

Monday 20 October 2014


Keith Jackson tells us that the crook from South Africa is arriving at Ibrox for 'crunch' talks. Even Jackson, however, can see that Honest Dave's offer is hardly one that can be taken seriously by Bisto FC. Even if his pals on the board give the green light, the shareholders are the ones to make the final decision; and they're hardly going to vote to dilute their shares to half their current value. If they do vote for King's offer then it proves that things are even worse than we thought!

It's quite telling that nobody at Ibrox has had the decency to delay these 'crunch talks' while the Easdales attend to the obsequies of their recently-deceased mother. I suppose trying to guarantee all the fat pay-packets takes precedence over somebody's grief. If anything, I'd imagine it'll make Oor Sandy all the more determined that this con man won't get a foot in the door! Why the hell Listy Graham and his Union of Fuckwits support this crook is beyond me; and they've got the nerve to call the Easdales criminals!

As Jackson sees it, King hasn't got a chance in hell of convincing anybody, which leaves Mike Ashley. That'll have Merlin and his cronies all cheering over in Camelot but the truth is that Ashley is a ruthless operator. He'll squeeze Bisto FC like one of those K-Tel devices you used to see advertised on the run-up to Christmas!

Also in the Daily Record today is the story of PIRA chief, Joe Cahill, being blackmailed by the British security forces after he molested a teenage girl. With glee the DR also reminds us that Gerry Adams's brother sexually abused his daughter and another girl was abused by a senior figure in the IRA. No doubt we'll have the cut-and-paste merchant over on McMurdo's site venting his spleen about how disgusting this all is.

And disgusting it certainly is. But, then, so is the scandal of Kincorra, McMurdo's da's pal, Max Clifford and Jonathan/Steven Hope, a high-profile Bisto supporter. And let's not even get started on the cover-ups at the top of the British Establishment. As I always say; if you're going to condemn the abuse of children then condemn it all. Being selective in who you condemn means that you don't actually care at all and you are nothing but a filthy hypocrite!

Back to Bisto FC and its money problems. I see the woman that got the NHS boobs and thinks breast-feeding is akin to incest is selling her breast milk! She reckons she can make about £300 a day. So how about...

No, I doubt even The Peeppul would stoop so low. And by God, from the looks of that pair you'd certainly have to do some stooping!

Finally, I've got the first review already for my book. Brendan read it all in one day and has this to say:

"Pats best book yet, purchased it on kindle in the morning and apart from meal breaks spent the day reading the whole book."

So come on, get buying. I mean, it's only £1.54 for the Kindle version! And it's for a good cause (me)!


Get the paperback here - only £6.99
Get the Kindle version here - only £1.54

P.S. Monti - how about starting up a library next to your utility room? I can certainly recommend some books for it!

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