He always tries to come across as Mr Reasonable but, like many an Ersatzer, he just can't help himself. He says he will not put up with abusive comments, but constantly allows all manner of filthy diatribes against Catholics and the Irish. He also laughingly said that he welcomes debate about football and religion; this, however, is a blatant lie. He was unhappy with me because I was able to counter many of the ridiculous claims regarding religion by the folk that post on his site. Any attempt by me to explain what Calvinism is really about or how the guff they spout about Catholicism is due to ignorance was blocked. He then had the nerve to claim that 'the hate oozed out of all of my posts.' I then highlighted his own bigotry in only ever allowing one side of the debate; of course, he and his fellow bigots went mental.
A case in point is his occasional crocodile tears about children that have been abused. Tellingly, this only seems to extend to those children abused by Catholic priests. Now, I've no drum to beat for paedophile priests and they all deserve to be locked up for what they did, as does anyone that covered up for them, like the erstwhile Bishop of Motherwell, Joseph Devine. The same, however, goes for anyone involved in this disgusting crime. Protestant clergy throughout the world have also been involved in these filthy activities and so have many in the British Establishment. I'm not talking about 'Whatabootery' here; what I'm saying is that if you condemn paedophilia then you should condemn it utterly, wherever it rears its ugly head. To McMurdo and his fellow bigots, however, it only serves as a stick with which to beat the Catholic Church.
A couple of days ago he decided to have a pop at the innocuous Tam Cowan. I, personally, don't find Tam Cowan particulary funny. Although he has his moments, his humour tends to be of the old-fashioned Francie-and-Josie variety. One thing you can say about him, though, is that he shows no fear or favour in slagging off football teams. I have seen him have a go equally at Celtic, Rangers/Ersatz FC, Aberdeen, Hearts and even Motherwell. To the Ersatzers, however, he is just another 'Rainjurz hater.' It seems that you can say what you like about any team in the country but you're meant to keep quiet about their team.
Rather sinisterly, McMurdo says that Cowan reminds him of 'the wee nyaffs you used to get at school who deliberately supported a team other than Rangers just to annoy people.' So the default position at Non-Denominational schools is to support Rangers/Ersatz FC? In other words, supporters of other teams outside of Celtic or Ersatz FC are just deluding themselves! The fact that Cowan happens to come from Motherwell doesn't enter into it, I suppose!
Meanwhile, McMurdo rejoices in the fact that Kieran Prior, he of the 'off the radar' IQ, sees nothing wrong with the accounts of Ersatz FC. Strangely, Prior has constantly railed against the Ibrox gravy train, with McMurdo's supporters hating him for it and accusing the Daily Record of mischief-making by publishing this guy's opinions. Now, of course, the man's a hero. I wonder if his mind was changed by one of those lawyers' letters that Leggat was going on about. Whatever the case, Prior is now an expert instead of a trouble maker!
Still, Prior has inspired me to come up with a better name for Ersatz Rangers. I know I keep changing the name I call them but I get bored and the joke begins to wear a bit thin. How about Bisto FC? It certainly sums up what's going on there!
Contrary to what I said yesterday, the auditors of the accounts are actually known: Deloitte. Although this company is one of the top firms they are also under investigation throughout the world for involvement in money laundering, among other things. Phil Mac Whatsit points out that this company also acted as consultants for the Ibrox mob, a practice which is seen as unethical by the financial community. So no big changes there as far as moral codes go at Ibrox!
Phil also points out that the Rangers International Sooper-Dooper Holding Company has as a subsidiary The Rangers Football Club Ltd. This will be to perpetuate the myth that it's the 'same club.' The whole idea of a holding company, however, is that the subsidiary can go into liquidation without the holding company being affected. The situation at Ibrox seems to be the only instance in history where the opposite is the case. If they end up in financial bother again, as looks likely, will they still cling to this nonsense?
I'm writing this at about 7 a.m. and I notice that Loony Leggat's latest ravings have still not appeared. Usually he's a lot earlier than this. Maybe he's gone to China to meet some of those hornets, whose stings cause renal failure. He's perhaps decided to cut out the alcohol middle-man and just go straight for the kidney damage!
The Ibrox board turns up for its latest meeting.

Jabba insists on only one kind.
P.S. Did anybody see if it mentions in the accounts how much Jabba gets paid?
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