

Thursday, 22 November 2012


Traynor's latest rant beggars belief and puts to bed completely all his previous protestations of being neutral. For sheer triumphalism, rage, spite and thirst for vengeance it out-Leggats Leggat. In fact, he even steals from David Biggat's blog to try to blame Lloyd's Band for Rangers' demise.

Read the whole disgusting tirade here:


"...certainly one of the most shameful tax cases in Scottish history." he says. How dare HMRC go after Rangers! Don't they realise that it is one of the sacred cows of Scotland? Our footballing authorities for years have turned a deaf ear to bigoted singing, as have our police and judiciary. Who do HMRC think they are?

"What was the point and what were the real motives behind the zeal with which some in HMRC, and the media, tackled this case" He has obviously completely lost the plot! So HMRC have some secret agenda in pursuing this case. This, again, is straight from the diseased mind of David Biggat! 

 "Blind hatred and poison has saturated this case which could actually have paid off for HMRC. They were offered £10m two years ago to settle but refused, probably because they wanted a trophy win to set a precedent which would allow them to pursue hundreds of other companies for untold millions." Again, he is virtually accusing HMRC of bigotry. Get this man to a psychiatrist, now!

"Companies who sell cups of coffee and mobile phones can escape payments for hundreds of millions but Rangers?" Again with the persecution complex!

"...it is a bitter and twisted chapter in a story which shines a light on a side of this country which should embarrass us" Really? It seems bigotry is okay but hating bigots is something to be deplored! Why on earth does he think everyone hated Rangers? Maybe he could trot out the old party line that it's down to jealousy!

"But now we all know the truth, although we haven’t a clue as to the identities of those at the centre of this sorry saga.
Bizarrely an anonymised form of the tribunal’s ruling was published yesterday revealing that evidence had been delivered by Mr Red, Mr Purple, Mr Turquoise, Mr Yellow, Mrs Scarlet and other colourful people."

Er...sorry, but what usually happens when names are revealed to the Ibrox hordes? Death threats galore and even bombs and bullets in the post. Of course, when the bombs don't work our justice system will be there to smile, shake a finger and say that they weren't meant to be viable. 

"...even if they’d won their case yesterday they still wouldn’t have got anything out of the Rangers they had pursued. They were forced into liquidation, remember. " Exactly. And so we come to the really shameful part of the whole episode, which Traynor always seems to ignore: the illegal sale of the assets to Green by Duff and Phelps. 

It is against company law to offload assets prior to liquidation in order to stop them being sold to pay creditors. Green got away with this and many creditors have been left high-and-dry and yet Traynor dares to take the moral high ground on Rangers' behalf!

Perhaps something that Traynor should be pointing out is that if HMRC had won this first tier tribunal then an appeal would probably have been forthcoming. HMRC have every right as well to appeal; and they will, despite Traynor's veiled threats. The decision was not unanimous, which pretty much equates to a verdict of 'not proven.' This is not vindication and any further tribunal might be brave enough to actually look at the evidence and come to a proper decision. Brave? They would have to be. This first tier tribunal's members have all been named; do you think fear of reprisals played no part in the decision?

So Traynor might be a bit premature in his celebrations but he has certainly nailed his colours to the mast as far as supporting threats and intimidation are concerned.

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