

Monday, 1 July 2013


The knives are already out for the new SPFL before it's even up and running. Gordon Waddell, toeing the Trigger's Brush party line as usual, has plenty to say on the matter. According to him, the SPFL should not even be thinking of appointing a new chief executive. He starts by saying that both men, Doncaster and Longmuir, are unsuitable but his whole article is just the usual Trigger's Brush diatribe against the SPL.

He says that the past two years have been 'the single most embarrassing phase in Scottish football history...' How does he make that one out? What happened? Oh, I forgot, Rangers went into liquidation and Green's new team was not allowed to walk straight back into the top tier. Well, that's Doncaster's card marked. As we all know, Rangers were not to blame for any of their financial troubles, it's still the same team and they were illegally 'relegated' to the Third Division. Embarrassing doesn't even begin to cover it!

'...the credibility of the pair in question in the eyes of the paying public is shot. They are both tainted by a process which has been handled excruciatingly badly for the best part of two years.' It's one of the Brushers' favourite words, 'tainted.' Isn't it funny how everybody and everything is 'tainted' except for the ones that actually caused all the problems? And what process was 'handled excruciatingly badly'? Why, the process that stopped Trigger's Brush walking straight into the SPL, of course! Do you think if Green had been allowed to just walk into the top tier and everybody pretended that nothing had happened that people like Waddell would be bad mouthing our top tier?

His suggestions that the Bundesliga or MLS should be consulted are pretty disingenuous. What he really means is that all authority should be vested in Trigger's Brush and have done with it. He doesn't mention 'cabals' but he might as well have done.

Hugh Keevins, in the same paper, continues the attack, praising Annan chairman Henry McLelland for standing up against those in the SPL. He omits to mention, of course, that McLelland owned shares in Rangers. His agenda in trying to put a spanner in the works has to be questioned in light of this fact. Keevins, however, sees him as a hero, standing up to a corrupt organisation. Again, he does not use the hive-mind word 'cabal' but he all but implies it.

He says that the SPL 'made “insolvency event” part of our vocabulary. Along with administration, liquidation – and mortification as the game’s image has suffered.'

Again, everything that has happened has been the fault of the SPL. You'd think you were reading Bill McMurdo's blog rather than a newspaper. And the Brushers accuse the Record of being against them! In reality, the agnivores of our press cannot admit the truth without implicating themselves; after all, they contributed by their constant arse licking to David Murray and then Craig Whyte. That's why they have to help perpetuate the lie that the SPL is to blame!

Things are hotting up on Bill McMurdo's blog as the hurt over Trigger's Brush not running things gets deeper and deeper. All they can talk about, apart from seeing proposals for an independent Scotland as a Catholic conspiracy, is that the SPFL is under the control of Peter Lawwell, as is everything else even remotely connected to Scottish football. They're still screaming for vengeance over imagined ills and still can't accept that their dead team was to blame for everything that happened to it!

Somebody on McMurdo's blog pointed everyone in the direction of a web page that explains the beliefs and behaviour of 'Theym.' I recommend that you have a look at it. My jaw hit the floor after only a couple of paragraphs and stayed there throughout. Do people honestly believe this shite?

When you're reading it, bear in mind that Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44BC; that's forty-four years before Christ was born, or probably nearer thirty-eight since most people think we got the date wrong and Christ was probably born in 6BC.

Anyway, have a read. Remember to leave your brain at the door!


We arra peeppil!

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