

Thursday 16 October 2014


The Daily Record outdid itself yesterday for sheer hypocrisy. They had an article about how over quarter of a million children in Scotland are living below the breadline. Considering the small population we have in this country, those figures are shameful. In its editorial the DR decides to tell us that we should all be working together in the Union and forgetting any divisions thrown up by the Referendum. Immediately beneath that they express another opinion, blaming the Scottish Government for the abject poverty in Scotland. Is that what they call healing the divide?

They even had Annie Lennox in their paper on Monday, lecturing us on how we should 'all grow up' and stop 'hating the English.' I think we're all getting sick to death of these lies about anti-English sentiments being expressed by the YES campaign during the Referendum; it just didn't happen! What the likes of Annie Lennox should be concerned about is the anti-Scottish sentiments coming from Westminster, where we're still being painted as 'benefit junkies' and the old lie about England carrying us is still doing the rounds.

England is moving further and further to the right, with support for UKIP growing and the current government looking to opt out of the European Court of Human Rights. Meanwhile, all manner of filibuster is being employed to block the extra powers that were promised to Holyrood. These are the kinds of things that the Daily Record, the self-styled 'Scotland's Champion', should be looking at.

Meanwhile things at Bisto FC are moving from bad to worse. The DR is all excited because Honest Dave King has turned up at Ibrox with a proposal. The paper also indulges in a bit of character assassination on Mike Ashley, just to leave everyone in no doubt as to whom it supports in the battle of the boardroom. McMurdo sees this as all part-and-parcel of our media being full of 'Rainjurz Haturz'. According to him and his disciples, the whole country is terrified of seeing a strong Rangers (sic). In reality, however, nothing could be further from the truth. As soon as liquidation occurred in 2012, the Daily Record nailed its colours to the mast in wanting 'Real Rangers Men' at Ibrox and it hasn't stopped supporting such individuals ever since.

Honest Dave's proposal isn't exactly going to go down a storm at the AGM, if they ever get the accounts signed off and have one. For providing a short-term fix with his £16m, King expects them to issue a whole batch of new shares, with him holding 51%. Effectively this means that all the current shareholders would see the value of their shares halve overnight. And this is a plan? Quite apart from how the shareholders might feel about it, there are rules and regulations about share prices. I'm sure I read somewhere that once a share price falls below a certain level then the Stock Exchange will refuse to trade the shares altogether, leaving the company up shit creek. Surely this is what will happen if the shares are diluted to the extent that Honest Dave wants?

There is also the little matter of King being a convicted criminal. Phil Mac Giolla Bhain had told us on a number of occasions, and I, for one, believe him, that the SFA has no 'fit and proper person' test. The Stock Exchange, however, is quite a different matter. I can't see them being too happy about Bisto's share price being driven through the floor so a convicted fraudster can take over!

There is another small point that supporters of 'Real Rangers Men', like the Daily Record, ignore. The whole 'same club' business is a dangerous road to go down. If a phoenix company is practically the same as the old one, then creditors of the old company are entitled to make a claim on it. Bringing back directors of Oldco would make this all the easier. So, even if Honest Dave and Paul Murray were allowed on the board, HMRC would come swooping in to demand their cash. This deal with King is looking less and less of a bargain! 

Not that any of this is going to happen anyway. McMurdo and his mob have got nothing to worry about; King is obviously just playing games. No doubt he knows full well what the reaction to his offer will be, then he can claim to have at least tried. When he tries to pick up the assets for a bargain-basement price after liquidation he can argue that he tried to save Bisto FC.

Now all The Peeppul need to worry about is Ashley. What the hell he's up to is anybody's guess. His offer to bail Bisto out if they handed over the image rights to the badge is as bad as King's, making me suspect that he's carrying out a similar PR campaign. He, just like Honest Dave, can claim to have tried to save the club when they both start fighting over the post-liquidation leftovers!

Finally, my new book, 'A Toast to Charlie Hanrahan' is ready to publish. I was going to hold off until the end of October until my competition ended. The competition, however, had been a bit of, well...more of an unmitigated, disaster. I've had three entries, only one of which had the correct answer! I'll give it till Friday and if there are no more entries I'll go ahead and publish and just make that one correct answer the winner and send him the paperback; the other two can get a free Kindle version. I'll give a free Kindle version to anybody else that enters if you're not the winner.

In 'Clash of The Agnivores' all the chapters have names. All you have to do is tell me which chapter is the odd one out and why. There is a clue in the name of the book itself.

Send your answers to my e-mail address: andrsptr@aol.com
Don't post them on here where everybody else can see them!


'Mon the Real Rangers Men!

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