The big story, next to me becoming a grandfather, is the carry on at the Herald. Two journalists have lost their jobs at a national newspaper because of threats from The Peeppul and their club. On the internet you can't help tripping over everyone going on about it; the NUJ and normal folk expressing outrage, The Peeppul gloating. Our mainstream media, however, doesn't seem to think it worth mentioning.
For the past two years our media have been going on (and on) about so-called 'Cybernats'. Supposedly, there's an organised and co-ordinated campaign by the SNP to silence all opposition and make sure that nothing negative is said about the party and Scottish independence. Has anyone lost their job because of this 'campaign'? Has any part of our media been forced to issue an apology or a retraction? All manner of lies and smears about the SNP has sullied our media and gone unchallenged, which means that the so-called 'Cybernats' have failed miserably. Either that or they don't actually exist; I know which one I believe.
So, while our media harps on about democracy and freedom of the press being threatened by the SNP and the 'Cybernats', they cravenly refuse to even acknowledge when the press's freedom and integrity is really compromised. I don't think this scandal is going to go away anytime soon and our media is going to be the laughing-stock of the world; they'll even be sniggering in China and North Korea.
The Daily Record is still banging on about Andy Halliday's sending off, which, apparently, is the worst miscarriage of justice since the hanging of Timothy Evans. They might have more of a case if they stopped lying about what happened. I've looked at the video of the incident and there's Halliday walking over to the home crowd and punching the air in their direction. He's not, as they all try to make out 'standing in the middle of the pitch'. They've even dragged a former 'top English referee' into it, who says that there's no way it was a bookable offence. The fact that this ex referee is renowned bigot Jeff Winter rather diminishes the impact of his judgment.
The agnivores have been banging on about how players should be allowed to celebrate and that there should be no bookings at all. Sorry, but that's a load of pish. My abiding memory of Mo Johnston, when he played for Celtic, was him scoring and then running toward The Peeppul, skidding along on his knees and making the sign of the cross. It's easy to point the finger at the Huns and say that being offended by somebody blessing himself just shows what sectarian bigots they really are. There is, however, a massive difference between a player blessing himself as he runs onto the pitch, which many players do, and what Johnston did. It was something that Danny McGrain didn't like, as he said in his autobiography.
The behaviour of the likes of Johnston and Paul Gascoigne pointed up the dangers of players taunting opposition supporters. The football authorities have clamped down on it and no team should be singled out for special treatment. Celebrating a goal means running to your own supporters in joy, not rushing to rub it into the opposition. The furore over Halliday's sending off shows two things: our press is firmly under the thumb of James Sexton Traynor and 'Warbs' has definitely caught 'Rangersitis' and thinks his team is above the law.
I see McMurdo has decided to grace us with his online presence again, which momentous occasion I discovered on James Doleman's Twitter account. He's on the website of the Rangers (sic) Supporters Loyal website, waxing lyrical about the 'good old days' before the Raynjurz Haturz, both without and within, ruined the party. He's critical of everybody at Ibrox from the Murray years onwards, saying:
"The Rangers they embody is not the one my father raised me to love fiercely...Something was lost in the SDM years. A certain dignity and honour – old school you could say – was missing. For all the glory of the David Murray era, it came at a price. That price was the good name and reputation of Rangers. The pride of being a Ranger, so ensconced in hearts and minds by men like Struth and Waddell, was traded in for a win-at-all-costs mentality more akin to corporate raider than sporting champion."
While it's true that the Murray years, as we now know, was blighted by cheating and attempting to buy success with other people's money, there were actually good points; though McMurdo would probably disagree. In fact, one point probably hurts and angers Merlin and his disciples most of all. Murray's 'win-at-all-costs mentality' included the unthinkable: he signed Catholic players. McMurdo goes on:
"Thanks to certain Rangers haters in the blogosphere, the question of Rangers being a new club is back on the agenda. The reality is that the process of changing Rangers to something different has been taking place for some time. This Rangers will be shorn of its traditional values and these will be replaced by petty, hate-filled ideologies foreign to many bluenoses of my generation and older...The end game is a new Rangers, not the Gers I grew up obsessed with and in awe of. This new Rangers will be a mutated version and this mutant Rangers is what is being engineered right now.
As a boy, the defining emotion of being a Ranger was pride. The right kind of pride, not the hubris and arrogance that crept in during the Murray era.
Today I see the defining emotion of many Rangers fans as HATE. Hatred of Scottish football, the SFA, the SPFL, other teams, of “tims” and “taigs” and all that is not Rangers. It is a narrow, parochial and suffocating worldview that breeds smallness of thinking, vision and ambition. It is not the Rangers I and many others know and recognise."
Strangely enough, it's this hubris, hatred and sense of entitlement that are the only things that most of us view as the only valid argument for the current club at Ibrox being 'stull Raynjurz'! If we were to believe McMurdo, then the 'Billy Boys' is a modern invention and all the sectarianism and bigotry associated with The Peeppul was never around when Rangers was still alive. The club's long refusal to sign Catholics never happened and the bullying tactics of club and support are a completely new phenomenon. I know The Peeppul are fond of rewriting history but this is taking things to extremes!
I think I've mentioned on here before that one of the problems facing education these days is that not all teachers are graced with a reasonable degree of intelligence; in fact, some of them are downright thick. Two prime examples appeared in the papers over the past week or so. One accidentally put the porn he was watching on his laptop onto the interactive whiteboard for all his pupils to view, while the other decided to broadcast her support for the IRA on her Facebook page. How the hell these morons managed to get themselves accepted into the teaching profession in the first place is beyond me!
Our education system is run and overseen by a bunch of middle-class idealists, who believe they know what's best for saving all the working-class scum from themselves. A hundred years ago they would all be members of some eugenics society, but nowadays they believe they can teach these inferior beings to be more like them. In primary schools especially, the big push is on for healthy minds in healthy bodies. You're not allowed to give children a bar of chocolate for a prize anymore and teachers are constantly reminded that they are 'role models'. If you've read my book, 'The Crimes of Miss Jane Goldie', you'll be aware that you can be sacked for being seen letting your hair down while on holiday and God help you if anybody sees you smoking! Before I left teaching there were even calls from some quarters for teachers to be practically forced into eating healthily and taking exercise. (No, that's not what forced me out!) There were even murmurings that fat people shouldn't be employed as teachers.
Into this environment stepped out two new celebrities. Most teachers avoid social media like the plague, since you can be castigated, or even sacked and removed from the teaching register for the least thing. And there's no point in claiming that what you do outside work has no relevance to your teaching career; your contract and GTC registration clearly state that you've to avoid bringing the profession into disrepute. The young woman that put all the stuff about 'Provos' and the rest on Facebook might try to argue that her political views should have no relevance but she's missing the point. Many folk are, or claim to be, offended by these views and she should have known better. It makes no difference whether you agree with her views or not; she's a fucking idiot and deserves all she gets. After all, wouldn't she complain if another teacher posted stuff supporting NI Loyalists and the Orange Order?
The other clown's idiocy practically goes without saying. There's a phrase used on the internet, NSFW, which, surely, as an IT expert, this guy should have known. Who the hell sits looking at porn while in charge of a bunch of thirteen-year-olds? At the very least he's guilty of not doing his job properly.
What the story of these two cretins says to me is that it's time our education authorities stopped worrying about employing fit and healthy teachers and started concentrating on what's going on inside their heads. For years there have been calls for prospective teachers to sit numeracy and literacy tests; calls which teaching unions have resisted furiously. Considering the amount of teachers I've encountered that struggled with twenty-four-hour clocks, times tables, mental arithmetic, spelling and basic grammar, I believe it's long past time these tests were introduced. At the same time, they should also perhaps consider bringing in tests in basic common sense!
Finally, thanks to everybody for all the good wishes after the arrival of my granddaughter, Thea. She's back home now with her mum and dad and settling in well. I'm looking forward to watching her grow up and getting involved as much as I can. (Though, not too much. Bringing her up is her parents' job!) Rather unfortunately, her dad's a Hibby but one should always look on the bright side; at least she won't be brought up to be one of The Peeppul!

Saturday, 30 January 2016
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Living near Edinburgh, and once living in Edinburgh, there were times when it was best to avoid a lot of the pubs, especially in the New Town. Rose Street especially would be full of football fans causing absolute mayhem. Bottles would be thrown, people would be jostled about, tripped up or have beer thrown over them. The pubs were filled to bursting and the excess customers spilled out onto the street, bringing their pints with them and often throwing the empty glasses wherever they liked. Inside the pub wasn't much better, with glasses being chucked about, men vomiting where they stood and other customers would be hassled relentlessly, especially young women, who were quite frequently sexually molested. The bar staff weren't interested and if you dared complain, then you were the one that was the troublemaker. The police were nowhere to be seen, even though, as the evening progressed, fights would break out. These fans, you see, weren't your common-or-garden football fans; these were rugby football fans!
It's a thing that everybody pretends doesn't happen. They all go to Murrayfield peaceably enough, though you get the odd bit of hooliganism from them on the way in and on the way out. It's in and around the pubs that the 'hijinks' start. Some of the things I've seen and heard about are shocking; homeless people being beaten up and pissed on, restaurants being trashed and the odd gang rape. It's all just 'letting off steam' and 'boys being boys', though; even a normally staunch feminist told me that when a woman in Leith was raped by ten of these 'boys' that it must have been her own fault, she was a willing participant and then cried 'rape' afterwards. As I say, the police are never around and, essentially, these gangs of thugs are allowed to do whatever they like.
There's no denying that there's a hooligan and thuggish element attached to association football but there's always an army of policemen around to make sure no real trouble kicks off. If it does, the crushers are ready to get stuck in with the various weapons they carry as a matter of course. Make no mistake, this is a class thing. Those rugger buggers that cause all the bother in Edinburgh probably have nothing to worry about even in the unlikely event that they were to be arrested. There's every chance when they go to court that Daddy will be sitting on the bench, or maybe the judge was nominated for the New Club or the local golf club by the accused's father. These rugby hooligans are the ones that will probably be running the country in a few years' time, so everybody treads warily. Your average football supporter, however, is normally working-class, no matter how good a job he has, so he'll find that the book is thrown at him.
Yes, you get scandalous decisions, like the guy that attacked Neil Lennon being acquitted or the lenient sentences handed down to the ones that tried to kill Lennon with home-made bombs. As I've said before on here, this is to keep The Peeppul onside, making them think that they are actually a part of the Establishment, instead of being used by it. When push comes to shove, a working-class Hun will be far more likely to be banged up in the chokey than some toffee-nosed, rugby-supporting, ex public schoolboy, no matter what his religion might be. This is class war, pure and simple, and another reason to fight for independence so that we can elect the people that we want to govern us.
And now we're hearing noises about this 'face-recognition' technology. Somehow I doubt it will happen as there are already plenty of ways to identify troublemakers, which, scandalously, aren't used, especially when The Peeppul are involved. Even raising the prospect of using this technology, though, shows that the assumption is that football supporters are guilty until proven innocent. Besides, no matter how foolproof this technology is meant to be, we all know that it'll break down if it's ever employed at Ibrox!
Meanwhile, some of our agnivores aren't overly happy about Celtic lending Anthony Stokes to Hibs. I dare they! If Hibs actually win the league we'll never hear the end of it. It's as if they consider this to be cheating, somehow, denying Sevco an easy run. Strangely, though, nobody's cheating Hibs and Falkirk when 'Warbs' is getting loans from Spurs etc There's less than a week left of the transfer window; isn't there anybody we can loan out to Falkirk as well?
Keith Jackson was in the DR yesterday, gently trying to cajole Honest Dave into coming up with the readies to sign O'Halloran. He uses a quote from Oscar Wilde in some vain attempt to convince us that he's got a brain of his own but, really, we get the same, old Jabba spin. Apparently, Leeds 'swooped in' to 'steal' Diagouraga from under Warbs's nose. In reality, Sevco got nowhere near signing Diagouraga and Leeds was the only club to approach Brentford with a genuine offer. Jabba, sorry, I mean Jackson, doesn't want to have to back-pedal on his nonsensical 'exclusive' in claiming that Sevco had got their man; much easier to make up a story about Sevco being 'gazumped'. There's also the embarrassment of the claim that both Diagouraga and O'Halloran were on their way.
