

Friday 21 February 2014


A lot of us have been there. There's always a time when you need a bit of extra cash. For most of us this usually involves borrowing a few quid to buy fags, to be paid back the next day when you get to the bank. Sometimes it involves a bit more; like when I was a student, pretending to the bank manager that I needed money for new books so I could have a night out. For larger items we can get a bank loan or use a credit card. Some fortunate individuals can rely on their parents for a large tap; others have nobody to turn to at all. These latter poor creatures have to buy things from Bright House or, worse, borrow money from a loan shark. Bisto FC has now found itself in these circumstances.

With no bank, credit line or sugar daddy available, Bisto FC has had to resort to the loan shark option, in the shape of the Krays. The Laxative is chipping in as well so Bisto FC are going to be doubly in hock. Of course, this being Ibrox, the loans don't have to be repaid. Instead, the Krays and The Laxative will receive shares next year. This begs the question: where are these shares coming from? If the Krays are the big shareholders that is made out, surely they don't want those shares diluted? So what's going on?

There has been no indication yet that the Krays have bought Hughie Green's shares. If they had, then the AIM Stock Exchange would have to have been informed and it would have been trumpeted in the press. The fact that it hasn't shows that Hughie is still lurking about in the background. The Krays have got their feet well under the table, using the proxies of Green and the other investors hiding in the shadows.  You're not telling me that Ronnie and Reggie are working, if that's the right word, for nothing. Their noses will be in the trough the same as the rest of them and they'll be raking it in. So, effectively, they're using the money they've got out of Bisto to bail the club out and then receive shares for their troubles. This kind of con trick is par for the course at Ibrox.

Phil Mac Whatsit thinks that this cash is going to be used to fund some kind of administration and it's hard to argue with his logic. Mr Blobby might say that administration isn't going to happen but, then, that's what Barney Google, Craig Whyte, said just over two years ago, isn't it? It looks like things are finally coming to a head.

Speaking of administration, the job of administrators is to look after the interests of the creditors. They will try to find a buyer for the company as a going concern and try to cut costs and streamline operations, all so that the company can pay its creditors. When no buyer can be found and proposals for a CVA or such like are turned down then they hand the whole shebang over to the liquidators to sell the assets so that the creditors do not lose out. Things, however, seem to be done differently in Scotland. Duff and Phelps did not look for buyers for the assets, instead practically handing them over to Green and, effectively, defrauding the creditors. Now it seems that the liquidators are not much better.

BDO should be investigating the fraud perpetrated by Duff and Phelps and looking to seize back the assets in order to do their job and make sure the creditors get at least some of their money. Instead they have decided to play at Famous Five and find out who was responsible for the death of Rangers. Taking Barney Google and his lawyers to court is going to achieve absolutely nothing. What could the creditors possibly hope to gain from such action? It's really about time somebody had the bollocks to stand up and do the right thing instead of all this fearful pussyfooting about, trying to keep the Orange hordes happy.

Meanwhile, the Bisto Kids are still desperately trying to find some 'evidence' of financial misdeeds at Celtic Park. The main instigator of all this, the guy with the funny name from Ulster that posts on McMurdo's blog, says he's often up until three in the morning, keeping in touch with other similarly desperate souls. (And they call Phil Mac Whatsit obsessed!) Unfortunately for them, there has been nothing so far turned up by the European Commission investigation. Surely if these characters are correct in all the things they claim to have unearthed then the investigation of the EC should have been a foregone conclusion and should have been wrapped up by now? Stand by for accusations of cover-ups by the Catholic-controlled European Commission!

Have a look at this:

"1. To take on the real culture and identity of the British people – a culture of inclusiveness and a right to determine their own destiny.
2. To attach to the Union for their own ‘ends’ and feed off the larger ‘body’….i.e. a form of parasitism."

No, it's not a quotation from Mein Kampf, nor is it from a BNP or even a UKIP pamphlet; it's what passes for informed opinion on McMurdo's blog. The guy posting this is talking about the intentions of Catholics (or 'Romans' as they all call them) in voting for staying in the Union in September. Rather ironically, it sums up the whole ethos of the Orange Order.

'...a culture of inclusiveness and a right to determine their own destiny.' That's a laugh. The Peeppil have been fighting for centuries to make sure that Scottish society is not inclusive and they're still fighting to achieve it. As for 'determining their own destiny' surely this is what the referendum is about? Why are they so dead against even having the referendum if this is what they truly believe? And determining one's own destiny is something the British have fought against for years, in India, in Kenya, in Ireland and in various places all over the world.

And attaching to the Union 'for their own ends' sums up succinctly the real reason why The Peeppil are so against Scottish independence. It's all to serve the needs of the dinosaur jockeys in Ulster. England could not care less about the Ulster Loyalists; the only ones that care are the dyed-in-the-wool Orangemen in Scotland. If Scotland were to secede then the Ulster Loyalists would soon find themselves cast adrift. They are the real parasites of the Union.

Personally, I'm voting YES because I don't like the way things are going in England and if we stay in the Union we'll get dragged into all this right-wing UKIP nonsense about leaving the EU and trying to cut Britain off from a modern, global economy just for narrow, parochial reasons. We are not the same as the English, as is clearly shown by the governments they elect time after time. Better off together? Not for a long time we haven't been and, as far as I can see, it's going to get worse.

Back to matters Bisto and I see they're conducting a survey of, no sniggering at the back, 1.2 million supporters. Where does this ginormous support disappear to whenever it's time to dig in their pockets and invest some cash in their club? The catchphrase is 'Ready To Listen,' which sounds a bit like Frasier Crane. Maybe they're going to offer psychiatric advice before administration hits!

Strangely it looks like anyone can do the survey. Just go to the Bisto website and there's a link. There are a lot of anodyne questions before you get to the real nitty-gritty.

6. The following statements are important to Rangers Football Club, do you Agree/Disagree?

Proud of its rich history and tradition. What? A whole year-and-a half's worth? Oh, you must mean the 'No Surrender' and 'Up tae wur knees' stuff!

Innovates and leads the way. Well, if nothing else, it's shown that no club need fear liquidation. Or does every other club need to follow the rules?

Operates in a professional and transparent manner. Aye, right! Nobody even knows who owns Ibrox!

Is respected for maintaining high standards of integrity and professionalism. What can I say?

And really that's it. Oh, it does ask supporters to suggest things that they see as important. You can just imagine McMurdo's Mob saying that the club needs to come out and support the Union. Others will have various suggestions from 'Nae mair Kaffliks' to 'Free tickets for members of the Orange Lodge'. Already many Celtic fans have claimed to have filled in the survey. God knows what suggestions they've been making!

Finally, a rather apposite, if entirely unintended in that way, blog from McMurdo. He decided yesterday to regale us with his version of the Three Little Pigs. The story is meant to shove two fingers up at the South African Crook and other assorted 'rebels.' It conjures up a completely different picture in my mind, though!

A Bisto FC board meeting.

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