

Tuesday 24 December 2013


Sorry I've disappeared for a few days. I've got roped into getting things ready for Christmas. Fortunately the threat of relatives turning up has been whittled down to just my dad and my daughter's entertaining us all to Christmas dinner. This'll be the first Christmas ever when I can just sit on my arse and wait for the grub to turn up!

So the AGM, as expected, was 'full of sound and fury signifying nothing.' The Bisto Board was all returned by an overwhelming majority in the face of screaming Bisto Kids, thinking that their couple of shares and cheap, juvenile season books entitle them to have a say in the running of the club. They were sadly disabused of this notion as the suits with the real power voted everybody back in, including Stockbridge and his mobile phone.

The weird thing is that McMurdo, and others, somehow seem to think this was democracy at work! So has Bisto FC now become a Soviet Workers' Collective? Democracy is one-man-one-vote, which you'd be hard-pushed to find in any business. Business, like the armed forces, is one of those places where democracy doesn't work. Can you imagine needing a show of hands every time a decision needed to be made? In reality it's money that holds sway when it comes to business and McMurdo's use of the word democracy is just a desperate attempt to try to equate what happened at Bisto FC with the vote on Scottish independence.

Speaking of desperate attempts, the guy from Belfast, with the Old-Testament-inspired nickname, has got the hordes into a frenzy with his promise that Celtic will be under scrutiny in the new year. Pish! Do they honestly think that anyone is going to take dinosaur jockey Gregory Campbell seriously? The guy is well-known as a bigot and a card-carrying fundamentalist, on a par with Ayatollah Khomeni. He is also known for trying to stir up sectarian hatred.

In 2008, just before an Old Firm derby, this clown tabled a parliamentary motion for a tribute to ex-Rangers player Sam English. English, as you may be aware, was the poor sod whose knee Johnny Thompson dived head-first into and died. My dad worked in the shipyard with Sam English's father and, apparently, English never recovered from what happened that day. No disrespect to the man, however, but he was hardly one of the Rangers' Greats. Why, then, was this idiot looking for tributes? He knew full well what he was doing, hoping that some Celtic fans, ignorant of the truth about Thompson's death, might take umbrage. He really is a vile individual and this is who the Bisto Kids are relying on to close Celtic down!

Not one reputable source has reported on this matter, which speaks volumes about how seriously it's being taken. Bisto websites are full of claims about MPs demanding answers etc. Strangely, there is not one mention of it in Hansard, so exactly who these MPs are demanding answers from is a mystery.

Glasgow City Council, meanwhile, are not taking all this lying down. The instigator of all this tripe has apparently been asked to use the postal service instead of e-mail for future correspondence. He doesn't want to do this, though, more content to work away sleekitly in the background. The fact that he says that he might use the Rangers Supporters Club on the Shankill Rd as a forwarding address is rather telling. All his acolytes, meanwhile, are promising him money from their Giros to retain the services of a solicitor. It'll all end in tears. Blue and orange ones!

Back to the aftermath of the AGM and Auld Pishy has been posted missing. I can't imagine there being a lot of preparations for Christmas chez Leggat. His auld Presbyterian granny would turn in her grave at the mere mention of this Catholic feast day, so he won't have the same excuse as me. So either he's retired to bed with a gallon of Scotsmac or he's committed Hari-Kari with the bread knife. Maybe we'll hear in a few years' time about his mummified remains being discovered.

Meanwhile, as well as hailing the Board's victory, McMurdo castigates the 'Rebels' for not tugging their forelocks and going along with whatever missives emanate from Ibrox. Rebelling, apparently, is not the 'Rangers way.' Unfortunately, many of said 'rebels' decided to do things the 'Rangers way' and send death threats to members of the Bisto Board. The police have become involved and the whole Gravy War looks set to continue well into the new year.

It's a strange situation all this. Anyone with half a brain (you'd probably need the combined efforts of the whole Bisto support for that) can see that from Green's and Duff and Phelps's initial fraud to the shady money men and hedge funds involved now the whole fiasco is all about squeezing as much money as possible from the gullible. Like the Celtic fans that stood up against the Kellys etc, some Bisto supporters are not for taking this lying down. McMurdo and his followers seem to think there is something wrong with this. There isn't. The big problem is their methods. Death threats waving their wet-dream-stained bedsheets about will get them nowhere. It certainly won't encourage any rich investor to come riding to the rescue!

Anyway, here's hoping you all have a very happy Christmas and that Santa's good to you all! And to those poor souls about to suffer Christmas Day with their relatives; don't worry, it'll soon be over!



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