There's a bit of chiding for King as Jackson reminds us of how Honest Dave promised a £30m warchest and banged on about 'front-loading' most of this to ensure that Sevco won the Championship this season. Just in case Level 5 accuse him of not being with the plan, however, Jackson also tells us how King has turned everything round at Ibrox, faced down Ashley and ploughed £7m of his own money into Sevco. Er...wait, back up a minute there. King's put £7m into Sevco? How come we haven't heard that one before? Of course, this is all to do with Jackson's previous claims on King's behalf. Remember the shite about how signing these two players would 'prove' that King and Co. really had gazillions to plough into the club? He's obviously realised, or, rather, Level 5 has realised, as I did, that not signing these players all but proves that King and his cronies are skint. Hence the story about Honest Dave already having thrown a fortune of his own cash into Sevco. Jackson and his puppet masters are so easy to read. Perhaps that's what King meant when he promised to bring transparency to Sevco!
Meanwhile, Rangers (sic) blogger, Jonathan McFarlane, goes down exactly the same route, throwing in a few, Jabba-esque insults at the non-believers for good measure. This sounds as if it came straight from Traynor's poison pen:
It's a thing that everybody pretends doesn't happen. They all go to Murrayfield peaceably enough, though you get the odd bit of hooliganism from them on the way in and on the way out. It's in and around the pubs that the 'hijinks' start. Some of the things I've seen and heard about are shocking; homeless people being beaten up and pissed on, restaurants being trashed and the odd gang rape. It's all just 'letting off steam' and 'boys being boys', though; even a normally staunch feminist told me that when a woman in Leith was raped by ten of these 'boys' that it must have been her own fault, she was a willing participant and then cried 'rape' afterwards. As I say, the police are never around and, essentially, these gangs of thugs are allowed to do whatever they like.
There's no denying that there's a hooligan and thuggish element attached to association football but there's always an army of policemen around to make sure no real trouble kicks off. If it does, the crushers are ready to get stuck in with the various weapons they carry as a matter of course. Make no mistake, this is a class thing. Those rugger buggers that cause all the bother in Edinburgh probably have nothing to worry about even in the unlikely event that they were to be arrested. There's every chance when they go to court that Daddy will be sitting on the bench, or maybe the judge was nominated for the New Club or the local golf club by the accused's father. These rugby hooligans are the ones that will probably be running the country in a few years' time, so everybody treads warily. Your average football supporter, however, is normally working-class, no matter how good a job he has, so he'll find that the book is thrown at him.
Yes, you get scandalous decisions, like the guy that attacked Neil Lennon being acquitted or the lenient sentences handed down to the ones that tried to kill Lennon with home-made bombs. As I've said before on here, this is to keep The Peeppul onside, making them think that they are actually a part of the Establishment, instead of being used by it. When push comes to shove, a working-class Hun will be far more likely to be banged up in the chokey than some toffee-nosed, rugby-supporting, ex public schoolboy, no matter what his religion might be. This is class war, pure and simple, and another reason to fight for independence so that we can elect the people that we want to govern us.
And now we're hearing noises about this 'face-recognition' technology. Somehow I doubt it will happen as there are already plenty of ways to identify troublemakers, which, scandalously, aren't used, especially when The Peeppul are involved. Even raising the prospect of using this technology, though, shows that the assumption is that football supporters are guilty until proven innocent. Besides, no matter how foolproof this technology is meant to be, we all know that it'll break down if it's ever employed at Ibrox!
Meanwhile, some of our agnivores aren't overly happy about Celtic lending Anthony Stokes to Hibs. I dare they! If Hibs actually win the league we'll never hear the end of it. It's as if they consider this to be cheating, somehow, denying Sevco an easy run. Strangely, though, nobody's cheating Hibs and Falkirk when 'Warbs' is getting loans from Spurs etc There's less than a week left of the transfer window; isn't there anybody we can loan out to Falkirk as well?
Keith Jackson was in the DR yesterday, gently trying to cajole Honest Dave into coming up with the readies to sign O'Halloran. He uses a quote from Oscar Wilde in some vain attempt to convince us that he's got a brain of his own but, really, we get the same, old Jabba spin. Apparently, Leeds 'swooped in' to 'steal' Diagouraga from under Warbs's nose. In reality, Sevco got nowhere near signing Diagouraga and Leeds was the only club to approach Brentford with a genuine offer. Jabba, sorry, I mean Jackson, doesn't want to have to back-pedal on his nonsensical 'exclusive' in claiming that Sevco had got their man; much easier to make up a story about Sevco being 'gazumped'. There's also the embarrassment of the claim that both Diagouraga and O'Halloran were on their way.
There's a bit of chiding for King as Jackson reminds us of how Honest Dave promised a £30m warchest and banged on about 'front-loading' most of this to ensure that Sevco won the Championship this season. Just in case Level 5 accuse him of not being with the plan, however, Jackson also tells us how King has turned everything round at Ibrox, faced down Ashley and ploughed £7m of his own money into Sevco. Er...wait, back up a minute there. King's put £7m into Sevco? How come we haven't heard that one before? Of course, this is all to do with Jackson's previous claims on King's behalf. Remember the shite about how signing these two players would 'prove' that King and Co. really had gazillions to plough into the club? He's obviously realised, or, rather, Level 5 has realised, as I did, that not signing these players all but proves that King and his cronies are skint. Hence the story about Honest Dave already having thrown a fortune of his own cash into Sevco. Jackson and his puppet masters are so easy to read. Perhaps that's what King meant when he promised to bring transparency to Sevco!
Meanwhile, Rangers (sic) blogger, Jonathan McFarlane, goes down exactly the same route, throwing in a few, Jabba-esque insults at the non-believers for good measure. This sounds as if it came straight from Traynor's poison pen:
"Propelled forward by a climate of suspicion that has been shaped by the demented ramblings of a few discredited basement dwellers, the general atmosphere in Scotland towards King has created a PR landscape that is proving to be incredibly difficult to navigate."
Doesn't this clown actually read the paper he supposedly writes for? There's barely a word said against King in the Record; in fact, there's barely a word said against him in any of our media, which all follow the Level 5 spin. It's only us 'basement dwellers' that find it difficult to believe that The Peeppul and their cheerleaders in the media trust completely a convicted criminal. As for us 'lionising' Ashley, I'd hardly call cheering from the sidelines, as he takes on King in an ongoing, internecine war, lionising the man. Perhaps Mr. McFarlane should try to remember that it wasn't that long ago that The Peeppul were 'lionising' Ashley and telling us all how they could 'smell the fear' when the five duds arrived from NUFC!
The best bit from the 'Rangers (sic) blogger', however, is this:
Doesn't this clown actually read the paper he supposedly writes for? There's barely a word said against King in the Record; in fact, there's barely a word said against him in any of our media, which all follow the Level 5 spin. It's only us 'basement dwellers' that find it difficult to believe that The Peeppul and their cheerleaders in the media trust completely a convicted criminal. As for us 'lionising' Ashley, I'd hardly call cheering from the sidelines, as he takes on King in an ongoing, internecine war, lionising the man. Perhaps Mr. McFarlane should try to remember that it wasn't that long ago that The Peeppul were 'lionising' Ashley and telling us all how they could 'smell the fear' when the five duds arrived from NUFC!
The best bit from the 'Rangers (sic) blogger', however, is this:
"You simply cannot however say that these players should have been signed whatever the cost simply because the manager wants them. That’s the mentality that got us in trouble in previous eras.
Spending what we can afford, and buying players for prices that suit the club, adding value, is what it’s all about. It’s incredible to hear people who were happy to criticise the profligacy of previous regimes and then throw grenades at this one for living within its means."
Living within its means? The club's running at a loss and yet has the second-highest wage bill in Scottish football. It's limping from month to month on loans and, if it hadn't already been removed, it would be booted off the Stock Exchange for trading while insolvent. That's the thing about this desperate Level 5 stuff; for spin to be effective it should at least be believable. Then again, it's aimed at The Peeppul...
I haven't received any kind of reply from the DR web editor but I did notice that there was a toning-down of the posts in the comments section; for a day. There hasn't been so much of the child abuse stuff but some of the posts are absolutely disgusting nonetheless. I threatened to contact the police in my e-mail but I imagine that would be a waste of time. Instead, I'm building up a small collection of some of the worst posts to send to my MSP, Colin Beattie. I'll be contacting him by the end of this week so I'll let you know how I get on.
Spending what we can afford, and buying players for prices that suit the club, adding value, is what it’s all about. It’s incredible to hear people who were happy to criticise the profligacy of previous regimes and then throw grenades at this one for living within its means."
Living within its means? The club's running at a loss and yet has the second-highest wage bill in Scottish football. It's limping from month to month on loans and, if it hadn't already been removed, it would be booted off the Stock Exchange for trading while insolvent. That's the thing about this desperate Level 5 stuff; for spin to be effective it should at least be believable. Then again, it's aimed at The Peeppul...
I haven't received any kind of reply from the DR web editor but I did notice that there was a toning-down of the posts in the comments section; for a day. There hasn't been so much of the child abuse stuff but some of the posts are absolutely disgusting nonetheless. I threatened to contact the police in my e-mail but I imagine that would be a waste of time. Instead, I'm building up a small collection of some of the worst posts to send to my MSP, Colin Beattie. I'll be contacting him by the end of this week so I'll let you know how I get on.
Sevco accounts, as accepted by Sheriff Ian Miller.
Friday, 22 January 2016
Whenever I'm reading anything to do with Sevco online I always bookmark certain things that I think will be useful when I'm writing the next volume of the saga. Such an article appeared in the DR (where else) on the 18th January, penned by everyone's favourite Leveller, Keith Jackson. Twitter was all over this article, since Keef was claiming that Scottish football had gone to Hell in a handcart since 'Rangers' were...ahem...'relegated'. It wasn't this guff that interested me, though. The reason I bookmarked it was this bit:
"This week the Ibrox club expect to complete the captures of Toumani Diagouraga and Michael O'Halloran, two signings who are likely to cost the guts of £1m in transfer fees.
Again, this seems to provide solid proof Dave King and his board are not just cleansing their club but also have the wherewithal to properly fund Mark Warburton’s rebuild."
Now, that's the kind of bold statement that's guaranteed to come back and bite you on the arse. At the time I wondered if Jackson was aware that there's an obvious corollary to his triumphalist assertion; if Sevco didn't manage to get these two players then that would seem to 'provide solid proof' that Honest Dave and his board are fucking skint! Of course, today Diagouraga signed for Leeds Utd, Brentford ignoring the derisory offer put in by Sevco, which was, apparently, £100k.
The DR says that Sevco 'missed out' on signing Diagouraga, which gives the impression that they were pipped at the post. Jackson put a message on Twitter this afternoon saying that Sevco had weighed in with a bid of £500k. I didn't see any news of this bid anywhere else so I'm assuming it's more Level 5 shite to keep The Peeppul happy. If the bid was put in then, again, it was just to keep The Peeppul happy since there was no way they were going to be able to outbid Leeds. It's a bit like me going along to an art auction and bidding £20m for a Van Gough, knowing full well that I'll be outbid by some billionaire. Does that prove that I've got £20m? Does it hell. All it shows is that I'm a chancer and a liar, which is precisely what Sevco's late bid shows about Honest Dave.
Now all that's left is O'Halloran and already The Peeppul are playing the old sour-grapes card, claiming that he's not that good and they didn't want him anyway. (Of course, that would change dramatically if King were to actually stump up the readies!) There's been no more movement on that front and St. Johnstone seem determined to get the player's full value, rather than the £100k, a dozen bottles from King's wine cellar, a mint-condition 1970s 'Footballers' card featuring Derek Johnstone and a 1970s tin of Creamola Foam that's already been offered. It's already looking as if we've been right all along about Honest Dave's indigence and poor 'Warbs' is just going to have to make do with Action Man's Heids!
