

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


Keith Jackson responds to the pathetic claims made by Ersatz FC on their website by trumpeting how the Daily Record broke the news about Whyte's shady dealings. Ersatz FC accused the DR of being 'anti-Rangers' and of pursuing an agenda against the club. Jackson's reply, however, is just as bare-faced in its blatant ignoring of the truth.

We all know that the Ersatzers blame everybody else for their woes but blaming the Daily Record is a new low for the officials at the club. Since Day 1 the DR has been in the forefront of accepting the 'same club' doublethink and, especially when Jabba was still there, of blasting all and sundry at the 'unfair' treatment meted out to Ersatz FC. It is really difficult to see where this 'anti' agenda rears its head. Even the paranoid Ersatzer blogs don't give examples. All they do is stick an 'h' into every word and think that proves a point - Dhaily Rhecord, Dhaily Rhebel etc etc. Are they going for some kind of record (pardon the pun) in how many organisations they can alienate?

Jackson's reply is full of back-slapping self-congratulation. Apparently nobody knew a thing about Craig Whyte until he and Jabba revealed all. He neglects to say that various bloggers were pointing out the truth about Whyte almost as soon as he appeared on the scene. Then there was the BBC programme, which prompted the 'Rangers Loyal' to call for boycotts of BBC Scotland and caused a few men and their dugs to 'demonstrate' outside BBC Scotland HQ. This at a time when the Record were still going on about billionaires, wealth off the radar and front-loaded funds.

The revelations about Ticketus in the Record came far too late for anybody to do anything about it; not that they would have done anyway. When the inevitable slide into administration came, the 'Loyal' turned up outside Ibrox to demonstrate. Did they call for Whyte's head? Did they demand to know the truth? No. They indulged in singing The Billy Boys and disgusting chants about Celtic Boys Club. Even then they were blaming everybody else!

I remember the rumour mill at the time saying that Jabba was 'sitting' on a story about Rangers. How the story survived being sat on by Jabba's bulk would be an interesting story in itself! Anyway, according to Jackson, the DR had the story a full SIX MONTHS before it published it! Why was the story witheld? Well, Jackson claims that Craig Whyte 'banned' him from printing it. How did he manage that? I don't remember any tales of court injunctions or the like. More likely, Whyte sent round a leg of finest New Zealand to Jabba to keep the story under wraps!

Contrary to what Jackson would have us believe, it was the 'internet bampots' who uncovered the truth about Whyte, many by just resorting to a simple Google search. Traynor probably cried his eyes out when he had to publish that story and it is telling that he did publish it only when everyone else had already exposed Whyte as a crook. Still, Jackson does give us one piece of truth. He quotes the offishel word of Ersatz FC on its website; "If Rangers fans want the truth they will find it only on the club’s official platforms.” As Jackson points out, that'll be the same platforms that Whyte and Green used extensively!

Meanwhile, the Daily Record, and most of the rest of our Fourth Estate, have decided to ignore the story of the ASA and 'The World's Most Successful Club.' They were all quick to trumpet the ASA's decision a while back but are strangely quiet now. A review process is under way to assess if the ASA was right to accept the 'same club, different company' argument. Apparently, this would be inconsistent with how the ASA have dealt with the same kinds of situations in the past. There is also the tiny matter of Ersatz FC lying to the ASA, quoting the Stock Exchange as saying it was the same club when they did no such thing! The ASA decision, then, might well be overturned. I wonder why the 'anti-Rangers' Daily Record is keeping so quiet on this one!

The argument of whether or not to support the 'Real Rangers Men' in their bid to oust Green seems to have come down firnly in favour of the proposal. Bill McMurdo now stands alone as probably the only supporter of Green and Ahmad and he is being lambasted left, right and centre by folk on other Ersatz blogs and social sites. Everyone seems to be questioning his impartiality, his loyalty and even his sanity. Understandably, Bill has left the debate behind in order to concentrate on next years vote on independence.

He claims on his blog that the independent cause is blighted by anti-English racism and goes on to voice his hatred of bigotry and sectarianism. (While, ironically, using the terms 'Romans' and 'Romanism' to describe Catholics and Catholicism respectively!) Of course the usual crap ends up being posted: separate schools, the Irish, Hitler was a Catholic etc etc ad nauseum. They use bigoted and racist language but if you point this out you are the one accused of being a bigot! It's a bit like some black person in America being called a racist for speaking out against the Ku Klux Klan!

Similarly, they don't like being questioned on their take on history, where every evil that has happened is attributable to the Catholic Church! Question this and you are accused of rewriting history - this from a man who admits to being an adherent of the British Israelism myth! Meanwhile, all manners of filthy racism goes unchecked. For example:

"the more you post, the lower down the class ladder you’re going – and as you’ll agree, then oirish are never considered to be very high anyway."

Finally, there's the story about Ian Black and his betting against his own teams. Apparently he's too thick to even think of getting a mate to put the bets on for him. The SFA claims that he is not suspected of anything more; eg deliberately trying to throw the matches. If that is so, then why the hell was he betting on his opponents? Of course, we know fine well that he'll get a slap on the wrist and Sooperally will fine him a bottle of orangeade and a curly-wurly.

'Kin Ah get a fiver each-wye oan...haud oan...what team dae Ah play fur again? Oh, aye, right. An who ur we playin' oan Saturday? Well geez a fiver each-wye oan theym. What d'ye mean Ah canny dae each-wye? Surely Ah kin get money back if they come in second or thurd? What's that? Ye canny pye oot thurd place when thurs only two in it? An' ye'll no' pye oot oan second place? That's pyoor discrimination, by the way. You must be wanny they...what team dae Ah play fur again? Oh, aye, you must be wanny they minge-haters!'

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