

Friday 11 October 2013


Although I disagree with a lot of what Bill McMurdo says on his blog, his bampot theories about history and his allowing posts displaying bigotry and hatred, I always thought that, fundamentally, his heart was in the right place. My mind was changed yesterday when I read one of the most disgusting statements ever on his blog. He said:

"If the extreme socialism of the Red Clydesiders is very much diluted in 21st century Scotland, the underlying spite and envy toward those with a few bob that animated it, is still very much evident."

Presumably he wants to go back to the days of property qualifications for voting, the Workhouse and blaming the poor for their own poverty. Nobody begrudges people that are clever, or who have worked hard, earning commensurate payment but the mindset in out society is that the 'haves' want more and more, usually at the expense of the 'have nots.' His belief in some magical, CS Lewis view of history has obviously blinded him to the real history of Britain. A prime example is the constant unwillingness of employers to pay a decent wage; instead they import people to do the work for a fraction of the pay. First it was the Highlanders, then the Irish and now Eastern Europeans. Either that or they just up sticks and move their operations to the Third World, where they can get away with exploiting people even more.

McMurdo's statement was so shocking that even some of the folk that post on his blog had to make their feelings known. He seems to think that all the supporters of Rangers, and the current Ibrox team, are rabid, right-wing Tories. Strangely, he would be the first to complain if anyone else were to make this sweeping generalisation. Anyway, I could go on all day about how wrong and disgraceful his comments are but I will leave it at that.

As expected, Loony Leggat was all over the comments of Auld Judas, the man that always does 'walking away.' He then bangs on about 'democracy' and how none of the board at Ibrox have been elected. Is this guy living on the same planet as the rest of us? Since when did the running of a company become democratic? Not even in the Soviet Union did they have elections for whoever was running a company, even though they were all state-owned. Yes, shareholders can vote to get rid of directors but even then democracy has nothing to do with it. You can walk in with thousands of proxy votes, lay them down to force through your proposal, then find out that these proxies only make up fifteen percent of the shares, while one person can slap fifty-odd percent on the table and win the day. Somebody really needs to get some black coffees and a few Resolves down Leggat's neck!

The complaining, greeting and whining, as well as the possible death threats and bombs and bullets, are on standby as Dave King comes back as the Messiah, no doubt riding into Govan on a dinosaur! The big problem is going to be the 'fit and proper person' test. Not only is he a known tax evader but he was also on the board of the 'holding company' that was liquidated. Already they're claiming that if he is blocked from being chairman or whatever then it'll be down to Peter Lawwell. I doubt, however, that the SFA will do anything; after all, they let Craig Whyte in, didn't they. Or were they 'dooped' as well?

Meanwhile, I see Leggat is being taken to court by Bisto FC. He certainly didn't put that on his blog. The action is being taken by The Rangers Football Club Ltd, the Club, aka Bisto FC and not the 'holding company' aka The Rangers International Sooper-Dooper Football Club Ltd. Nobody knows what it's all about but it probably has to do with the posts that have been disappearing off Leggat's blog recently. No doubt he's offended somebody at Ibrox, especially when he keeps repeating himself in each paragraph. Have a look at today's offering. The paragraphs keep getting bigger as you go on; not because he has more to say but because he adds one item and then repeats everything he said before. It's like that song, 'The Ladies of the Harem of The Court of King Caractacus.'

It looks like we might end up with a serious slanging match between Loony Leggat and Bill McMurdo. It's only just started, with Leggat calling McMurdo 'Merlin' and McMurdo making reference to Leggat's renowned dipsomania. Knowing Leggat, he's like a dog with a bone and will probably try to escalate things. It'll end in tears...or in  court!

Barry Ferguson again gets his chubby-stump crayon out to write a piece for the Daily Record. He is putting himself at the forefront of the welcoming committe for the Messiah, waving palm fronds and shouting 'Hosanna!' He tells us all about the luxury lifestyle King enjoyed in South Africa; a lifestyle that was funded by not paying any tax. That sounds familiar. He compares King to David Murray, saying how much he, Ferguson, looked up to Murray. Well, that's hardly surprising given the huge chunk he handed over to Ferguson in the form of a 'loan!'

Ferguson also talks about "my old club." You'd better watch yourself there, Barry, old son. We know what you mean, but the very juxtaposition of the two words 'old' and 'club' send some folk into apoplexy! Next thing you know you'll be accused of being a 'Rainjurz-hater' and start receiving not very nice stuff through the post.

Right below the piece by Ferguson the comments section is full of "This comment was left by a user who has been blocked by our staff." This statement is being seen more and more on the football pages of the DR and looks like a precursor to comments being banned again. Certainly there was on particular contributor, who never had anything to say other than slag people off and constantly make allusions to child abuse, that definitely deserved to be banned. Other than this cretin, I couldn't see what was wrong with what folk were writing. I disagreed with a lot but that's no reason for them to be banned. (Not yet, anyway. But just you wait...)

I was banned myself without warning, so I e-mailed the web editor this morning to ask what was going on. I received the following answer half an hour ago:

"It looks like your account got caught up in our spam filter by accident. I have released your account, so you should now be able to post on DailyRecord.co.uk"

'Aw naw!' goes up the huge groan from everybody. But if anyone else has found that they have been banned, it might be worth getting in touch with the DR web editor at:




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