The judgement against Ashley and Sports Direct got me thinking about the different court judgments made recently and how they're going to affect business law in this country. I wasn't sure if precedent played as large a part in our justice system as it does in America but, apparently it does. There's a thing called Stare decisis, which means that when a court is reaching a decision it has to take account, and be consistent with, any decision already reached in an equal or higher court. The highest court in Scotland is the Court of Session, which august body decided last year that Dave King was 'fit and proper' to join the board of Sevco. This means that a precedent has been set allowing all manner of charlatans to fleece creditors by winding up a company and then immediately setting up a phoenix company with practically the same name. Essentially, our courts are helping to legalise fraud. It also means that Mike Ashley's case against the SFA will be a complete non-starter as the Court of Session very rarely overturns decisions made by its judges.
Then there was the hearing to decide if Wi-Fi company, 802 Works Ltd, could continue to have £300,000 of Sevco's money ring-fenced in case of insolvency. After perusing Sevco's books, the sheriff decided that the ring-fencing was unwarranted. This decision was wholly based on Sevco's accounts, the sheriff saying that they "did change the whole focus of the hearing". Fair enough, you might think, if the accounts showed a company in reasonable financial health. These accounts, however, were unaudited, which means they aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Again, a precedent has been set that means that any crooked businessman can present a set of Cordon Bleu books to a Sheriff Court and the sheriff will have to provide a very good reason for not accepting them.
Time to get the tin-foil hat on again. Remember the other day I reported how Lord Menzies, who made Chateau Charlie stump up a £50k bond, is a member of the prestigious and exclusive New Club in Edinburgh? Well, Lord Woolman, who passed Honest Dave as 'fit and proper' also happens to be a member of the Princes Street club. The New Club's membership is a closely-guarded secret and the information in 'Who's Who' about these judges being members probably came from the men themselves. One member that the club boasts about is Sean Connery. (Don't get me started on him!) One wonders who proposed Mr. Connery for membership? Which leading Edinburgh businessman was Connery known for being close to?
The New Club is a by-word for class snobbery and it is well known that its members generally come from Edinburgh's fee-paying schools. There have always been dark rumours surrounding the clique around this club and it is believed that many closed-doors deals are reached within its confines. It's certainly suspicious that top members of our judiciary meet in this clandestine club along with businessmen and politicians. And, as the majority of our top judges come from and live in Edinburgh, you can be sure that they all troop along to take luncheon at 84-87 Princes Street. You can read more about our top judges here. Be warned; you'll get angry!
If you follow me on Twitter you'll be aware that I've e-mailed the web editor of the DR to complain about the constant references to child abuse by The Peeppul on the paper's comments sections. I've threatened to contact the police if they don't do something about it. I might well just be pissing in the wind but a stand has to be taken. If you try to post anything about Old Rangers being cheats or how many of their titles are tainted your comment immediately goes into 'moderation' and then disappears without ever seeing the light of day. Meanwhile all manner of filth is allowed through and is left visible even when you report it. It'll be interesting to see if they get back to me.
And another story in the Daily Record about how Celtic is dominating Scottish football due to having more money than everyone else. Derek McInnes is quoted as saying, "Celtic brought in a player during the week which shows, again, the gulf between them and the rest. The fee and the boy’s wages would equate to my full footballing budget." So there you have it; money equals success and the team that can splash out on players is going to crush all opposition. This crops up all the time in our media. Strangely, though, Rangers gained no advantage whatsoever when they were bringing in top players using tax-payers money and using hidden contracts to cheat everybody!
Finally, I see some of The Peeppul are foaming at the mouth because the DR has a story about Gerry Adams's new book. To be honest, the book looks a load of shite, bringing together all Adams's idiosyncratic ramblings on Twitter. Obviously that's not what's got The Peeppul up in arms. One banger claims that this story's result will be that "Mirror group will destroy this once proud publication!!!" Er...who's that shaking hands with Adams in one of the pictures, the guy with the big ears? Maybe they want Prince Charles destroyed as well!
Not to be outdone, Gregory Campbell also has a book out, reflecting his thoughts, political concerns and leisure activities. It's a complete look into what his whole life is about.
Again, this seems to provide solid proof Dave King and his board are not just cleansing their club but also have the wherewithal to properly fund Mark Warburton’s rebuild."
Now, that's the kind of bold statement that's guaranteed to come back and bite you on the arse. At the time I wondered if Jackson was aware that there's an obvious corollary to his triumphalist assertion; if Sevco didn't manage to get these two players then that would seem to 'provide solid proof' that Honest Dave and his board are fucking skint! Of course, today Diagouraga signed for Leeds Utd, Brentford ignoring the derisory offer put in by Sevco, which was, apparently, £100k.
The DR says that Sevco 'missed out' on signing Diagouraga, which gives the impression that they were pipped at the post. Jackson put a message on Twitter this afternoon saying that Sevco had weighed in with a bid of £500k. I didn't see any news of this bid anywhere else so I'm assuming it's more Level 5 shite to keep The Peeppul happy. If the bid was put in then, again, it was just to keep The Peeppul happy since there was no way they were going to be able to outbid Leeds. It's a bit like me going along to an art auction and bidding £20m for a Van Gough, knowing full well that I'll be outbid by some billionaire. Does that prove that I've got £20m? Does it hell. All it shows is that I'm a chancer and a liar, which is precisely what Sevco's late bid shows about Honest Dave.
Now all that's left is O'Halloran and already The Peeppul are playing the old sour-grapes card, claiming that he's not that good and they didn't want him anyway. (Of course, that would change dramatically if King were to actually stump up the readies!) There's been no more movement on that front and St. Johnstone seem determined to get the player's full value, rather than the £100k, a dozen bottles from King's wine cellar, a mint-condition 1970s 'Footballers' card featuring Derek Johnstone and a 1970s tin of Creamola Foam that's already been offered. It's already looking as if we've been right all along about Honest Dave's indigence and poor 'Warbs' is just going to have to make do with Action Man's Heids!
The judgement against Ashley and Sports Direct got me thinking about the different court judgments made recently and how they're going to affect business law in this country. I wasn't sure if precedent played as large a part in our justice system as it does in America but, apparently it does. There's a thing called Stare decisis, which means that when a court is reaching a decision it has to take account, and be consistent with, any decision already reached in an equal or higher court. The highest court in Scotland is the Court of Session, which august body decided last year that Dave King was 'fit and proper' to join the board of Sevco. This means that a precedent has been set allowing all manner of charlatans to fleece creditors by winding up a company and then immediately setting up a phoenix company with practically the same name. Essentially, our courts are helping to legalise fraud. It also means that Mike Ashley's case against the SFA will be a complete non-starter as the Court of Session very rarely overturns decisions made by its judges.
Then there was the hearing to decide if Wi-Fi company, 802 Works Ltd, could continue to have £300,000 of Sevco's money ring-fenced in case of insolvency. After perusing Sevco's books, the sheriff decided that the ring-fencing was unwarranted. This decision was wholly based on Sevco's accounts, the sheriff saying that they "did change the whole focus of the hearing". Fair enough, you might think, if the accounts showed a company in reasonable financial health. These accounts, however, were unaudited, which means they aren't worth the paper they're printed on. Again, a precedent has been set that means that any crooked businessman can present a set of Cordon Bleu books to a Sheriff Court and the sheriff will have to provide a very good reason for not accepting them.
Time to get the tin-foil hat on again. Remember the other day I reported how Lord Menzies, who made Chateau Charlie stump up a £50k bond, is a member of the prestigious and exclusive New Club in Edinburgh? Well, Lord Woolman, who passed Honest Dave as 'fit and proper' also happens to be a member of the Princes Street club. The New Club's membership is a closely-guarded secret and the information in 'Who's Who' about these judges being members probably came from the men themselves. One member that the club boasts about is Sean Connery. (Don't get me started on him!) One wonders who proposed Mr. Connery for membership? Which leading Edinburgh businessman was Connery known for being close to?
The New Club is a by-word for class snobbery and it is well known that its members generally come from Edinburgh's fee-paying schools. There have always been dark rumours surrounding the clique around this club and it is believed that many closed-doors deals are reached within its confines. It's certainly suspicious that top members of our judiciary meet in this clandestine club along with businessmen and politicians. And, as the majority of our top judges come from and live in Edinburgh, you can be sure that they all troop along to take luncheon at 84-87 Princes Street. You can read more about our top judges here. Be warned; you'll get angry!
If you follow me on Twitter you'll be aware that I've e-mailed the web editor of the DR to complain about the constant references to child abuse by The Peeppul on the paper's comments sections. I've threatened to contact the police if they don't do something about it. I might well just be pissing in the wind but a stand has to be taken. If you try to post anything about Old Rangers being cheats or how many of their titles are tainted your comment immediately goes into 'moderation' and then disappears without ever seeing the light of day. Meanwhile all manner of filth is allowed through and is left visible even when you report it. It'll be interesting to see if they get back to me.
And another story in the Daily Record about how Celtic is dominating Scottish football due to having more money than everyone else. Derek McInnes is quoted as saying, "Celtic brought in a player during the week which shows, again, the gulf between them and the rest. The fee and the boy’s wages would equate to my full footballing budget." So there you have it; money equals success and the team that can splash out on players is going to crush all opposition. This crops up all the time in our media. Strangely, though, Rangers gained no advantage whatsoever when they were bringing in top players using tax-payers money and using hidden contracts to cheat everybody!
Finally, I see some of The Peeppul are foaming at the mouth because the DR has a story about Gerry Adams's new book. To be honest, the book looks a load of shite, bringing together all Adams's idiosyncratic ramblings on Twitter. Obviously that's not what's got The Peeppul up in arms. One banger claims that this story's result will be that "Mirror group will destroy this once proud publication!!!" Er...who's that shaking hands with Adams in one of the pictures, the guy with the big ears? Maybe they want Prince Charles destroyed as well!
Not to be outdone, Gregory Campbell also has a book out, reflecting his thoughts, political concerns and leisure activities. It's a complete look into what his whole life is about.
Mr. Justice Peter Smith relaxes away from court.
Thursday, 21 January 2016
The house we're renting just now doesn't have a TV aerial so we just use BBC iPlayer and other catch-up sites on the PS3. This means that the telly is off for most of the day and we don't end up watching a pile of shite like Bargain Hunt just because it's on. It also means that we don't have to pay for a TV licence. I'd recommend watching TV this way to anybody; it's easy to see the programmes you want to see and it's amazing how you don't miss all the pish you previously thought you couldn't do without.
I tend to be up at night and I watch a lot of those box sets and old DVDs that I got years ago but never got round to watching. At the moment I'm watching V, the original one, and the beginning automatically makes me think of The Peeppul. The blurb at the start says that the show is dedicated to all the brave resistance fighters throughout the world and I can't help wondering how the Huns would react to that. In fact, I'd imagine The Peeppul would be on the side of the aliens; until, of course, they found out that their skin is green!
I recently watched Breaking Bad and I honestly can't understand what all the fuss is about. There's folk claiming that it's the greatest TV show ever made, which I can't see at all. I guess there's no accounting for taste. A much better programme has been The Man in the High Castle, an alternative-history-type thing where the Nazis got the atomic bomb first and so the Germans and the Japanese won WWII. The USA is divided between Japan and Germany and there's lots of skulduggery between the two empires. There's also a kind of fantasy element with illegal films doing the rounds, which show an alternative reality where the Allies won. I'm waiting for Series 2 to find out what the significance is of these films.
Again, I thought of The Peeppul. Just imagine an alternative reality where Rangers paid their taxes, Murray didn't sell to Whyte and administration and liquidation never happened. Into this happy dimension is introduced the rumour of films showing a different reality, where everything went tits-up and Rangers died. There's a roaring, black-market trade in these films until, finally, somebody puts one on the internet for all to see. Can you imagine settling down to watch it and then looking at all the TV reports and newspaper stories shown in the film? The immediate reaction would be What the fuck? I thought the bastards had died!
That's what it feels like a lot of the time; as if we're living in an alternative reality where Rangers didn't die. More than that; our media does its best to make out that 'Rangers' is the most important team in Scotland and that they'll soon be in Europe, dominating every competition with a crowd of loan players, guys on short-term contracts and assorted Action Man's Heids from the bottom of the English FA barrel - oops! Sorry! Not supposed to bring that up. All of which makes laughable the story I read on The Clumpany about a group called 'Bears Fightback'. This group is nothing new; it's the old story with The Peeppul going through everything with a fine-tooth comb desperate to find something to be offended by. It's quite risible when you hear them calling others 'perma-offended' when they're the ones that go out their way to be offensive and then hate it when anybody says the least thing, no matter how anodyne.
