Orange Walk in Edinburgh and the planned UKIP rally in Glasgow. Maybe they could all meet together and Auld Lizzie could lead them to wherever they're going to go to get away from an independent Scotland. Exactly where their destination will be is not certain but I've heard that Welsh goatherds have been buying up huge supplies of KY jelly!

With the news of a new royal baby on the way, the UK Government announces an exciting competition. How would you like to name the child that will be 4th in line to the throne? Well, now you can have the chance. Using your skill and judgment, choose an appropriate name for a girl and one for a boy. You might want the royal baby named after your own child, you might want something traditional or maybe you think the name should reflect the modern world. The winner, picked at random, will have their name used for the baby when it arrives. You will stay in London, all expenses paid, for four days, attend the Royal Christening and be treated to dinner with the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. *
Details and entry forms can be found at
Remember, this competition is only open to UK citizens. **
You have to be in it to win it!
(Entries will only be accepted from 19-9-14)
* Please note that you will be at the very back of the church and may not be able to see the actual christening. The dinner with the Mayor will consist of a meal at McDonalds to the value of £5 per person. Travel to and from London will be by coach. Accomodation will be at a Bed and Breakfast establishment.
** Please be aware that if Scotland votes to become independent on 18th September 2014, the Scottish people will no longer be considered UK citizens.