

Wednesday 16 April 2014


Mick put some great links on his site yesterday, all of which are worth a read. http://bampotsutd.wordpress.com/2014/04/15/bampots-utd-review-of-todays-articles-and-a-quick-refresh-of-the-pending-liquidation-thats-looming/
I especially liked James Forrest's piece on the 'On Fields Of Green' website, where he shows that all the financial problems of Rangers and Bisto are down to the WATP mentality. I have argued the same frequently on here; they simply cannot comprehend that their club is not one of the big players anymore.

The same kind of mentality is evident in  the Better Together campaign. One of their main arguments is that an independent Scotland will no longer be at the top table of world powers, as it is within the UK. They don't seem to be able to grasp that the UK is only at the top table through sufferance; it is only there courtesy of hanging onto America's coat-tails. Who can ever forget the sight of Tony Blair running at George W Bush's arse like a lapdog? That is the reality of the UK's position in the world. It's like the boy at primary school that swaggers about because everybody's scared of his big brother. He knows, however, and so does everybody else, that as soon as his big brother disappears to secondary Little Brother is going to get his cunt kicked in.

The UK is the laughing stock of Europe, where everyone can see what the truth is. For years Charles De Gaulle vetoed Britain joining the Common Market because it would bring US influence with it. Similarly, Bisto FC provokes nothing but laughter, swaggering about in it's deid da's old suit, trying to pretend it's still got the same power and influence he had.

When you get older your memory starts to play tricks on you and you remember things that never actually happened, or happened to somebody else. Such is the case with 'Mr Celtic Land Deals' PZJ, who posts every day on McMurdo's blog. He recently recounted a story from his childhood when his father chastised him for letting an 'outsider' know what he thought about Rangers. I think he's a bit confused there: what he's really thinking of is Don Vito Corleone speaking to his son, Santino. Still, he's right about one thing: the culture of 'Omerta' runs deep within The Peeppil.

Maybe it's the legacy of all those Ludge meetings, or it might go even further back than that. John Knox, for example, did such a job of wiping his traces that it's virtually impossible to find much information about him prior to the Reformation in Scotland. His time in Geneva has to be discovered second-hand from other observers and the same goes for his participation in the attempt to set up a Reformed church in England during the short reign of Edward VI. As for any information about when he was a Catholic priest, there is nothing out there at all.

The same goes for Ibrox. Did Jim Torbett have anything to do with Rangers Boys' Club? Was a Unionist terrorist murdered on the marble staircase? Was John Chalmers involved in child abuse? There are hundreds of questions that could be asked from what happened on that boat trip to who owns the deeds to Ibrox. You'll never get an answer, though; the culture of silence will see to that. Our media too is compliant in this. For example, I never knew that Rangers was found guilty of criminal negligence after the Disaster of 1971. I had to rely on one of our celebrated Internet Bampots to find that one out!

Even now our media tries to cover things up. The Bisto Kids might complain that there's nothing but negative stories about their club, especially in the Daily Record. This, however, is not the full story. In all the so-called negative stories concerning Ibrox there's always a silver lining. At the moment it's all about how 'Honest' Dave King will save them. Not one member of our Fourth Estate has actually told us anything approaching the truth about what's going on at Bisto FC; not until everybody has already discovered the facts from the Internet Bampots!

Meanwhile it's business as usual for the Bisto team as they beat Forfar 3-0 in the league. The normal tactic, if you can call it that, was employed of waiting until the part-timers were tired before being able to score. The first goal didn't come till the 68th minute! We've already seen what happens when they come up against full-time opposition so they're totally Donald-Ducked come next season. Probably their only chance of any kind of victory is if they draw Motherwell in one of the cups; I'm sure 'Wrang Door' McCall would oblige as usual!

"So you want to be a referee? Well, I've got contacts in the SFA and I'll see to it. One day, and that day may never come, unless you're in charge of one of our matches, you will be asked to do a favour for me."


  1. Good to see your blog on bampots united pat and listed above Phil well done pal

  2. Thanks, Shaun. Comedy beats dry economics every time!