I've mentioned on here before about the clown that chained himself to his veranda railings in the 1960s when the council decided to change all the verandas from a horrible bottle green to a much cheerier-looking sky blue. The council gave in and let him paint his own railings, which he did, painting them a Celtic green. He lived near the chapel and everybody used to laugh at him when coming out of mass. If they'd been changing the railings from blue to green I can't imagine any of The Peeppul laughing; they'd have marched on George Square, claiming it was a big Fenian conspiracy! I remember reading on a blog one of them saying how he never used to use the buses in Glasgow when they were painted green and white; he claimed that he walked everywhere rather than travel on these buses, which showed Glasgow Council's 'true colours'. They're really not right in the head!
And it's not just the Bare Bawsacks that are up in arms. The Daily Record ran an ill-advised story about the SPFL 'investigating' Sevco and Hearts; the latter for not keeping fans segregated, the former for sectarian singing. I say 'ill-advised' because the DR's readership, The Peeppul won't like it and it's not as if anything's ever going to actually be done, is it? As expected, The Peeppul have been on the DR forum in droves, doing what they do best - lashing out at everybody.
And so it goes on...child abuse, terrorist supporters...BJK etc. etc. etc. like a stuck record. I think the funniest one was about the Irish not having a right to Ireland and yet they'll all support Israel's claim, based on words written nearly three thousand years ago! And, again, we hear the demented cry that England doesn't want Celtic. They really don't get it, do they? Celtic are welcomed time and again to England to play in charity matches, testimonials etc. while they only ones that ever welcomed Rangers or Sevco were their bigoted brothers over in NI. Parallel universes right enough!
Further to this, I've currently been watching Celebrity Big Brother. (I know, I know; mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!) Anyway, last night saw a game where they had to stand either on a square that said YES or one that said NO. They were asked if they thought other folk in the house were jealous of them; every single one of them stood in the NO box, while fat troublemaker Gemma stood alone in the YES box. I mean...why the hell would anyone be jealous of her? The way she speaks and acts it's fairly evident that she's envious of everyone else since she's a fat, talentless nobody. (I just tell it as I see it!)
I used to know somebody like that, who couldn't get on with his own life for worrying about how other folk were doing. Apparently, I shouldn't have been school Dux since I only started at the school at the beginning of Third Year, a fact that bothered nobody else. He could never be happy unless he was doing better than everyone, which effectively meant that he could only rejoice in other people's misery. He was jealous of everybody, for being better looking, earning more, being more intelligent, having better social skills etc. His main ambition in life was to find somebody, somewhere, to be jealous of him; an impossible feat, so his only recourse was to transfer his failings onto others, accusing them of being eaten up with jealousy and having chips on their shoulders. Not a happy chappy.
Now does that remind you of anyone? If you read the rantings of The Peeppul you'll constantly hear them grumbling about how 'Raynjurz' were banished to the lower divisions, through no fault of their own, but due to the jealousy of others. Apparently the supporters, and boards, of every team in Scotland were (and still are) insanely jealous of the 'most successful club' in the world, which also, seemingly, has the biggest fan base on the planet. As I said earlier, such expressions are usually an indication of transferring feelings of inferiority onto others; essentially, expecting others to feel the same way they do. The fact is that their 54 titles can never now be added to and everyone knows that a good chunk of them were achieved through cheating. It's hardly a sign of being the most successful club in Scotland, never mind the world! It's like somebody staying on at school until they're twenty-four and gaining 54 O Levels, while a classmate leaves school at 17, goes to university and by the age of 24 has got a PhD. Which one would you think has the more bragging rights? That European Cup has been a thorn in the side of The Peeppul for almost 49 years now and their club died trying to get it!
Speaking of 'auld acquaintance', as I was, I see that website Friends Reunited has closed down. Apparently, it's faced too much competition from the likes of Facebook but I think there's more to it than that. It was okay at first, laughing at somebody saying they were working in IT in Australia when you knew he was on the dole and living in a bedsit in Strathbungo, but then you're tempted to put your own details up. Before you know it you're contacted by old school 'chums' that you lost touch with a long time ago. And that's when you remember why you lost touch with them; they were arseholes! I think more than a few folk came to that realisation and abandoned the website in droves.
Finally, I see the Daily Record is continuing its love affair with Lady Muck, Michelle Mone. You never see a word against her in that rag, which casts serious doubts, if any still remained, on the paper's claim to socialist credentials. She's over in Barbados, gushing about being 'head over heels' in love. Obviously she's met some other mug with plenty of money. 'You can turn your life around' she simpers; yes, all you need is blond hair, big knockers and to marry into money. Sorted.
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
I would not like them
I would not, could not,
in the grass.
What about Ibrox?
I would not like them at Ibrox.
A train! A train!
A train! A train!
Could you, would you
on a train?
I tend to be up at night and I watch a lot of those box sets and old DVDs that I got years ago but never got round to watching. At the moment I'm watching V, the original one, and the beginning automatically makes me think of The Peeppul. The blurb at the start says that the show is dedicated to all the brave resistance fighters throughout the world and I can't help wondering how the Huns would react to that. In fact, I'd imagine The Peeppul would be on the side of the aliens; until, of course, they found out that their skin is green!
I recently watched Breaking Bad and I honestly can't understand what all the fuss is about. There's folk claiming that it's the greatest TV show ever made, which I can't see at all. I guess there's no accounting for taste. A much better programme has been The Man in the High Castle, an alternative-history-type thing where the Nazis got the atomic bomb first and so the Germans and the Japanese won WWII. The USA is divided between Japan and Germany and there's lots of skulduggery between the two empires. There's also a kind of fantasy element with illegal films doing the rounds, which show an alternative reality where the Allies won. I'm waiting for Series 2 to find out what the significance is of these films.
Again, I thought of The Peeppul. Just imagine an alternative reality where Rangers paid their taxes, Murray didn't sell to Whyte and administration and liquidation never happened. Into this happy dimension is introduced the rumour of films showing a different reality, where everything went tits-up and Rangers died. There's a roaring, black-market trade in these films until, finally, somebody puts one on the internet for all to see. Can you imagine settling down to watch it and then looking at all the TV reports and newspaper stories shown in the film? The immediate reaction would be What the fuck? I thought the bastards had died!
That's what it feels like a lot of the time; as if we're living in an alternative reality where Rangers didn't die. More than that; our media does its best to make out that 'Rangers' is the most important team in Scotland and that they'll soon be in Europe, dominating every competition with a crowd of loan players, guys on short-term contracts and assorted Action Man's Heids from the bottom of the English FA barrel - oops! Sorry! Not supposed to bring that up. All of which makes laughable the story I read on The Clumpany about a group called 'Bears Fightback'. This group is nothing new; it's the old story with The Peeppul going through everything with a fine-tooth comb desperate to find something to be offended by. It's quite risible when you hear them calling others 'perma-offended' when they're the ones that go out their way to be offensive and then hate it when anybody says the least thing, no matter how anodyne.
I've mentioned on here before about the clown that chained himself to his veranda railings in the 1960s when the council decided to change all the verandas from a horrible bottle green to a much cheerier-looking sky blue. The council gave in and let him paint his own railings, which he did, painting them a Celtic green. He lived near the chapel and everybody used to laugh at him when coming out of mass. If they'd been changing the railings from blue to green I can't imagine any of The Peeppul laughing; they'd have marched on George Square, claiming it was a big Fenian conspiracy! I remember reading on a blog one of them saying how he never used to use the buses in Glasgow when they were painted green and white; he claimed that he walked everywhere rather than travel on these buses, which showed Glasgow Council's 'true colours'. They're really not right in the head!
And it's not just the Bare Bawsacks that are up in arms. The Daily Record ran an ill-advised story about the SPFL 'investigating' Sevco and Hearts; the latter for not keeping fans segregated, the former for sectarian singing. I say 'ill-advised' because the DR's readership, The Peeppul won't like it and it's not as if anything's ever going to actually be done, is it? As expected, The Peeppul have been on the DR forum in droves, doing what they do best - lashing out at everybody.
And so it goes on...child abuse, terrorist supporters...BJK etc. etc. etc. like a stuck record. I think the funniest one was about the Irish not having a right to Ireland and yet they'll all support Israel's claim, based on words written nearly three thousand years ago! And, again, we hear the demented cry that England doesn't want Celtic. They really don't get it, do they? Celtic are welcomed time and again to England to play in charity matches, testimonials etc. while they only ones that ever welcomed Rangers or Sevco were their bigoted brothers over in NI. Parallel universes right enough!
Further to this, I've currently been watching Celebrity Big Brother. (I know, I know; mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!) Anyway, last night saw a game where they had to stand either on a square that said YES or one that said NO. They were asked if they thought other folk in the house were jealous of them; every single one of them stood in the NO box, while fat troublemaker Gemma stood alone in the YES box. I mean...why the hell would anyone be jealous of her? The way she speaks and acts it's fairly evident that she's envious of everyone else since she's a fat, talentless nobody. (I just tell it as I see it!)
I used to know somebody like that, who couldn't get on with his own life for worrying about how other folk were doing. Apparently, I shouldn't have been school Dux since I only started at the school at the beginning of Third Year, a fact that bothered nobody else. He could never be happy unless he was doing better than everyone, which effectively meant that he could only rejoice in other people's misery. He was jealous of everybody, for being better looking, earning more, being more intelligent, having better social skills etc. His main ambition in life was to find somebody, somewhere, to be jealous of him; an impossible feat, so his only recourse was to transfer his failings onto others, accusing them of being eaten up with jealousy and having chips on their shoulders. Not a happy chappy.
Now does that remind you of anyone? If you read the rantings of The Peeppul you'll constantly hear them grumbling about how 'Raynjurz' were banished to the lower divisions, through no fault of their own, but due to the jealousy of others. Apparently the supporters, and boards, of every team in Scotland were (and still are) insanely jealous of the 'most successful club' in the world, which also, seemingly, has the biggest fan base on the planet. As I said earlier, such expressions are usually an indication of transferring feelings of inferiority onto others; essentially, expecting others to feel the same way they do. The fact is that their 54 titles can never now be added to and everyone knows that a good chunk of them were achieved through cheating. It's hardly a sign of being the most successful club in Scotland, never mind the world! It's like somebody staying on at school until they're twenty-four and gaining 54 O Levels, while a classmate leaves school at 17, goes to university and by the age of 24 has got a PhD. Which one would you think has the more bragging rights? That European Cup has been a thorn in the side of The Peeppul for almost 49 years now and their club died trying to get it!
Speaking of 'auld acquaintance', as I was, I see that website Friends Reunited has closed down. Apparently, it's faced too much competition from the likes of Facebook but I think there's more to it than that. It was okay at first, laughing at somebody saying they were working in IT in Australia when you knew he was on the dole and living in a bedsit in Strathbungo, but then you're tempted to put your own details up. Before you know it you're contacted by old school 'chums' that you lost touch with a long time ago. And that's when you remember why you lost touch with them; they were arseholes! I think more than a few folk came to that realisation and abandoned the website in droves.
Finally, I see the Daily Record is continuing its love affair with Lady Muck, Michelle Mone. You never see a word against her in that rag, which casts serious doubts, if any still remained, on the paper's claim to socialist credentials. She's over in Barbados, gushing about being 'head over heels' in love. Obviously she's met some other mug with plenty of money. 'You can turn your life around' she simpers; yes, all you need is blond hair, big knockers and to marry into money. Sorted.
Orange Flegs and Lamb
(With apologies to Dr. Seuss.)
D'you like or-
ange flegs and lamb?
I do not like them,
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
Would you like them
Here or there?
I would not like them
here or there.
I would not like them
I do not like them,
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
Would you like them
in the town?
With a majorette man
dancing round?
ange flegs and lamb?
I do not like them,
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
Would you like them
Here or there?
I would not like them
here or there.
I would not like them
I do not like them,
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
Would you like them
in the town?
With a majorette man
dancing round?
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
I do not like them,
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
Would you like them
at Level 5?
Pretending our dead club's
still alive?
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
Would you like them
at Level 5?
