

Thursday 19 December 2013


Stand by for fun and games today as it's D Day: the long-awaited AGM at Ibrox. From reports it appears that the Krays and their cronies have already won. Of course, The Requisitioners are claiming that this is just a pack of lies to put people off voting and are urging everyone to get along to vote. Surely the AGM should take place in the evening, when everyone has finished work? Oh, sorry, it's the Bisto Kids we're talking about here; the only problem will be if they can get out of their beds in time for the meeting!

Anybody with any sense, however, knows that the Board are going to win this outright. The main point is, how are the Sons of Struth, armed with blood-stained oars, going to take this? Will there be violence or the threatened boycott? Somehow, I doubt it. They'll turn up just as usual, with their juvenile season books, waving their smeggy bedsheets about. That'll be it!

McMurdo took the opportunity the other day to pose three 'vital' questions for Bisto FC supporters:

1) Do you think the Daily Record is virulently anti-Rangers?

2) Do you think the Record has Rangers’ best interests at heart or interested in pushing anything that would benefit Rangers?

3) In the light of your answers to questions 1 and 2 and given that the Record has transformed itself into a propaganda vehicle for the rebels, do you think that the Reqord is pushing the requisitioners because they think the reqs will benefit Rangers?

Do they honestly believe this crap? Well, obviously they do as all the responses to his questions show. Of course, what they see as 'virulently anti-Rangers' is actually an absence of the sycophancy in evidence when Jabba was in charge. They long for the halcyon days when every utterance of David Murray was reported as if it was an addendum to the Beatitudes in the Gospels. Can they actually point to anything that is negative about their new team in the Daily Record? This paper, like all the others, has gone along with the Big Lie that it's the 'same club'; what the hell more do they want?

As to question number two the answer has to be yes. The very fact that they accepted the Big Lie is testament to that. There is also the constant harping on about the return of the 'Old Firm' derby, which shows the depth of feeling there still is at the Daily Record for whoever is playing at Ibrox.

The main reason why the Daily Record is supporting The Requisitioners is because of who is on their side. Whoever Auld Dignity, the Son of God, the Greatest Manager that Ever Lived etc etc claimed to support, the Daily Record would follow follow. It's as simple as that. If Walter Smith doesn't like the board then that's good enough for the arse-lickers at the DR. With David Murray gone then Smith is the only tin god that they have left.

What is interesting in the DR at present is the apparent witch-hunt against the Green Brigade. It's not only the DR, however, it seems that the police are going all out to get the perpetrators that wrecked seats at Fir Park, apparently the worst episode in the history of world football! Are they putting as much effort into arresting those that did the same thing at New Douglas Park? It's also rather a pity that they did not put as much work into finding and arresting those responsible for the mayhem in Manchester a few years back!

Recently there was a story in the Daily Record about some guy that put jokes on his Facebook page about two Manchester police women being murdered. It is made plain in the article that the man has Irish Republican sympathies and it details exactly what sick, offensive comments were on the Facebook page.

Contrast this with the reporting on a couple of other stories. After the Clutha disaster, there were disgusting, sectarian comments written about some of the victims. These comments were of an anti-Catholic and anti-Irish flavour. Of course, you could not tell that from the DR report, which merely said there were 'sectarian and racist' comments. No details.

Again, when the police started investigating the revoltingVanguard Bears for their 'Dead Pool' twitter page, the DR did its best to disguise the full story. If you read the article you'd be none the wiser concerning what the twitter page was actually about.

Then we have the vile David Limond, brother of Limmy, of Limmy's Show fame. This guy ran a podcast where he had a 'Taig of the Day' spot and carried out a virtual crusade against journalist Angela Haggerty, encouraging others to do the same. You can read the whole story here:
The strange thing is that none of our media thought this was worth reporting on. Strange, eh?

Meanwhile, back on McMurdo's blog, the guy with the Biblical name that is obessed with trying to bring down Celtic was full of cheer the other day. A written question has been tabled to the Chancellor of the Exchequer about Celtic. He didn't mention who had tabled the question but a quick search on the Parliament website gives the answer. It's our old friend and dinosaur jockey, Gregory Campbell of the DUP. Quite what this situation has to do with his constituency is beyond me, but he handed over his question anway:

Mr Gregory Campbell(East Londonderry):To ask Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, if he will investigate reports that the Co-operative Bank provided exceptionally low interest rate loans and overdraft facilities to Celtic Football Club.

He also tabled this question at the same time:
Mr Gregory Campbell(East Londonderry):To ask Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, when the UK's loan to the Irish Republic will be repaid in full.

Quite an open-minded, disinterested man, then. It just shows the desperation of these characters that they have to rely on this type to bring their obsessions into Parliament. The DUP is notorious for championing Creationism in schools and even trying to get it into museums, wanting to make it almost impossible for women to get an abortion and for rabidly homophobic statements. Do the Bisto Kids really expect to be taken seriously when this is the best they can get on their side?

Gregory Campbell makes his point regarding Celtic.



  1. cmon pat where r u I need a new post its been 5 days LOL

  2. Sorry, Shaun. Getting dragged into all this Christmas carry-on!
