

Wednesday, 18 June 2014


I gleaned this little nugget from McMurdo's site:

"People like Rooney and Gerrard to me are not true England players in the sense of the words, the England team has been diluted like most international teams with players who come from split backgrounds. Just because a dog is born in a stable it doesn’t make it a horse."

Where's JK Rowling and her 'Death Eaters' comments now? Still, this kind or thing is par for the course among The Peeppul. Yesterday, just out of interest, I thought I'd click on some of the pictures of McMurdo's followers, just to check what kind of folk they are. Jeeeeeezzzuzzz! Some scary people there, with Facebook pages linking to the BNP and Nazi historical revisionist sites. And yet they've got the cheek to try and tar the SNP as Nazis!

I was reading yesterday that a survey shows that something like two-thirds of ethnic minorities in Scotland are planning to vote YES. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/06/12/scotland-independence-referendum_n_5488582.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular
The likes of JK Rowling should be forced to read this and reflect on her rabble-rousing comments, trying to make out that those for independence are somehow racist.

The disturbing aspect of the story I've linked to is the comments section below it. It's got the usual English racists on, saying how all these immigrants will take over Scotland and all the white folk will be seeking asylum in England. These are the Little Englanders that want to leave Europe and re-live the imaginary 'good old days' of the Empire, when Johnny Foreigner, especially black people, knew their place. And we're supposed to want to stay attached to this bunch?

Green's 'return' doesn't seem to have caused the furore we all expected; not yet anyway. McMurdo and his cohorts are surprisingly muted about the whole thing, while I expected Listy Graham and Halloween Houston to be marching on Ibrox. I don't think they've quite taken it in; they probably find it hard to believe that Green is still involved. What's the betting that Whyte surfaces again as well?

That's a new milestone reached. I've got my first troll on Amazon. This clown tries to be smart, pretending to have read the book when he obviously doesn't know the first thing about it. If he had read the book then he'd know that it isn't concerned with inside Ibrox but about The Peeppul and the press. A nice touch is his use of an Irish-sounding name as if that's going to convince everybody that he's not one of The Peeppul!




  1. That's a sure sign of success.

    An Orc trying to Troll you.

    Swap Monti a book for a loan of his dog.

  2. It was the Irish name that I was laughing at - was he too scared to use his own or did he really think we'd all believe he was a Celtic supporter? He gave himself away when he said 'Rangers'; no self-respecting Celtic supporter would call the new team that!
    I'd have to pay the postage and packing for Monti's dug!