Pretending our dead club's
still alive?
I would not like them
at Level 5.
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
I do not like them,
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
Would you? Could you?
in the grass?
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
Would you? Could you?
in the grass?
Sitting with a
bonny lass?
I would not, could not,
in the grass.
Please shove the lot right
up your arse!
I would not like them
at Level 5.
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
I do not like them,
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
What about Ibrox?
Join me, please.
And we can sing about
bloody knees?
And we can sing about
bloody knees?
I would not like them at Ibrox.
I would not, could not,
in the grass.
in the grass.
Please shove the lot right
up your arse!
I would not like them
at Level 5.
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
I do not like them,
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
A train! A train!
A train! A train!
Could you, would you
on a train?
Oh, by fuck! Not you again!
I wouldn't like them on a train.
I would not like them at Ibrox.
I would not, could not,
in the grass.
in the grass.
Please shove the lot right
up your arse!
I would not like them
at Level 5.
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
I do not like them,
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
What about Keith
and the MSM?
Surely you'd enjoy
it with them?
Look, you stupid
Orange cunt,
I see I need to be
quite blunt.
I wouldn't like them on a train.
I wouldn't like them on a train.
I would not like them at Ibrox.
I would not, could not,
in the grass.
in the grass.
Please shove the lot right
up your arse!
I would not like them
at Level 5.
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
in the town.
I would not like them
I do not like them,
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
I don't like or-
ange flegs and lamb.
Take your lamb
you love so well
And take it with you
down to Hell.
And take your flegs
And all that truck
right oot ma face
And get tae fuck!
Wabs decides to give Kris Boyd another chance.
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
As you'd expect, I'm always looking to see how my book sales are doing and I also look on Amazon to see if there are any new reviews. (There's only one review for 'Catalyst', by the way, has anybody read it?) Somebody called 'Rab' put a new, brief, review up for 'Never Mind the Zombies' on 6th January. It's not hard to tell where he's coming from when he says, "great read if your from the real zombie mob, should take a closer look at his own, obsessed". The poor spelling and use of the word 'obsessed' betrays the clown as being one of The Peeppul.
It's interesting to click on the name of somebody like this to see what they've got to say about other books. Usually they're full of gushing praise for Pishy Leggat's books and anything to do with war, armies or against Scottish independence. This guy's not much different but there's one particular book he recommends that gives an interesting insight into the psyche of The Peepul. The book is called 'March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race' by Arthur Kemp. I'd never heard of this book or its author but I did a bit of research and both are exactly what you'd expect.
Kemp is a self-confessed racist. He left South Africa, where he was embroiled in right-wing politics, years ago and was involved with the BNP when he came to England. He's written a few books and has become the darling of neo-Nazis internationally, who see him as one of the few 'historians' willing to tell 'the truth' about what's happened, and what's happening, in the world. Kemp's website gives the opportunity to read some chapters of the book for free, an offer I took advantage of. I read the chapter on Nazi Germany and was confronted with a pile of half-truths, obvious omissions and twisting of facts. Supposedly the book was recently revised to keep it up to date with new findings and yet Kemp still clings to the myth that Nazi Germany was an efficient, well-ordered state, when recent research has shown that it was anything but.
There is one glaring omission from Kemp's book that proves, beyond doubt, that the man is not, as many try to claim, a historian. There are no footnotes or any indication anywhere of where he got his information. Now, I might ramble on here without providing sources, but I think it's implicitly understood that I will provide them if asked. A book, though, is a different matter, especially if that book is purporting to be a history book. You'll notice that in 'Clash of the Agnivores' and 'Never Mind the Zombies', even though neither is going to end up on any university syllabus reading list any time soon, I provide copious notes on where I gleaned my information. If you don't do this, then you leave your book open to the accusation of being utter pish with no way of arguing the opposite. Kemp has backed himself into this particular corner and only a complete fool would accept him as a historian.
Which brings us nicely back to 'Rab' and The Peeppul in general. Like all right-wing nutjobs, The Peeppul are obsessed with race. You'll constantly hear them banging on about 'indigenous Scots' or 'indigenous Britons' and they don't want their soil sullied by inferior types from Ireland. They try to deny it but the fact remains that Ibrox has always been a successful recruiting ground for the likes of the BNP and many of them now flock to UKIP, the rather more respectable face of racial bigotry. The chants and Nazi salutes in George Square in September 2014 betrayed what goes on in many of their minds. Meanwhile, the 'indigenous Scots' that live in Northern Ireland are currently using violence and threats to try to force refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants out of 'their' country.
Looking at Kemp's website, his blog and other places propounding the same, twisted views, one thing is clear; Jews are considered as being distinctly 'not white'. And yet, one of the tenets of many right-wing racists worldwide is the long-debunked belief in 'British Israelism'. Bill McMurdo writes extensively about this insane theory and the Orange Order teaches this myth to the children unlucky enough to be dragged along to the lodge by their parents. So, on the one hand the Jews are racial enemies, fighting to be top dogs in a Darwinian war; while, on the other, they are the close, genetic relatives of the very ones that hate them. Many right-wing lunatics in America get round this problem by claiming that those that call themselves 'Jews' are not really Jews at all, but some other group; the real 'Jews' are those of Anglo-Saxon descent. I haven't seen any of The Peeppul use this argument so they're obviously quite happy to live with this dichotomy.
When it comes to the Jews, Zionism and The Peeppul, there is also a religious element, which also applies to many of their co-religionists around the world. Many of the tenets of Protestantism did not suddenly appear with Luther etc. but go right back to movements that prospered in the Middle Ages. One of these was an obsession with the 'End of Days', which the Vatican did all it could to stamp out, arguing that it wasn't man's place to bring about the Apocalypse; that was God's preserve and Christians should be ready for it to happen at any time. Protestants, on the other hand, took the opposite view and saw it as their duty to bring about the Second Coming. A look at the Book of Revelation clearly explains why Protestantism is obsessed with protecting the state of Israel and why Zionism has pervaded the thinking of most Western governments.
Most of The Peeppul don't know the beliefs of the religion they claim to be fighting to uphold and they've probably never heard of Arthur Kemp and his vile books but, if you read any of their blogs and websites, it's fairly obvious that they've been influenced a great deal by the 'End of Days' obsession with Zionism and also by the Arthur Kemps of this world. Google 'British Israelism' and you'll find that this is a fundamental belief of the Orange Order, with which the majority of The Peeppul have had some contact. With all these conflicting ideas going round in their heads, all of which they hold to be true, it's hardly surprising that they'll accept anything their leaders throw at them. Perhaps we can even begin to understand why they think their dead club is still alive and why they're prepared to take at face value the word of a convicted crook!
On a personal note, I mentioned before on here that I had been blocked by Listy Graham on Twitter, only to admit that I was nothing special since his account was private. I was heartened yesterday to click on his profile, when he was talking shite to James Doleman, and find that I am, indeed, blocked. Hopefully this also means that I have a prominent place on Ze List. Fame at last!
It'll soon be time for me to start work on Volume III of the Sevco, or 'Neo-Gers' as I've called them in my books, Saga. By God, there's been so much happening this season what with court cases, 'world-class' signings, court cases, the privilege of seeing the greatest manager of all time at work, court cases, an increase, if that were possible, of the sycophancy in our media, court cases, jumble sales and, of course, court cases. My books usually work out at around 80,000 words and I hope I can do justice to this year's story in that many words. I don't really want to go over that amount as it would increase the price and give poor Monti apoplexy!
Finally, I see Cameron is talking about throwing folk out of Britain if they haven't learned English within a certain time. No, that's not strictly true, it's Muslim women that are joining their husbands over here that he's targeting. He's got the gall to try to dress this up as some kind of humanitarian policy, as if it's to help Muslim women get out from under the domination of their husbands. As any intelligent person knows, the women that are under the thumb are in a small minority and it's more to do with the countries they come from, rather than Islam. I remember the wife of the shop-owner near where I used to live and I'd like to have seen any cunt even try to tell her what to do!
I've been on holiday to Greece, Spain and Portugal and it's often hard to avoid going to pubs that are owned by British, usually English, ex-pats. It's amazing to hear these characters boast how they've lived there for fifteen years or more without learning a single word of the local language. A pub owner in Spain told me that she deliberately avoided learning Spanish so as to put off any of the locals from frequenting her bar! I've also known folk that have worked in the oil industry in Saudi Arabia. One guy lived there for ten years without learning a word of Arabic. God help these people if foreign nations ever decide to become as chauvinistic as we are!
Remember these?
It's interesting to click on the name of somebody like this to see what they've got to say about other books. Usually they're full of gushing praise for Pishy Leggat's books and anything to do with war, armies or against Scottish independence. This guy's not much different but there's one particular book he recommends that gives an interesting insight into the psyche of The Peepul. The book is called 'March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race' by Arthur Kemp. I'd never heard of this book or its author but I did a bit of research and both are exactly what you'd expect.
Kemp is a self-confessed racist. He left South Africa, where he was embroiled in right-wing politics, years ago and was involved with the BNP when he came to England. He's written a few books and has become the darling of neo-Nazis internationally, who see him as one of the few 'historians' willing to tell 'the truth' about what's happened, and what's happening, in the world. Kemp's website gives the opportunity to read some chapters of the book for free, an offer I took advantage of. I read the chapter on Nazi Germany and was confronted with a pile of half-truths, obvious omissions and twisting of facts. Supposedly the book was recently revised to keep it up to date with new findings and yet Kemp still clings to the myth that Nazi Germany was an efficient, well-ordered state, when recent research has shown that it was anything but.
There is one glaring omission from Kemp's book that proves, beyond doubt, that the man is not, as many try to claim, a historian. There are no footnotes or any indication anywhere of where he got his information. Now, I might ramble on here without providing sources, but I think it's implicitly understood that I will provide them if asked. A book, though, is a different matter, especially if that book is purporting to be a history book. You'll notice that in 'Clash of the Agnivores' and 'Never Mind the Zombies', even though neither is going to end up on any university syllabus reading list any time soon, I provide copious notes on where I gleaned my information. If you don't do this, then you leave your book open to the accusation of being utter pish with no way of arguing the opposite. Kemp has backed himself into this particular corner and only a complete fool would accept him as a historian.
Which brings us nicely back to 'Rab' and The Peeppul in general. Like all right-wing nutjobs, The Peeppul are obsessed with race. You'll constantly hear them banging on about 'indigenous Scots' or 'indigenous Britons' and they don't want their soil sullied by inferior types from Ireland. They try to deny it but the fact remains that Ibrox has always been a successful recruiting ground for the likes of the BNP and many of them now flock to UKIP, the rather more respectable face of racial bigotry. The chants and Nazi salutes in George Square in September 2014 betrayed what goes on in many of their minds. Meanwhile, the 'indigenous Scots' that live in Northern Ireland are currently using violence and threats to try to force refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants out of 'their' country.
Looking at Kemp's website, his blog and other places propounding the same, twisted views, one thing is clear; Jews are considered as being distinctly 'not white'. And yet, one of the tenets of many right-wing racists worldwide is the long-debunked belief in 'British Israelism'. Bill McMurdo writes extensively about this insane theory and the Orange Order teaches this myth to the children unlucky enough to be dragged along to the lodge by their parents. So, on the one hand the Jews are racial enemies, fighting to be top dogs in a Darwinian war; while, on the other, they are the close, genetic relatives of the very ones that hate them. Many right-wing lunatics in America get round this problem by claiming that those that call themselves 'Jews' are not really Jews at all, but some other group; the real 'Jews' are those of Anglo-Saxon descent. I haven't seen any of The Peeppul use this argument so they're obviously quite happy to live with this dichotomy.
When it comes to the Jews, Zionism and The Peeppul, there is also a religious element, which also applies to many of their co-religionists around the world. Many of the tenets of Protestantism did not suddenly appear with Luther etc. but go right back to movements that prospered in the Middle Ages. One of these was an obsession with the 'End of Days', which the Vatican did all it could to stamp out, arguing that it wasn't man's place to bring about the Apocalypse; that was God's preserve and Christians should be ready for it to happen at any time. Protestants, on the other hand, took the opposite view and saw it as their duty to bring about the Second Coming. A look at the Book of Revelation clearly explains why Protestantism is obsessed with protecting the state of Israel and why Zionism has pervaded the thinking of most Western governments.
