He really can't help himself, can he? 'Heads will roll,' he says. So what's got Traynor so angry? Elgin City sold too many tickets for a match against Sevco; in fact, quite a lot too many. But why should Traynor be particularly angry about this? It's fairly obvious if you've been keeping up to date with his diatribes.
Since Green's new team was refused automatic entry into the SPL Traynor has had it in for football's top tier. In his eyes the SPL teams had no right to act this way and he has argued constantly that the SPL is corrupt, vindictive etc etc. Meanwhile the SFL, by way of contrast, is a model of probity, a beacon of sporting integrity shining out to the rest of the footballing world. So this piece of financial impropriety hurts old Jabba more than anyone could know.
So the SFL is not whiter-than-white. What, then, does Traynor have to say about it? Nothing, really. Most of his article is taken up with hurling abuse at Neil Lennon, disparaging comments about the SRU (!) and deriding journalists that are still having a go at Sevco and its 'long-suffering supporters.' I wonder what 'journos' he's talking about? You'd be hard-pressed to find any 'journos' that haven't been bending over backwards to tell us the truth according to Green!
The Daily Record has banned comments on its football stories and, from what I can see, practically all stories. I have dealt with this issue before on here but the main problem seems to be that not everyone that posts on the forum toes the party line. There were always vile, bigoted, racist comments from those of an Orange persuasion, which were left up and often not removed for hours. If, however, anyone was to question the morality, or even legality, of Green's operation then that post would disappear almost as soon as it was typed.
Recently I started going to the website of The Scottish Sun, where comments are allowed. Again, however, comments cannot go against the party line. It is open to anyone to read through the Insolvency Act 1986, which is easily accessed on the internet. Of interest are Sections 207 and 216. I won't go into it here, you can easily read it for yourself and see what I'm talking about. Once you've read these parts try, as I have, to post something about it on The Scottish Sun website and see what happens!
So who are these 'journos' of whom Traynor speaketh? Surely he can't mean all the bloggers out there? Certainly some of these blogs have followers running to four or five figures. Others, like mine, are probably only read by the blogger himself proof-reading what he has just written! It's good to know, however, that this qualifies me as a journalist!
He also decides to have a go at the Green Brigade. Personally I have neither a drum to beat for nor an axe to grind with these folk; they liven up matches but can sometimes get carried away. They have Traynor, however, practically frothing at the mouth. They 'don’t know if they’re football fans or political activitists' and 'apparently anyone in this brigade shouldn’t be questioned or removed.' This is rich coming from the apologist for a support that barely has any songs about their team, instead relying on the songbook of the Orange Lodge! Neither Rangers, nor the new version of The Beast, have done anything about this situation; in fact, it is practically encouraged!
So, to sum up, Traynor is raging. The SFL is not as perfect as he has, since his recent conversion, been making out. How best to deal with this? Deflect onto other matters that the Sevconians can get riled about. Blame the SPL, Neil Lennon, the Green Brigade, other 'journos,' even the SRU; but don't blame Elgin City or the SFL. It looks like Jabba has decided to stay in Leggoland!
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'The extra tickets business was my idea,' Andy Robinson admits. |
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