Most of The Peeppul don't know the beliefs of the religion they claim to be fighting to uphold and they've probably never heard of Arthur Kemp and his vile books but, if you read any of their blogs and websites, it's fairly obvious that they've been influenced a great deal by the 'End of Days' obsession with Zionism and also by the Arthur Kemps of this world. Google 'British Israelism' and you'll find that this is a fundamental belief of the Orange Order, with which the majority of The Peeppul have had some contact. With all these conflicting ideas going round in their heads, all of which they hold to be true, it's hardly surprising that they'll accept anything their leaders throw at them. Perhaps we can even begin to understand why they think their dead club is still alive and why they're prepared to take at face value the word of a convicted crook!
On a personal note, I mentioned before on here that I had been blocked by Listy Graham on Twitter, only to admit that I was nothing special since his account was private. I was heartened yesterday to click on his profile, when he was talking shite to James Doleman, and find that I am, indeed, blocked. Hopefully this also means that I have a prominent place on Ze List. Fame at last!
It'll soon be time for me to start work on Volume III of the Sevco, or 'Neo-Gers' as I've called them in my books, Saga. By God, there's been so much happening this season what with court cases, 'world-class' signings, court cases, the privilege of seeing the greatest manager of all time at work, court cases, an increase, if that were possible, of the sycophancy in our media, court cases, jumble sales and, of course, court cases. My books usually work out at around 80,000 words and I hope I can do justice to this year's story in that many words. I don't really want to go over that amount as it would increase the price and give poor Monti apoplexy!
Finally, I see Cameron is talking about throwing folk out of Britain if they haven't learned English within a certain time. No, that's not strictly true, it's Muslim women that are joining their husbands over here that he's targeting. He's got the gall to try to dress this up as some kind of humanitarian policy, as if it's to help Muslim women get out from under the domination of their husbands. As any intelligent person knows, the women that are under the thumb are in a small minority and it's more to do with the countries they come from, rather than Islam. I remember the wife of the shop-owner near where I used to live and I'd like to have seen any cunt even try to tell her what to do!
I've been on holiday to Greece, Spain and Portugal and it's often hard to avoid going to pubs that are owned by British, usually English, ex-pats. It's amazing to hear these characters boast how they've lived there for fifteen years or more without learning a single word of the local language. A pub owner in Spain told me that she deliberately avoided learning Spanish so as to put off any of the locals from frequenting her bar! I've also known folk that have worked in the oil industry in Saudi Arabia. One guy lived there for ten years without learning a word of Arabic. God help these people if foreign nations ever decide to become as chauvinistic as we are!
Remember these?
Monday, 18 January 2016
When I was at university there was a dazzling array of political parties, most of them left-wing, who tried their best to dominate Students Union meetings. I know it was the same at all universities and probably still is. Some of these parties were lucky if they had half-a-dozen members (I knew of one that only had two) but, as far as they were concerned, they were right and everybody else was wrong and their noise and disruptiveness was usually in inverse proportion to their size. If it looked as if some resolution might be passed that they didn't like, then the cry was 'Quorum Count!' More often than not the meeting wasn't quorate; most students weren't interested in the workings of the Students Union, apart from the bars.
I first went to university in 1978, got kicked out and then got back in in 1983. It was amazing the changes those five years had wrought. In 1978 the Students Union led a rent strike against the university authorities, who were dumping first-year students into a kind of hostel, a few miles away from the university, with no facilities and very little public transport. The students occupied the administration block and, eventually, the university gave in and provided decent facilities and a free bus. It was a great feeling being involved in such radicalism and most students got involved in some way. In 1983 things were totally different. There seemed to be no appetite for any radicalism and even folk involved with the Students Union spoke of a 'new professionalism'. Four years of Thatcherism had beaten everybody into submission.
Well, not quite everybody. There were still those that were attracted to left-wing politics and even anarchy and joined all the different groups available or set up their own. Many of these groups had broken away from larger groups over some disagreement or other; if you've seen 'Life of Brian' you'll know what I'm talking about. To make an impact in university politics these groups would have had to work together, something they found it impossible to do. They appeared to hate each other much more than they hated the Tories. They all blamed each other when resolutions failed or the meeting was declared inquorate. They made themselves a complete laughing stock.
As well as being notorious for fighting each other these tiny political parties were also renowned for one other thing; they were all infested with police informers. I actually knew somebody that was involved in this game and, according to him, the police kept tabs on all parties, even the Tories! I also knew folk that were involved in these political groups and my impression was that they weren't that serious about it; it was a sort of hobby and they would be perfectly happy to be part of the system once they'd graduated. The ones that were serious were, understandably, suspicious of everybody.
It's the same out in the real world. The police, under the aegis of MI5, keep an eye on all political parties, campaigning groups and trades unions. I remember seeing a play once where it turned out that all the members of a tiny political group were either undercover journalists or police informers. I quite believe that this could possibly be true! Hunt Saboteurs, Animals Rights campaigners and the like all have informers in their midst, usually at a high, decision-making level.
You only have to look at the Scottish Socialist Party to see how disagreements and personality clashes can cause splits, just like in the university groups. I would imagine that encouraging splits and keeping such parties small and feuding with each other is one of the remits of those members working for the police. Divide and rule is a tried-and-trusted tactic by our Establishment. Which makes it surprising that many of these parties have now decided to work together under an umbrella organisation called RISE. Have those working for the police and, ultimately, MI5 failed?
It's surely not a coincidence that these parties got together almost immediately after the SNP's triumph in the General Election. To my mind, it's not only not a coincidence but highly suspicious. During the Referendum campaign the consensus was that the priority should be Scottish independence; after that we could all vote for the parties we wanted and the kind of Scottish Parliament we'd like to see. For most of us this is still the case, whereas this RISE bunch seems to have moved the goalposts.
I might not agree with some of the SNP's policies, such as keeping the monarch or getting rid of RC schools without a radical change in the education system, but I certainly agree with their fundamental policy of Scottish independence. A vote for the SNP is a vote in favour of independence and helps to bring it a step closer. Conversely, a vote against the SNP is a step backwards. Why would an organisation that ostensibly wants independence put it in jeopardy this way? They say that they want to provide a proper opposition in the Scottish Parliament, which, to me, smacks of wishing to maintain the status quo. Shouldn't they be looking to provide an opposition, or even the government, in an independent Scottish Parliament, instead of looking to make gains in the current set-up?
There's another referendum coming up, this time on whether or not to stay in the EU. There is a strong possibility that England will vote to leave, while Scotland wants to stay. Nicola Sturgeon has made it clear that Scotland will not be forced into leaving the EU by Little Englanders and envisages Scotland breaking away from the UK to remain in the EU. To manage this, Scotland's First Minister will need to operate from a position of strength. Relying on the backing of a bunch of backbiting MSPs involved in petty feuds with each other is hardly going to help the situation. And feud they most certainly will. Remember, this is an ad hoc alliance; they're still going to be members of their divers little political groups, while, already, Tommy Sheridan's Solidarity group has been unceremoniously left out in the cold. How is this going to help the cause of Scottish independence?
My suspicion is that the agents of the Establishment have had a hand in the setting-up of this new organisation and will be pulling the strings. Otherwise, what the hell is the point? The stuff that RISE is coming out with regarding the SNP looks as if it's been lifted straight from the pages of the Daily Record. They accuse the Scottish Government of not doing enough to fight the Tories and one phrase crops up time and again on every website dedicated to or discussing RISE: "the scale of the current Tory onslaught on the welfare state and the failure of the SNP to offer more than token resistance to it". That, as we know, is complete nonsense and sounds more like something Kezia Dugdale might say, rather than a group supposedly in favour of working with the SNP toward independence.
For those of us that want Scottish independence there's only one party to vote for and that's the SNP. This new bunch might say they want independence but how can we trust them when they don't even trust each other?
I first went to university in 1978, got kicked out and then got back in in 1983. It was amazing the changes those five years had wrought. In 1978 the Students Union led a rent strike against the university authorities, who were dumping first-year students into a kind of hostel, a few miles away from the university, with no facilities and very little public transport. The students occupied the administration block and, eventually, the university gave in and provided decent facilities and a free bus. It was a great feeling being involved in such radicalism and most students got involved in some way. In 1983 things were totally different. There seemed to be no appetite for any radicalism and even folk involved with the Students Union spoke of a 'new professionalism'. Four years of Thatcherism had beaten everybody into submission.
Well, not quite everybody. There were still those that were attracted to left-wing politics and even anarchy and joined all the different groups available or set up their own. Many of these groups had broken away from larger groups over some disagreement or other; if you've seen 'Life of Brian' you'll know what I'm talking about. To make an impact in university politics these groups would have had to work together, something they found it impossible to do. They appeared to hate each other much more than they hated the Tories. They all blamed each other when resolutions failed or the meeting was declared inquorate. They made themselves a complete laughing stock.
As well as being notorious for fighting each other these tiny political parties were also renowned for one other thing; they were all infested with police informers. I actually knew somebody that was involved in this game and, according to him, the police kept tabs on all parties, even the Tories! I also knew folk that were involved in these political groups and my impression was that they weren't that serious about it; it was a sort of hobby and they would be perfectly happy to be part of the system once they'd graduated. The ones that were serious were, understandably, suspicious of everybody.
It's the same out in the real world. The police, under the aegis of MI5, keep an eye on all political parties, campaigning groups and trades unions. I remember seeing a play once where it turned out that all the members of a tiny political group were either undercover journalists or police informers. I quite believe that this could possibly be true! Hunt Saboteurs, Animals Rights campaigners and the like all have informers in their midst, usually at a high, decision-making level.
You only have to look at the Scottish Socialist Party to see how disagreements and personality clashes can cause splits, just like in the university groups. I would imagine that encouraging splits and keeping such parties small and feuding with each other is one of the remits of those members working for the police. Divide and rule is a tried-and-trusted tactic by our Establishment. Which makes it surprising that many of these parties have now decided to work together under an umbrella organisation called RISE. Have those working for the police and, ultimately, MI5 failed?
It's surely not a coincidence that these parties got together almost immediately after the SNP's triumph in the General Election. To my mind, it's not only not a coincidence but highly suspicious. During the Referendum campaign the consensus was that the priority should be Scottish independence; after that we could all vote for the parties we wanted and the kind of Scottish Parliament we'd like to see. For most of us this is still the case, whereas this RISE bunch seems to have moved the goalposts.
I might not agree with some of the SNP's policies, such as keeping the monarch or getting rid of RC schools without a radical change in the education system, but I certainly agree with their fundamental policy of Scottish independence. A vote for the SNP is a vote in favour of independence and helps to bring it a step closer. Conversely, a vote against the SNP is a step backwards. Why would an organisation that ostensibly wants independence put it in jeopardy this way? They say that they want to provide a proper opposition in the Scottish Parliament, which, to me, smacks of wishing to maintain the status quo. Shouldn't they be looking to provide an opposition, or even the government, in an independent Scottish Parliament, instead of looking to make gains in the current set-up?
There's another referendum coming up, this time on whether or not to stay in the EU. There is a strong possibility that England will vote to leave, while Scotland wants to stay. Nicola Sturgeon has made it clear that Scotland will not be forced into leaving the EU by Little Englanders and envisages Scotland breaking away from the UK to remain in the EU. To manage this, Scotland's First Minister will need to operate from a position of strength. Relying on the backing of a bunch of backbiting MSPs involved in petty feuds with each other is hardly going to help the situation. And feud they most certainly will. Remember, this is an ad hoc alliance; they're still going to be members of their divers little political groups, while, already, Tommy Sheridan's Solidarity group has been unceremoniously left out in the cold. How is this going to help the cause of Scottish independence?
My suspicion is that the agents of the Establishment have had a hand in the setting-up of this new organisation and will be pulling the strings. Otherwise, what the hell is the point? The stuff that RISE is coming out with regarding the SNP looks as if it's been lifted straight from the pages of the Daily Record. They accuse the Scottish Government of not doing enough to fight the Tories and one phrase crops up time and again on every website dedicated to or discussing RISE: "the scale of the current Tory onslaught on the welfare state and the failure of the SNP to offer more than token resistance to it". That, as we know, is complete nonsense and sounds more like something Kezia Dugdale might say, rather than a group supposedly in favour of working with the SNP toward independence.
For those of us that want Scottish independence there's only one party to vote for and that's the SNP. This new bunch might say they want independence but how can we trust them when they don't even trust each other?

"We're no' playin' if ye're lettin' that Tommy Sheridan play!"
Sunday, 17 January 2016
"All coming together as planned, our Majestys council has been briefed. Those who went against and tried to fcuk the ppl will suffer. Next target is the haters who unjustly convicted The Rangers through hatred jealousy and bigotry. The brief for that will be hit them in the pocket. Kerching. Fat man Ashley will be put on the back burner until her Majesty puts the order out to have him dealt with as seen by his name being dragged through Westminster. Over the past month or so. snigger snigger".
This was a comment on yesterday's story in the DR about Chateau Charlie having to stump up £50,000 as a bond against him losing his appeal for Sevco to pay his legal expenses. The character above is obviously jumping to conclusions since nothing has been decided as yet about the actual appeal. It's easy to laugh at how deluded this particular idiot is but, unfortunately, we all know in our heart that there is actually some truth in what he says. To our biased Establishment the Big Lie is everything.
Look at what's happened over the past almost four years. Administrators were allowed to invent a 'holding company' to put all Rangers' debts in so that the myth of the club not dying could be maintained. Our football authorities went along with the scam, as did our legal authorities, allowing this illegal activity to pass unremarked. Oh, sorry, this stuff is sub judice and we're not supposed to talk about it. Well, you know what? Fuck them! Nobody was interested in the law being broken at the time and it was only when things didn't work to the advantage of the new club that our legal establishment suddenly sat up and took notice. The Sevco Seven might have, allegedly, committed all manner of crimes but it's obvious that their biggest crime, and the only one that really matters, is being bad to 'Raynjurz'. If things had worked out well at the new club, nobody would be interested in the slightest about all the creditors being shafted.
Why is the Establishment so interested in keeping up the Big Lie and making sure that there's a 'Raynjurz' for The Peeppul to follow-follow? That's easy. It's the old 'divide and rule' tactic. There was always a level of sectarian bigotry in Scotland, but it's no coincidence that it wasn't institutionalised until the Establishment was shaken to its very core by the Russian Revolution and Red Clydeside. A section of the population was persuaded that they had a stake in the Establishment, at one stroke severing the terrifying unity of the working classes. So successful was this endeavour that these deluded fools still call themselves 'The Peeppul' and honestly believe that they actually benefit from the maintenance of royalty, the Union and upper-class privilege. As church attendance and membership of the Orange Order and Freemasonry have declined, so the team based at Ibrox has taken on more and more importance in keeping The Peeppul onside. That's why Rangers, and its heritor club, have been allowed to get away with cheating, stealing and outright fraud.
Now, you know I don't go in much for conspiracy theories, but it's obvious to even the most sceptical of observers that there's something dodgy going on when decisions constantly seem to fall in favour of Sevco FC, no matter who happens to be in charge at the time. Take the decision to make Charlie post a bond of £50,000. It might appear to stretch a point somewhat, but this doesn't look too good for Charlie Boy. The judge that made this decision also happens to be on Scotland's Supreme Court and will be involved in assessing Green's appeal. Here's the man himself:
Lord Menzies is a rather interesting character. He is a member of various, prestigious Edinburgh clubs, including the New Club, located on Princes Street, one of those exclusive clubs that exist purely for snobbery value, although, no doubt, business deals and other matters are conducted there, behind closed doors. Rather more sinister, however, is Menzies's membership of Edinburgh University's Speculative Society. Supposedly this is nothing more than a debating society, but there's no stall during Freshers' Week, no debating with other societies and no mention on any university club or society lists. It's a highly secretive club, which always meets under lock and key in its own private rooms under the Old College, whose construction the society helped pay for. It's a men-only club and membership is by invitation only. Members all go on to positions at the highest levels of society and there are dark stories about its Masonic connections. Use Google if you want to find out more.
There's no more stereotypical Establishment figure than Lord Menzies and it's pretty safe to say that he's not the only one in the Scottish judiciary. In fact, Scotland's judges have been the subject of stories of Masonic conspiracies involving child abuse for decades now. (Google 'Scottish judges magic circle'.) How these judges deal with people from different backgrounds should be a scandal, but isn't. For example, Angus Douglas-Hamilton, 15th Duke of Hamilton, was arrested and tried five times for drink driving before he was finally banned. On more than one occasion he actually assaulted a police officer when he was being arrested; nothing, however, was done about that. On the other hand, when the Duke was in hospital being treated for an alcohol-related illness, a teenage orderly stole some money from the Duke's wallet. The lad was banged up for six months. The judiciary only looks after its own!
The closeness of the vote in the Independence Referendum and the triumph of the SNP in the General Election has given our Establishment something new to be frightened of. The Peeppul are needed now more than ever, to provide a vanguard for Unionism and to threaten and intimidate the rest of us. I hate to say it, but I can't see anything being done to hurt Sevco or the Big Lie. Even if Green, Whyte and the rest are all thrown into the chokey we can be sure that nothing at all will be done about Sevco. Things will be allowed to carry on as they have been with 'Rangers' limping on until some way can be found to stabilise the club.
Meanwhile, all pretence has been cast aside and our media couldn't make it more obvious that colours are currently being nailed to masts. What's being done about last Sunday's bigot-fest at Ibrox? Not a damn thing by the looks of it and nobody in our Fourth Estate is calling for anything to be done either. And then there's that dangerous, life-threatening pastime of letting off flares and smoke bombs at football matches. The Daily Record, and everyone else it seemed, was calling for action to be taken. 'Somebody is going to get killed' was the cry. 'Pyrotechnics', as they call them, were let off at Tannadice on Friday night but, strangely, the media had nothing at all to say on the matter, mainly because they went off at the 'wrong' end. Oh, and don't forget, Friday's pyrotechnics don't actually count; it's only the green ones that are toxic and life-threatening!
I've mentioned before about the Daily Record's moderating procedures for posts on its online stories. On quite a few occasions now I've had posts flagged as 'awaiting moderation' as soon as I've pressed the 'POST' button. A quick refresh of the page shows that my post has disappeared, obviously considered to be inappropriate or offensive. For example, I posted this on the story about Alan Stubbs supposedly being puzzled about Celtic loaning him Stokes:
Or this one, which you can see has been there a good, long while:
I always report these posts whenever they appear, as well as others that, believe it or not, are actually worse. You might suggest that I don't do this and leave the post there for all to see what The Peeppul are really like but the truth is that the post seldom disappears if you report it. Leaving the post there with the word 'reported' next to it not only lets normal folk see what The Peeppul are like, it lets them see too what the Daily Record is like, allowing this filth to be posted when they actually have a moderation procedure in place!
Finally, speaking of triggering, my going on about the baldy nappers at Ibrox and Kris Boyd's and Pat Nevin's hair-replacement therapy has triggered some kind of robot to comment on my blog. So if you happen to live in Punjab and you're follically challenged, click on the link provided in the sole comment of my last blog 'Toys for Rags'!
This was a comment on yesterday's story in the DR about Chateau Charlie having to stump up £50,000 as a bond against him losing his appeal for Sevco to pay his legal expenses. The character above is obviously jumping to conclusions since nothing has been decided as yet about the actual appeal. It's easy to laugh at how deluded this particular idiot is but, unfortunately, we all know in our heart that there is actually some truth in what he says. To our biased Establishment the Big Lie is everything.
Look at what's happened over the past almost four years. Administrators were allowed to invent a 'holding company' to put all Rangers' debts in so that the myth of the club not dying could be maintained. Our football authorities went along with the scam, as did our legal authorities, allowing this illegal activity to pass unremarked. Oh, sorry, this stuff is sub judice and we're not supposed to talk about it. Well, you know what? Fuck them! Nobody was interested in the law being broken at the time and it was only when things didn't work to the advantage of the new club that our legal establishment suddenly sat up and took notice. The Sevco Seven might have, allegedly, committed all manner of crimes but it's obvious that their biggest crime, and the only one that really matters, is being bad to 'Raynjurz'. If things had worked out well at the new club, nobody would be interested in the slightest about all the creditors being shafted.
Why is the Establishment so interested in keeping up the Big Lie and making sure that there's a 'Raynjurz' for The Peeppul to follow-follow? That's easy. It's the old 'divide and rule' tactic. There was always a level of sectarian bigotry in Scotland, but it's no coincidence that it wasn't institutionalised until the Establishment was shaken to its very core by the Russian Revolution and Red Clydeside. A section of the population was persuaded that they had a stake in the Establishment, at one stroke severing the terrifying unity of the working classes. So successful was this endeavour that these deluded fools still call themselves 'The Peeppul' and honestly believe that they actually benefit from the maintenance of royalty, the Union and upper-class privilege. As church attendance and membership of the Orange Order and Freemasonry have declined, so the team based at Ibrox has taken on more and more importance in keeping The Peeppul onside. That's why Rangers, and its heritor club, have been allowed to get away with cheating, stealing and outright fraud.
Now, you know I don't go in much for conspiracy theories, but it's obvious to even the most sceptical of observers that there's something dodgy going on when decisions constantly seem to fall in favour of Sevco FC, no matter who happens to be in charge at the time. Take the decision to make Charlie post a bond of £50,000. It might appear to stretch a point somewhat, but this doesn't look too good for Charlie Boy. The judge that made this decision also happens to be on Scotland's Supreme Court and will be involved in assessing Green's appeal. Here's the man himself:
The Right Hun Lord Menzies.
Lord Menzies is a rather interesting character. He is a member of various, prestigious Edinburgh clubs, including the New Club, located on Princes Street, one of those exclusive clubs that exist purely for snobbery value, although, no doubt, business deals and other matters are conducted there, behind closed doors. Rather more sinister, however, is Menzies's membership of Edinburgh University's Speculative Society. Supposedly this is nothing more than a debating society, but there's no stall during Freshers' Week, no debating with other societies and no mention on any university club or society lists. It's a highly secretive club, which always meets under lock and key in its own private rooms under the Old College, whose construction the society helped pay for. It's a men-only club and membership is by invitation only. Members all go on to positions at the highest levels of society and there are dark stories about its Masonic connections. Use Google if you want to find out more.
There's no more stereotypical Establishment figure than Lord Menzies and it's pretty safe to say that he's not the only one in the Scottish judiciary. In fact, Scotland's judges have been the subject of stories of Masonic conspiracies involving child abuse for decades now. (Google 'Scottish judges magic circle'.) How these judges deal with people from different backgrounds should be a scandal, but isn't. For example, Angus Douglas-Hamilton, 15th Duke of Hamilton, was arrested and tried five times for drink driving before he was finally banned. On more than one occasion he actually assaulted a police officer when he was being arrested; nothing, however, was done about that. On the other hand, when the Duke was in hospital being treated for an alcohol-related illness, a teenage orderly stole some money from the Duke's wallet. The lad was banged up for six months. The judiciary only looks after its own!
The closeness of the vote in the Independence Referendum and the triumph of the SNP in the General Election has given our Establishment something new to be frightened of. The Peeppul are needed now more than ever, to provide a vanguard for Unionism and to threaten and intimidate the rest of us. I hate to say it, but I can't see anything being done to hurt Sevco or the Big Lie. Even if Green, Whyte and the rest are all thrown into the chokey we can be sure that nothing at all will be done about Sevco. Things will be allowed to carry on as they have been with 'Rangers' limping on until some way can be found to stabilise the club.
Meanwhile, all pretence has been cast aside and our media couldn't make it more obvious that colours are currently being nailed to masts. What's being done about last Sunday's bigot-fest at Ibrox? Not a damn thing by the looks of it and nobody in our Fourth Estate is calling for anything to be done either. And then there's that dangerous, life-threatening pastime of letting off flares and smoke bombs at football matches. The Daily Record, and everyone else it seemed, was calling for action to be taken. 'Somebody is going to get killed' was the cry. 'Pyrotechnics', as they call them, were let off at Tannadice on Friday night but, strangely, the media had nothing at all to say on the matter, mainly because they went off at the 'wrong' end. Oh, and don't forget, Friday's pyrotechnics don't actually count; it's only the green ones that are toxic and life-threatening!
I've mentioned before about the Daily Record's moderating procedures for posts on its online stories. On quite a few occasions now I've had posts flagged as 'awaiting moderation' as soon as I've pressed the 'POST' button. A quick refresh of the page shows that my post has disappeared, obviously considered to be inappropriate or offensive. For example, I posted this on the story about Alan Stubbs supposedly being puzzled about Celtic loaning him Stokes:
As expected, it disappeared immediately I refreshed the page. Obviously certain words automatically trigger moderation followed by extermination. I wonder what words they didn't like among that lot? I know it wasn't 'Level' because I put up another post saying 'Level 5 guff' immediately afterwards with impunity. Since, however, there is obviously a list of words that trigger moderation, one wonders how the hell the likes of this gets through:
Or this one, which you can see has been there a good, long while:
I always report these posts whenever they appear, as well as others that, believe it or not, are actually worse. You might suggest that I don't do this and leave the post there for all to see what The Peeppul are really like but the truth is that the post seldom disappears if you report it. Leaving the post there with the word 'reported' next to it not only lets normal folk see what The Peeppul are like, it lets them see too what the Daily Record is like, allowing this filth to be posted when they actually have a moderation procedure in place!
Finally, speaking of triggering, my going on about the baldy nappers at Ibrox and Kris Boyd's and Pat Nevin's hair-replacement therapy has triggered some kind of robot to comment on my blog. So if you happen to live in Punjab and you're follically challenged, click on the link provided in the sole comment of my last blog 'Toys for Rags'!
"Who the hell do these folk at the SPFL think they are? Don't they know they shouldn't be making any decisions without consulting me first? I've got big glamour ties lined up against...well...never you mind who but I've got glamour ties lined up and now they expect my team to take part in a cup competition like every other common-or-garden club! Don't they know who we are? Don't they know who I am? How dare they!
...rant...rave...gibber...seethe..." (continued in the Daily Record).
Friday, 15 January 2016
Thanks to those that gave me feedback on my short story. I've deleted it now since they're funny in these competitions about having the story posted on the internet; they count that as already being published. I've taken what you've said on board and will be making a few changes before I submit it. Even if you're not aware of it, you've been a big help. Thanks again.
The big news is the Sons of Struth jumble sale tomorrow at Ibrox Primary School. As somebody already pointed out to me on Twitter, they'd better have a box of Action Man's heids or it's not a proper jumble sale! I wonder if it's a good idea letting these Peeppul hold their jumble sale at a primary school, given their penchant for hooliganism and their hatred of education. Hopefully the weans haven't put any pictures on the walls that the Huns might take exception to, which wouldn't be hard since there's a long list of things and people they don't like. At any rate, it still doesn't seem to have sunk in that Sevco has to reimburse Ashley the full price for unsold stock, which Sports Direct can then flog cheaply to make even more money. The way things stand, these clowns are actually doing Ashley a favour. Still, if it keeps them off the streets...
Like Kris Boyd, Pat Nevin has decided to go down the artificial-turf route and, like a lot of other folk, he mourns David Bowie and waxes lyrical on what the singer meant to him. The inspiration he took from Bowie was, apparently, "Be comfortable to be different". This, of course, begs the question as to why he feels the need to toe the party line on the 'Big Lie' and praise Sevco every time he's on the screen. It looks more like Nevin feels more comfortable being the same as everybody else around him; even going that extra yard when it comes to sucking up to The Peeppul. I think his real inspiration is from Bowie's song Suffragette City, "This mellow thighed chick just put my spine out of place". Well, he certainly doesn't display any backbone, does he?
Meanwhile, the furore over the smoke bombs, or flares, as our media insist on calling them, rumbles on. One idiot on the DR Hotline had this to say, "Chris Currie must have an axe to grind against Rangers (sic). They have nothing to do with the Celtic clowns who threw flares on to the park. Maybe closing Parkhead to the fans for three matches will get the message through." Obviously this moron forgets Falkirk's artificial pitch being badly burned with a Sevco flare last season! It's getting beyond a joke the way all the fingers are pointing at Celtic, as if no other club in Scotland has this problem. The answer, though, lies with the Celtic supporters that have been throwing these devices; stop fucking doing it! Our media and football authorities are looking for any excuse to come down on Celtic; why give them one? Yes, the whole thing's unfair and hypocritical but we're stuck with the bastards so they have to be played at their own game, by their own rules.
Also on the DR Hotline was this little gem: "Fans of other clubs are guilty of hypocrisy when it comes to Rangers’ (sic) signing policy. They said it was unfair when we were winning leagues with players we couldn’t afford, now they are moaning we are doing it on the cheap." Er...even those cheap players are being paid for with money that Sevco doesn't have. The problem is that Sevco seems to expect other clubs to fall into line and hand over players for next to nothing, just because Sevco doesn't have that much money. The new club might not have inherited the history of the old one, but it's inherited the arrogant support with the same sense of entitlement. They honestly seem to believe that St. Johnstone has got a nerve not parting with their prize asset for peanuts. Maybe Halloween Houston and his gang could help out with the proceeds from their jumble sale and then a XXXXXXXL Sevco top with 'O'Halloran' on the back in an antique, Celtic script could be on the cards!
On a different matter, it seems that those that were all Je suis Charlie last year will now need to change that to Je suis un vrai Charlie! The magazine has published a new cartoon all about the alleged incidents in Cologne on New Year's Eve. Apparently there were multiple attacks on women in the German city and all the reports said that the perpetrators were 'Arabic'. The whole story seems a bit suspicious but the likes of the Telegraph and the Daily Mail have been all over it. So has Charlie Hebdo, with this cartoon:
Aylan Kurdi, you might recall, was the three-year-old Syrian refugee that drowned in the Mediterranean. Charlie Hebdo helpfully provides a small sketch in case we've forgotten.
This cartoon is being rightly condemned but, really, it's time the magazine itself faced condemnation. This isn't a question of 'freedom of the press' as Phil Mac Giolla Bhain claimed; it's a filthy, little rag with a racist and sectarian agenda, much like Der Stürmer in Nazi Germany. Apologists claim that the magazine attacks a multitude of targets equally. That, however, is a complete lie. There are never any attacks against Israel or Zionism; unusual, you'd think for a supposedly left-wing organ! The fact that the magazine is owned by the Rothschild family tells its own story and explains the prejudice against Islam. Really, the magazine is no better, and possibly worse, than the scum that were singing at Ibrox last week.
Tuesday saw EVEL in operation for the first time at Westminster, as Scottish MPs were excluded from voting on the Housing and Planning Bill, which the Speaker judged was purely an English concern. Strangely, though, Ian Murray, Scotland's only Labour MP, and David Mundell, Scotland's only Tory MP, both voted on the bill (Hansard 12-1-16, Division No. 160). It seems that EVEL doesn't actually mean that Scottish MPs are excluded; merely that SNP MPs are!
Finally, I hear Halloween Houston has offered his hand in marriage to this lucky lady.
The big news is the Sons of Struth jumble sale tomorrow at Ibrox Primary School. As somebody already pointed out to me on Twitter, they'd better have a box of Action Man's heids or it's not a proper jumble sale! I wonder if it's a good idea letting these Peeppul hold their jumble sale at a primary school, given their penchant for hooliganism and their hatred of education. Hopefully the weans haven't put any pictures on the walls that the Huns might take exception to, which wouldn't be hard since there's a long list of things and people they don't like. At any rate, it still doesn't seem to have sunk in that Sevco has to reimburse Ashley the full price for unsold stock, which Sports Direct can then flog cheaply to make even more money. The way things stand, these clowns are actually doing Ashley a favour. Still, if it keeps them off the streets...
Like Kris Boyd, Pat Nevin has decided to go down the artificial-turf route and, like a lot of other folk, he mourns David Bowie and waxes lyrical on what the singer meant to him. The inspiration he took from Bowie was, apparently, "Be comfortable to be different". This, of course, begs the question as to why he feels the need to toe the party line on the 'Big Lie' and praise Sevco every time he's on the screen. It looks more like Nevin feels more comfortable being the same as everybody else around him; even going that extra yard when it comes to sucking up to The Peeppul. I think his real inspiration is from Bowie's song Suffragette City, "This mellow thighed chick just put my spine out of place". Well, he certainly doesn't display any backbone, does he?
Meanwhile, the furore over the smoke bombs, or flares, as our media insist on calling them, rumbles on. One idiot on the DR Hotline had this to say, "Chris Currie must have an axe to grind against Rangers (sic). They have nothing to do with the Celtic clowns who threw flares on to the park. Maybe closing Parkhead to the fans for three matches will get the message through." Obviously this moron forgets Falkirk's artificial pitch being badly burned with a Sevco flare last season! It's getting beyond a joke the way all the fingers are pointing at Celtic, as if no other club in Scotland has this problem. The answer, though, lies with the Celtic supporters that have been throwing these devices; stop fucking doing it! Our media and football authorities are looking for any excuse to come down on Celtic; why give them one? Yes, the whole thing's unfair and hypocritical but we're stuck with the bastards so they have to be played at their own game, by their own rules.
Also on the DR Hotline was this little gem: "Fans of other clubs are guilty of hypocrisy when it comes to Rangers’ (sic) signing policy. They said it was unfair when we were winning leagues with players we couldn’t afford, now they are moaning we are doing it on the cheap." Er...even those cheap players are being paid for with money that Sevco doesn't have. The problem is that Sevco seems to expect other clubs to fall into line and hand over players for next to nothing, just because Sevco doesn't have that much money. The new club might not have inherited the history of the old one, but it's inherited the arrogant support with the same sense of entitlement. They honestly seem to believe that St. Johnstone has got a nerve not parting with their prize asset for peanuts. Maybe Halloween Houston and his gang could help out with the proceeds from their jumble sale and then a XXXXXXXL Sevco top with 'O'Halloran' on the back in an antique, Celtic script could be on the cards!
On a different matter, it seems that those that were all Je suis Charlie last year will now need to change that to Je suis un vrai Charlie! The magazine has published a new cartoon all about the alleged incidents in Cologne on New Year's Eve. Apparently there were multiple attacks on women in the German city and all the reports said that the perpetrators were 'Arabic'. The whole story seems a bit suspicious but the likes of the Telegraph and the Daily Mail have been all over it. So has Charlie Hebdo, with this cartoon:
"What would little Aylan have become if he'd grown up?"
"An arse-grabber in Germany."
Aylan Kurdi, you might recall, was the three-year-old Syrian refugee that drowned in the Mediterranean. Charlie Hebdo helpfully provides a small sketch in case we've forgotten.
This cartoon is being rightly condemned but, really, it's time the magazine itself faced condemnation. This isn't a question of 'freedom of the press' as Phil Mac Giolla Bhain claimed; it's a filthy, little rag with a racist and sectarian agenda, much like Der Stürmer in Nazi Germany. Apologists claim that the magazine attacks a multitude of targets equally. That, however, is a complete lie. There are never any attacks against Israel or Zionism; unusual, you'd think for a supposedly left-wing organ! The fact that the magazine is owned by the Rothschild family tells its own story and explains the prejudice against Islam. Really, the magazine is no better, and possibly worse, than the scum that were singing at Ibrox last week.
Tuesday saw EVEL in operation for the first time at Westminster, as Scottish MPs were excluded from voting on the Housing and Planning Bill, which the Speaker judged was purely an English concern. Strangely, though, Ian Murray, Scotland's only Labour MP, and David Mundell, Scotland's only Tory MP, both voted on the bill (Hansard 12-1-16, Division No. 160). It seems that EVEL doesn't actually mean that Scottish MPs are excluded; merely that SNP MPs are!
Finally, I hear Halloween Houston has offered his hand in marriage to this lucky lady.
"C'moan, hen, Ah'm sum catch 'n' 'at, so Ah um! Ah'm a pyoor brullyint auffir an' a non-smoker. Ah've goat a good sense-a humour; Ah mean, Ah support Sevco, so Ah need wan. An' Ah've goat ma ain van an' everyhin'. Oh, an' Ah'm tellin' nae word-y a lie when Ah say Ah'm wan-y the handsomest men it Ibrox!"
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